Management (PhD)

Ralph Heidl, Program Coordinator
393F Anstett Hall

The Lundquist College of Business Doctoral Program in Management trains students to become researchers and educators in strategic management with a focus on technology, innovation, entrepreneurship, and sustainability.

Students have unsurpassed intellectual freedom. Our faculty is open-minded to the pursuit of novel research questions, approaches, and contexts. We do demand that our students create sound theoretical arguments, gather unique datasets, analyze them rigorously, and consider managerial implications. We expect and enable our students to make a real contribution through both publishing and teaching.

Faculty research encompasses organizational change, supply-chain relationships, technology strategy, entrepreneurship, and sustainability.

Please visit the Management PhD Program Coordinator website page for requirement information.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Acquire advanced knowledge relevant to their areas of specialization.
  • Develop advanced research skills for their areas of specialization.
  • Assume teaching responsibilities at high-quality colleges and universities.
  • Successfully graduate and place at high-quality, research-focused colleges and universities.