Core Education Courses

Area of Inquiry and Cultural Literacy courses count toward partial fulfillment of bachelor’s degree requirements under the groups and categories listed in each section.

Some transfer courses are evaluated to count towards Core Education requirements even if they are not direct equivalents to a University of Oregon course. More information is available on the Office of the Registrar's website.

Arts and Letters 

Arts & Letters (A&L) courses will create meaningful opportunities for students to engage actively in the modes of inquiry that define a discipline. Courses will be broad in scope and demonstrably liberal in nature (that is, courses that promote open inquiry from a variety of perspectives). Though some courses may focus on specialized subjects or approaches, there will be a substantial course content locating that subject in the broader context of the major issues of the discipline. Qualifying courses will not focus on teaching basic skills but will require the application or engagement of those skills through analysis and interpretation.

Courses that count towards either the Arts and Letters Area or fulfill the 2nd language requirement for the Bachelor of Arts degree can be found in the list at the bottom of this page.  Click here to see that list.

ARB 331Reading Classical Arabic4
ARB 353Arab Cinema4
ARH 150Introduction to Visual Culture4
ARH 204Ancient Mediterranean Art4
ARH 205Mediterranean Renaissance European Art4
ARH 206History of Western Art III4
ARH 208History of Chinese Art4
ARH 209History of Japanese Art4
ARH 211Survey of Latin American Arts4
ARH 314History of World Architecture I4
ARH 315History of World Architecture II4
ARH 316Gothic Architecture4
ARH 317Romanesque Architecture4
ARH 321Ancient Jewish Art4
ARH 322Ancient Greek Art and Architecture4
ARH 323Roman Art & Architecture4
ARH 325Islamic Art & Architecture4
ARH 327Medieval Art4
ARH 341Italian Renaissance Art4
ARH 343Northern Renaissance Art4
ARH 350History of Manga4
ARH 35119th Century Art4
ARH 352Art of the Enlightenment4
ARH 353Modern Art 1880 to 19504
ARH 354Contemporary Art4
ARH 358History of Design4
ARH 359History of Photography4
ARH 372Arts of Colonial Latin America4
ARH 382Arts of the Silk Road4
ARH 387Chinese Buddhist Art4
ART 101Understanding Contemporary Art4
ART 111The Artist Experience4
ASIA 111Great Books on Modern Asia4
ASIA 350What Is Asia: Theoretical Debates4
CHN 150Introduction to Chinese Narrative4
CHN 151Introduction to Chinese Film4
CHN 152Introduction to Chinese Popular Culture4
CHN 305History of Chinese Literature4
CHN 306History of Chinese Literature II, The Imperial Age4
CHN 307History of Chinese Literature4
CHN 308Literature of Modern Taiwan4
CHN 350Gender and Sexuality in Traditional Chinese Literature4
CHN 351Gender and Sexuality in Modern Chinese Literature4
CHN 380Self and Society in Traditional Chinese Literature4
CINE 110MIntroduction to Film and Media4
CINE 111How to Watch TV4
CINE 151MIntroduction to Korean Cinema4
CINE 230Remix Cultures4
CINE 265History of the Motion Picture I4
CINE 266History of the Motion Picture II4
CINE 267History of the Motion Picture III4
CINE 268United States Television History4
CINE 335Exhibition and Audiences4
CINE 340Production Studies4
CINE 345Stars4
CINE 350Queer European Cinema4
CINE 362MContemporary Korean Film4
CINE 365Digital Cinema4
CINE 381MFilm, Media, and Culture4
CLAS 110Classical Mythology4
CLAS 111Ancient Athletics in Greece and Rome4
CLAS 201Greek Life and Culture4
CLAS 202Roman Life and Culture4
CLAS 301Greek and Roman Epic4
CLAS 302Greek and Roman Tragedy4
CLAS 303Classical Greek Philosophers4
CLAS 310Early China, Ancient Greece4
CLAS 311Death and Rebirth in Greece and India4
CLAS 314Gender and Sexuality in Antiquity4
COLT 101Introduction to Comparative Literature4
COLT 102Introduction to Comparative Literature4
COLT 103Introduction to Comparative Literature4
COLT 211Comparative World Literature4
COLT 212Comparative World Cinema4
COLT 213United States Culture in Comparative Contexts4
COLT 231Literature and Society4
COLT 232Literature and Film4
COLT 301Approaches to Comparative Literature4
COLT 305Cultural Studies4
COLT 360Gender and Identity in Literature4
COLT 370Comparative Comics4
COLT 390Comparing Identities, Agencies and Differences4
DAN 241Screendance: History and Theory4
DAN 251Looking at Dance4
DAN 301African Dance Aesthetics4
EALL 109Language of Food in East Asia4
EALL 209Languages and Societies in East Asia4
EALL 211Japan A Cultural Odyssey4
ENG 104ZIntroduction to Fiction4
ENG 105ZIntroduction to Drama4
ENG 106ZIntroduction to Poetry4
ENG 107World Literature I4
ENG 108World Literature II4
ENG 110MIntroduction to Film and Media4
ENG 207Early Shakespeare4
ENG 208Late Shakespeare4
ENG 225Age of King Arthur4
ENG 230Introduction to Environmental Literature4
ENG 240Introduction to Disability Studies4
ENG 241Introduction to African American Literature4
ENG 242Introduction to Asian American Literature4
ENG 243Introduction to Chicano and Latino Literature4
ENG 244Introduction to Native American Literature4
ENG 250Literature and Digital Culture4
ENG 280Introduction to Comic Studies4
ENG 304English Major Foundations: Context4
ENG 305English Major Foundations: Theory4
ENG 313Teen and Children's Literature4
ENG 321English Novel4
ENG 322English Novel4
ENG 323English Novel Conrad to Present4
ENG 330Oral Controversy and Advocacy4
ENG 335Inventing Arguments4
ENG 340Jewish Writers4
ENG 360African American Writers4
ENG 363Chicano and Latino Writers4
ENG 365Global Literatures in English4
ENG 380Film, Media, and History4
ENG 381MFilm, Media, and Culture4
ENG 385Graphic Narratives and Cultural Theory4
ENG 386Bodies in Comics4
ENG 391American Novel4
ENG 392American Novel4
ENG 39420th-Century Literature4
ENG 39520th-Century Literature4
ENVS 203Introduction to Environmental Studies: Humanities4
ENVS 345Environmental Ethics4
FLR 225Voices of Africa4
FLR 235Folklore and the Supernatural4
FLR 236Magic in the Middle Ages4
FLR 250Introduction to Folklore4
FLR 255Folklore and United States Popular Culture4
FLR 320Car Cultures4
FLR 350Folklore and the Bible4
FLR 370Folklore and Sexuality4
GER 220MExistentialist Literature and Thought4
GER 221Postwar Germany Nation Divided4
GER 222Voices of Dissent in Germany4
GER 223Germany: A Multicultural Society4
GER 250The Culture of Money4
GER 251Sexuality4
GER 252War, Violence, Trauma4
GER 280MThe Quality of Life in Germany and Scandinavia4
GER 345MFood, Culture, and Identity in Germany and Scandinavia4
GER 351Diversity in Germany4
GER 354German Gender Studies4
GER 355German Cinema: History, Theory, Practice4
GER 356German Fairy Tales4
GER 357Nature, Culture, and the Environment4
GSL 335Global Perspectives in Food and Film4
HC 221HArts and Letters Inquiry: [Topic]4
HUM 101Introduction to the Humanities I4
HUM 102Introduction to the Humanities II4
HUM 103Introduction to the Humanities III4
HUM 240Medical Humanities4
HUM 300Themes in the Humanities4
ITAL 150Cultural Legacies of Italy4
ITAL 152Desire and Resistance: Italian Cinema4
ITAL 350Global Histories of Italian Food4
JCOM 303Media Ethics4
JDST 212Medieval and Early Modern Judaism4
JDST 213The Jewish Encounter with Modernity4
JDST 330American Jewish Cultures4
JDST 352Jewish Literature and Culture4
JDST 353Jewish Image and Media4
JDST 354Jewish Thought and History4
JPN 250Manga Millennium4
JPN 305Introduction to Japanese Literature4
JPN 306Introduction to Japanese Literature4
JPN 307Introduction to Japanese Literature4
JPN 315Introduction to Japanese Linguistics4
KRN 151MIntroduction to Korean Cinema4
KRN 309Languages and Cultural Formation in Korea4
KRN 315Introduction to Korean Linguistics4
KRN 361Korean Popular Culture and Transnationalism4
KRN 362MContemporary Korean Film4
LA 260Understanding Landscapes4
LA 375Contemporary American Landscape4
LING 150Structure of English Words4
LING 225Writing Systems4
MENA 111Media Coverage of the Middle East4
MUJ 350History of Jazz, 1900 to 19504
MUJ 351History of Jazz, 1940 to Present4
MUS 125Understanding Music4
MUS 151Popular Songwriting4
MUS 227Elements of Electronic Music4
MUS 263US Popular Music 1800 to 19304
MUS 264US Popular Music 1930 to 19654
MUS 265US Popular Music 1965 to 20004
MUS 270History of the Blues4
MUS 351The Music of Bach and Handel4
MUS 358Music in World Cultures4
MUS 359Music of the Americas4
MUS 360Hip-Hop History, Culture, Aesthetics4
MUS 363The Beatles and Their Times4
MUS 367Survey of African Music4
MUS 380Film Music4
PHIL 101Philosophical Problems4
PHIL 102Ethics4
PHIL 103Critical Reasoning4
PHIL 104History of Western Philosophy4
PHIL 110Human Nature4
PHIL 120Ethics of Enterprise and Exchange4
PHIL 130Philosophy and Popular Culture4
PHIL 135Ethics in the Life Sciences4
PHIL 170Love and Sex4
PHIL 211Existentialism4
PHIL 216Philosophy and Cultural Diversity4
PHIL 219Sports Ethics4
PHIL 220Food Ethics4
PHIL 225Introduction to Formal Logic4
PHIL 310History of Ancient Philosophy4
PHIL 311History of Philosophy: Modern4
PHIL 312History of Philosophy: 19th Century4
PHIL 315Introduction to Feminist Philosophy4
PHIL 322Philosophy of the Arts4
PHIL 332Philosophy of Film4
PHIL 335Medical Ethics4
PHIL 340Environmental Philosophy4
PHIL 341African Philosophy4
PHIL 342Introduction to Latin American Philosophy4
PHIL 345Place in the Cosmos4
PPPM 250Arts and Human Values4
REL 101World Religions: Asian Traditions4
REL 102World Religions: Near Eastern Traditions4
REL 222Introduction to the Bible I4
REL 223Introduction to the Bible II4
REL 233Introduction to Islam4
REL 317Jesus and the Gospels4
REL 335Introduction to the Qur'an4
REL 353Dark Self, East and West4
REL 355Mysticism4
REL 359Religion After Atheism4
RL 151Mediterranean Foodways4
RL 152Feminist Lens: Italian and French Cinema4
RUSS 204Introduction to Russian Literature4
RUSS 205Introduction to Russian Literature4
RUSS 206Introduction to Russian Literature4
RUSS 240Russian Culture4
RUSS 334Dostoevsky4
RUSS 351Russian Literature and Film4
RUSS 360Race in Russia and America4
SCAN 220MExistentialist Literature and Thought4
SCAN 251Text and Interpretation4
SCAN 259Vikings through the Icelandic Sagas4
SCAN 280MThe Quality of Life in Germany and Scandinavia4
SCAN 315Nordic Cinema4
SCAN 316History of Cinema4
SCAN 317Directors, Movements, and Manifestos4
SCAN 325Constructions versus Constrictions of Identity4
SCAN 341Revisions of the Scandinavian Dream4
SCAN 343Norse Mythology4
SCAN 345MFood, Culture, and Identity in Germany and Scandinavia4
SCAN 351Periods in Scandinavian Literature4
SCAN 353Scandinavian Women Writers4
SCAN 354Genres in Scandinavian Literature4
SPAN 150Hispanic and Latinx Cultures4
TA 271Introduction to Theater Arts4
TA 367History of the Theater I4
TA 368History of the Theater II4
TA 369History of the Theater III4
WGS 250Gender, Literature, and Culture4
WGS 261Gender and Popular Culture4
WGS 311Black Feminist Theories4
WGS 322Queer Theory4
WGS 350Literature as Feminist Theory4
WGS 361Gender, Film and the Media4

Arts and Letters: Languages

Students may not use courses that fulfill the second-language requirement for the bachelor of arts degree to fulfill the arts and letters area requirement as well.

ARB 301Language and Culture I4
ARB 302Language and Culture II4
ARB 303Language and Culture III4
ASL 201Second-Year American Sign Language4
ASL 202Second-Year American Sign Language4
ASL 203Second-Year American Sign Language4
CHN 201Second-Year Chinese5
CHN 202Second-Year Chinese5
CHN 203Second-Year Chinese5
CHN 204Accelerated Second-Year Chinese I5
CHN 205Accelerated Second-Year Chinese II5
CHN 206Accelerated Second-Year Chinese III5
CHN 301Third-Year Chinese I5
CHN 302Third-Year Chinese II5
CHN 303Third-Year Chinese III5
FR 201Intermediate French I4
FR 202Intermediate French II4
FR 203Intermediate French III4
FR 301La France contemporaine4
FR 302Culture et langage Le monde francophone contemporain4
FR 312French Survey of Francophone Literature4
FR 317Knights, Queens, and Rebels4
FR 318Monarchy, Liberty, Revolution4
FR 319Modernity and Creativity4
FR 330French Poetry4
FR 331French Theater4
FR 333French Narrative4
FR 362French Film4
GER 201Second-Year German I4
GER 202Second-Year German II4
GER 203Second-Year German III4
GER 311Intermediate Language Training I4
GER 312Intermediate Language Training II4
GER 313Intermediate Language Training III4
GER 360German Literature Poetry, Plays, Prose4
GER 361German Literature Literary Movements4
GER 362German Literature Interpretive Models4
GER 363Modern and Contemporary in Politics and Society4
GER 364Works, Authors, Industries in Film and Media4
GER 365Music and the Arts4
GRK 301Authors: [Topic]4
GRK 302Authors: [Topic]4
GRK 303Authors: [Topic]4
HBRW 301Second-Year Modern Hebrew I4
HBRW 302Second-Year Modern Hebrew II4
HBRW 303Second-Year Modern Hebrew III4
ICH 201Second-Year Ichishki´in5
ICH 202Second-Year Ichishki´in5
ICH 203Second-Year Ichishki´in5
ITAL 201Second-Year Italian4
ITAL 202Second-Year Italian4
ITAL 203Second-Year Italian4
ITAL 301Cultura e lingua: l'Italia contemporanea4
ITAL 303Cultura e lingua: societa, economia, politica4
ITAL 305Cultura e lingua: arte, musica, i mass media4
ITAL 306La cultura culinaria4
ITAL 317Italian Survey of Medieval and Renaissance4
ITAL 318Italian Survey: Baroque and Enlightenment4
ITAL 319Italian Survey: 19th and 20th Centuries4
JPN 201Second-Year Japanese I5
JPN 202Second-Year Japanese II5
JPN 203Second-Year Japanese III5
JPN 301Third-Year Japanese I5
JPN 302Third-Year Japanese II5
JPN 303Third-Year Japanese III5
KRN 201Second-Year Korean I5
KRN 202Second-Year Korean II5
KRN 203Second-Year Korean III5
KRN 301Third-Year Korean I5
KRN 302Third-Year Korean II5
KRN 303Third-Year Korean III5
LAT 301Authors: [Topic]4
LAT 302Vergil: [Topic]4
LAT 303Authors: [Topic]4
PORT 201Second Year Portuguese4
PORT 202Second-Year Portuguese4
PORT 203Second-Year Portuguese4
PORT 301Cultura e Lingua: Expressoes Artisticas4
PORT 305Cultura e lingua: Brasil ontem e hoje4
RUSS 201Second-Year Russian I5
RUSS 202Second-Year Russian II5
RUSS 203Second-Year Russian III5
RUSS 316Third-Year Russian I5
RUSS 317Third-Year Russian II5
RUSS 318Third-Year Russian III5
SPAN 201Intermediate Spanish I4
SPAN 202Intermediate Spanish II4
SPAN 203Intermediate Spanish III4
SPAN 218Latino Heritage I5
SPAN 228Latino Heritage II5
SPAN 301Cultura y Lengua: Identidades Hispanas4
SPAN 303Cultura y lengua: expresiones artisticas4
SPAN 305Cultura y lengua Cambio Social4
SPAN 342Hispanic Cultures through Literature II4
SPAN 343Hispanic Cultures through Literature III4
SPAN 344Hispanic Cultures through Literature IV4
SPAN 348Latinx Culture and Society4
SPAN 350Introduction to Poetry4
SPAN 351Introduction to Theater4
SPAN 353Introduction to Narrative4
SWAH 201Second-Year Swahili5
SWAH 202Second-Year Swahili5
SWAH 203Second Year Swahili5
SWED 201Second-Year Swedish4
SWED 202Second-Year Swedish4
SWED 203Second-Year Swedish4

Social Science 

Social Science (SSC) courses will be liberal in nature rather than being professionally oriented or limited to the performance of professional skills. They will cover a representative cross-section of key issues, perspectives, and modes of analysis employed by scholars working on the subject matter addressed by the course. The subject matter of the course will be relatively broad, e.g., involving more than one issue, place, or time.

AFR 215Introduction to African Studies4
ANTH 114Anthropology of Pirates and Piracy4
ANTH 119Anthropology and Aliens4
ANTH 150World Archaeology4
ANTH 161Introduction to Cultural Anthropology4
ANTH 165Sexuality and Culture4
ANTH 209Business Anthropology4
ANTH 311Anthropology of Globalization4
ANTH 315Gender, Folklore, Inequality4
ANTH 320Native North Americans4
ANTH 329Immigration and Farmworkers4
ANTH 330Hunters and Gatherers4
ANTH 331Cultures of India and South Asia4
ANTH 342Archaeology of Egypt and Near East4
ANTH 343Pacific Islands Archaeology4
ANTH 344Oregon Archaeology4
ANTH 345Archaeology of East Asia4
ANTH 346Archaeology of Southeast Asia4
ANTH 373Psychoactive Substances in Ancient Societies4
BA 101ZIntroduction to Business4
CLAS 188Introduction to Classical Archaeology4
EC 101Contemporary Economic Issues4
EC 201Introduction to Economic Analysis: Microeconomics4
EC 202Introduction to Economic Analysis: Macroeconomics4
EC 327Introduction to Game Theory4
EC 328Behavioral Economics and Its Applications4
EC 330Urban and Regional Economic Problems4
EC 333Resource and Environmental Economic Issues4
EC 340Issues in Public Economics4
EC 350Labor Market Issues4
EC 360Issues in Industrial Organization4
EC 370Money and Banking4
EC 380International Economic Issues4
EC 390Problems and Issues in the Developing Economies4
EDST 111Education and Social Change4
ENVS 201Introduction to Environmental Studies: Social Sciences4
ENVS 225Introduction to Food Studies4
ENVS 335Allocating Scarce Environmental Resources4
ES 101Introduction to Ethnic Studies4
ES 250Introduction to Black Studies4
ES 252Introduction to Asian American Studies4
ES 254Introduction to Chicanx and Latinx Studies4
ES 256Introduction to Native American Studies4
ES 258Introduction to Pacific Islander Studies4
ES 321Indigenous Peoples of Oregon4
ES 352Social Equity and Criminal Justice4
ES 354Environmental Racism4
ES 380Race, Migration, and Rights4
FHS 213Issues for Children and Families4
GEOG 142The Human Planet4
GEOG 181Our Digital Earth4
GEOG 201World Regional Geography4
GEOG 202Geography of Europe4
GEOG 208Geography of the United States and Canada4
GEOG 209Geography of the Middle East and North Africa4
GEOG 250Geographies of Outdoor Adventure4
GEOG 341Population and Environment4
GEOG 342Geography of Globalization4
GEOG 343Society, Culture, and Place4
GEOG 391Social Science Inquiry and Research4
GLBL 101Introduction to Global Issues4
GLBL 102Foundations for Intercultural Competence4
GLBL 230Global Wellbeing4
GLBL 240Perspectives on International Development4
GLBL 250Value Systems in Cross-Cultural Perspective4
GLBL 270Globalization and the Global Economy4
GLBL 340Global Health and Development4
GLBL 345African Contemporary Issues and Concerns4
GLBL 350Education and Development4
GLBL 360International Cooperation and Conflict4
GLBL 370International Human Rights4
GSL 290Introduction to Epidemiology4
HC 231HSocial Science Inquiry: [Topic]4
HIST 102Making Modern Europe4
HIST 103Europe and the World4
HIST 104World History Antiquity to 15004
HIST 105World History4
HIST 106World History4
HIST 186Cultures of India4
HIST 190Foundations of East Asian Civilizations4
HIST 191China, Past and Present4
HIST 192Japan, Past and Present4
HIST 201Inventing America4
HIST 202Building the United States4
HIST 203American Century4
HIST 215Food in World History4
HIST 240War in the Modern World I4
HIST 241War in the Modern World II4
HIST 248Latinos in the Americas4
HIST 250African American History4
HIST 251African American History4
HIST 255History of the Pacific Islands4
HIST 273Introduction to Global Environmental History4
HIST 301Modern Europe4
HIST 302Modern Europe4
HIST 303Modern Europe4
HIST 308History of Women in the United States I4
HIST 309History of Women in the United States II4
HIST 317Migrants and Refugees in Modern World History4
HIST 325Precolonial Africa4
HIST 326Colonial and Postcolonial Africa4
HIST 340US Military History4
HIST 346Imperial Russia4
HIST 347Soviet Union and Contemporary Russia4
HIST 352The United States in the 1960s4
HIST 362History of US Cities4
HIST 368American West in Popular Culture4
HIST 378American Environmental History to 18904
HIST 379American Environmental History 1890 to Present4
HIST 380Latin America4
HIST 381Latin America4
HIST 382Latin America, 1910 to the Present4
HIST 383Soccer and Society in Latin America4
HIST 386India4
HIST 387Early China4
HIST 388Vietnam War and the United States4
HIST 396Samurai in Film4
JCOM 201Making Sense of Media4
JCOM 302Communication Law4
JCOM 305Media History4
LAW 101Introduction to United States law4
LAW 102Introduction to Criminal Law4
LAW 104Introduction to Business Law4
LAW 201Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy4
LAW 202Introduction to Public International Law4
LAW 203Controversies in Constitutional Law4
LAW 204Immigration and Citizenship4
LAW 301Youth and Social Change4
LING 101Introduction to Language4
LING 144Learning How To Learn Languages4
LING 201Language and Power in the United States4
LING 211Languages of the World4
LING 294Child Language4
LING 296Language and Society in the United States4
LING 297Introduction to Bilingualism in the United States4
LING 301Introduction to Linguistics Analysis4
LING 302Introduction to Linguistic Behavior4
LING 312Morphosyntax4
PHIL 123Internet, Society, and Philosophy4
PHIL 223Data Ethics4
PHIL 307Social and Political Philosophy I4
PHIL 309Global Justice4
PHIL 339Introduction to Philosophy of Science4
PHIL 343Critical Theory4
PHIL 344Introduction to Philosophy of Law4
PPPM 101Advocacy and Social Change4
PPPM 201Introduction to Public Policy4
PPPM 202Healthy Communities4
PPPM 205Introduction to City Planning4
PPPM 280Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector4
PPPM 321Inclusive Urbanism4
PPPM 340Climate Change Policy4
PPPM 360International Public Policy4
PS 102Thinking Like a Social Scientist4
PS 106Power, Politics, and Inequality4
PS 111Introduction to Political Science4
PS 201United States Politics4
PS 205Introduction to International Relations4
PS 206Ethics, Identity, and Power4
PS 210Politics of Business4
PS 275Legal Process An Introduction to the American Judiciary4
PS 302States' Rights and Wrongs4
PS 304Democracy, Dictators, and Development4
PS 309Political Ideologies4
PS 310Roots of Democracy4
PS 311Sovereignty and Revolution4
PS 312Shadows of Modernity4
PS 316Black Lives Matter and American Democracy4
PS 319The Politics of the Body4
PS 324European Politics4
PS 326United States Foreign Policy I4
PS 330Governments and Politics in Latin America4
PS 337The Politics of Development4
PS 345Southeast Asian Politics4
PS 349Mass Media and American Politics4
PS 352Political Parties and Elections4
PS 367Politics, Science, and Climate Change4
PS 371United States Congress4
PS 375Race, Politics, and the Law4
PS 380Gender and Politics in Developing Countries4
PS 384Nuclear Politics of the Middle East4
PS 386United States Social Movements and Political Change4
PS 387Russian Politics4
PS 390American Indian Politics4
PS 391Non-Western Political Theory4
PSY 202ZIntroduction to Psychology II4
PSY 366Culture and Mental Health4
PSY 380Psychology of Gender4
REL 211Early Judaism4
REL 302Chinese Religions4
REL 303Japanese Religions4
REL 304Religions of India4
REL 321History of Christianity I4
REL 322History of Christianity II4
REL 323History of Christianity III4
REL 324History of Eastern Christianity I4
REL 325History of Eastern Christianity II4
SBUS 250Sports Business and Society4
SBUS 250NSports Business and Society4
SOC 204Introduction to Sociology4
SOC 207Social Inequality4
SOC 280Introduction to Criminology4
SOC 301American Society4
SOC 304Community, Environment, and Society4
SOC 313Social Issues and Movements4
SOC 317Sociology of the Mass Media4
SOC 328Self and Society4
SOC 345Race and Ethnicity4
SOC 346Work and Occupations4
SOC 355Sociology of Gender4
SOC 380Deviance, Social Control, and Crime4
SPAN 308Culture and Language Bilingual Communities4
UGST 211Reacting to the Past4
WGS 101Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies4
WGS 221Bodies and Power4
WGS 251Transnational and Indigenous Feminisms4
WGS 303Women and Gender in American History4
WGS 315History and Development of Feminist Theory4
WGS 321Feminist Perspectives on Identity, Race, Culture4
WGS 341Women, Work, and Class4
WGS 351Decolonial Feminisms4


Science (SC) area-satisfying courses will introduce students to the foundations of one or more scientific disciplines, or should provide an introduction to fundamental methods (such as mathematics) that are widely used in scientific disciplines. Courses will introduce students to the process of scientific reasoning.

Courses that count towards either the Science Area or the Bachelor of Science can be found listed at the bottom of this page.  Click here to see that list.

ANTH 110Introduction to Traditional Ecological Knowledge4
ANTH 145Principles of Archaeology4
ANTH 163Origins of Storytelling4
ANTH 170Introduction to Human Origins4
ANTH 171Introduction to Monkeys and Apes4
ANTH 173Evolution of Human Sexuality4
ANTH 175Evolutionary Medicine4
ANTH 176Introduction to Forensic Anthropology4
ANTH 220Introduction to Nutritional Anthropology4
ANTH 255Atlantis, Aliens, and Archaeology4
ANTH 260Domestic Animals4
ANTH 270Introduction to Biological Anthropology4
ANTH 274Animals and People4
ANTH 278Science, Race, and Society4
ANTH 332Human Attraction and Mating Strategies4
ANTH 340Fundamentals of Archaeology4
ANTH 341Food Origins4
ANTH 349Origins of Art4
ANTH 361Human Evolution4
ANTH 362Human Biological Variation4
ANTH 369Human Growth and Development4
ANTH 376Decoding Your Genome4
ASTR 121The Solar System4
ASTR 122Birth and Death of Stars4
ASTR 123Galaxies and the Expanding Universe4
BI 121Introduction to Human Physiology4
BI 123Biology of Cancer4
BI 125Biology of Immortality4
BI 130Introduction to Ecology4
BI 132Introduction to Animal Behavior4
BI 140Science, Policy, and Biology4
BI 150Ocean Planet4
BI 170Happiness: a Neuroscience and Psychology Perspective4
BI 211General Biology I: Cells5
BI 212General Biology II: Organisms5
BI 213General Biology III: Ecology and Evolution5
BI 214General Biology IV: Biochemistry and Genetics5
BI 281HAccelerated Biology I: Cells, Biochemistry and Physiology6
BI 282HAccelerated Biology II: Genetics and Molecular Biology6
BI 283HAccelerated Biology III: Evolution, Diversity and Ecology6
BI 307Forest Biology4
BI 357Marine Biology4
CH 111Introduction to Chemical Principles4
CH 113The Chemistry of Sustainability4
CH 221General Chemistry I4
CH 222General Chemistry II4
CH 223General Chemistry III4
CH 224HAdvanced General Chemistry I4
CH 225HAdvanced General Chemistry II4
CH 226HAdvanced General Chemistry III4
CS 102Fundamentals of Computer and Information Security4
CS 110Fluency with Information Technology4
DAN 260Anatomy of Human Movement4
DSCI 101Foundations of Data Science I4
ENVS 202Introduction to Environmental Studies: Natural Sciences4
ERTH 101Exploring Planet Earth4
ERTH 102Exploring Earth’s Environment4
ERTH 103Exploring Earth History4
ERTH 137Mountains and Glaciers4
ERTH 156MScientific Revolutions4
ERTH 201Dynamic Planet Earth4
ERTH 202Earth's Surface and Environment4
ERTH 203History of Life4
ERTH 213Geology of National Parks4
ERTH 304The Fossil Record4
ERTH 305Dinosaurs4
ERTH 306Volcanoes and Earthquakes4
ERTH 307Oceanography4
ERTH 308Geology of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest4
ERTH 310Earth Resources and the Environment4
ERTH 337Introduction to Physical Oceanography4
ERTH 353Geologic Hazards4
GEOG 141The Natural Environment4
GEOG 321Climatology4
GEOG 322Geomorphology4
GEOG 323Biogeography4
GEOG 360Watershed Science and Policy4
GEOG 361Global Environmental Change4
HC 241HScientific Inquiry: [Topic]4
HPHY 105Principles of Nutrition4
HPHY 212Scientific Investigation in Physiology4
PHYS 101Essentials of Physics4
PHYS 152Physics of Sound and Music4
PHYS 153Physics of Light, Color, and Vision4
PHYS 155Physics Behind the Internet4
PHYS 156MScientific Revolutions4
PHYS 161Physics of Energy and Environment4
PHYS 162Solar and Other Renewable Energies4
PHYS 171The Physics of Life4
PHYS 181Quantum Mechanics for Everyone4
PHYS 201General Physics4
PHYS 202General Physics4
PHYS 203General Physics4
PHYS 251Foundations of Physics I4
PHYS 252Foundations of Physics I4
PHYS 253Foundations of Physics I4
PSY 201ZIntroduction to Psychology I4
PSY 301Scientific Thinking in Psychology4
PSY 348Music and the Brain4

Bachelor of Science Mathematics and Science Area Requirements

Courses that are used to demonstrate proficiency in mathematics or in computer science or in a combination of the two for the bachelor of science degree may not also be used to fulfill the science area requirement.

CS 111Introduction to Web Programming4
CS 122Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving4
CS 210Computer Science I4
CS 211Computer Science II4
CS 212Computer Science III4
MATH 105ZMath in Society4
MATH 106University Mathematics II4
MATH 107University Mathematics III4
MATH 211Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics I4
MATH 212Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics II4
MATH 213Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics III4
MATH 231Elements of Discrete Mathematics I4
MATH 232Elements of Discrete Mathematics II4
MATH 241Calculus for Business and Social Science I4
MATH 242Calculus for Business and Social Science II4
MATH 246Calculus for the Biological Sciences I4
MATH 247Calculus for the Biological Sciences II4
MATH 251Calculus I4
MATH 252Calculus II4
MATH 253Calculus III4
MATH 261Calculus with Theory I4
MATH 307Introduction to Proof4
MATH 343Statistical Models and Methods4
STAT 243ZElementary Statistics I4

United States: Difference, Inequality, and Agency

These courses fulfill the United States: Difference, Inequality, and Agency category of the Cultural Literacy Core Education requirement, a requirement informed by UO student activism.  It is meant to develop students' analytical and reflective capacities to help them understand and ethically engage with the ongoing (cultural, economic, political, social, etc.) power imbalances that have shaped and continue to shape the United States.  In addition to considering the scholarship, cultural production, perspectives, and voices from members of historically marginalized communities, students in DIA courses: 

  1. Inquire into intersecting aspects of identity such as race, gender, gender identity, sexuality, socioeconomic status, indigeneity, national origin, religion, or ability; 
  2. Analyze uses of power to marginalize on the basis of identity, as well as the assertions of agency, resistance, and resilience by marginalized groups; and
  3. Examine historical and contemporary structures, forms of knowledge, cultural practices, or ideologies that perpetuate or change the distribution of power in society.

and undertake one or more of the following:

  • Reflect on one's own multiple social identifications and on how they are formed and located in relation to power.
  • Practice respectful listening and ethical dialogue around deeply felt or controversial issues.
ANTH 278Science, Race, and Society4
ANTH 320Native North Americans4
ANTH 329Immigration and Farmworkers4
ANTH 344Oregon Archaeology4
ANTH 425Migrant, Citizen, Refugee4
ANTH 442Northwest Coast Archaeology4
ARH 354Contemporary Art4
ASL 301American Deaf Culture4
BEHT 350Foundations of Culturally Responsive Practice4
CDS 201Communication Disorders in Society and Media4
CINE 381MFilm, Media, and Culture4
COLT 213United States Culture in Comparative Contexts4
COLT 390Comparing Identities, Agencies and Differences4
EC 330Urban and Regional Economic Problems4
EC 430Urban and Regional Economics4
EDST 225School and Representation in Media4
ENG 240Introduction to Disability Studies4
ENG 241Introduction to African American Literature4
ENG 242Introduction to Asian American Literature4
ENG 243Introduction to Chicano and Latino Literature4
ENG 244Introduction to Native American Literature4
ENG 316Women Writers' Forms: [Topic]4
ENG 360African American Writers4
ENG 361Native American Writers4
ENG 363Chicano and Latino Writers4
ENG 381MFilm, Media, and Culture4
ENG 386Bodies in Comics4
ENG 496Feminist Film Criticism: [Topic]4
ES 101Introduction to Ethnic Studies4
ES 250Introduction to Black Studies4
ES 252Introduction to Asian American Studies4
ES 254Introduction to Chicanx and Latinx Studies4
ES 256Introduction to Native American Studies4
ES 258Introduction to Pacific Islander Studies4
ES 310Race and Popular Culture: [Topic]4
ES 321Indigenous Peoples of Oregon4
ES 330Women of Color Issues and Concerns4
ES 350Native Americans and the Environment4
ES 352Social Equity and Criminal Justice4
ES 354Environmental Racism4
ES 360Black Sexual Politics4
ES 370Race, Ethnicity, and Cinema: [Topic]4
ES 380Race, Migration, and Rights4
ES 440Race, Literature, and Culture: [Topic]4
ES 456History of Native American Education4
ES 464Relational Studies of Indigeneity, Race and Culture: [Topic]4
ES 465Feminist Theories of Race: [Topic]4
ES 468Indigenous Research Methods and Ethics4
ES 470Native American and Indigenous Feminisms4
FHS 216Diversity in Human Services4
FLR 250Introduction to Folklore4
FLR 255Folklore and United States Popular Culture4
FLR 370Folklore and Sexuality4
GEOG 208Geography of the United States and Canada4
HC 444HHC US: Difference, Inequality, Agency Colloquium: [Topic]4
HIST 201Inventing America4
HIST 202Building the United States4
HIST 203American Century4
HIST 248Latinos in the Americas4
HIST 250African American History4
HIST 251African American History4
HIST 308History of Women in the United States I4
HIST 309History of Women in the United States II4
HIST 351American Radicalism4
HIST 362History of US Cities4
HIST 368American West in Popular Culture4
HIST 378American Environmental History to 18904
HIST 379American Environmental History 1890 to Present4
HIST 388Vietnam War and the United States4
HIST 455Colonial American History4
HIST 469American Indian History: [Topic]4
JCOM 301Gender, Media and Diversity4
JDST 213The Jewish Encounter with Modernity4
JDST 330American Jewish Cultures4
JDST 353Jewish Image and Media4
LAW 204Immigration and Citizenship4
LAW 301Youth and Social Change4
LING 201Language and Power in the United States4
LING 296Language and Society in the United States4
LING 297Introduction to Bilingualism in the United States4
MUJ 350History of Jazz, 1900 to 19504
MUJ 351History of Jazz, 1940 to Present4
MUS 141Popular Piano and Musicianship I4
MUS 151Popular Songwriting4
MUS 263US Popular Music 1800 to 19304
MUS 264US Popular Music 1930 to 19654
MUS 265US Popular Music 1965 to 20004
MUS 270History of the Blues4
MUS 281Music of the Woodstock Generation4
MUS 359Music of the Americas4
MUS 360Hip-Hop History, Culture, Aesthetics4
PHIL 102Ethics4
PHIL 216Philosophy and Cultural Diversity4
PHIL 315Introduction to Feminist Philosophy4
PHIL 452Philosophy and Race4
PPPM 101Advocacy and Social Change4
PPPM 201Introduction to Public Policy4
PPPM 202Healthy Communities4
PPPM 250Arts and Human Values4
PPPM 321Inclusive Urbanism4
PS 106Power, Politics, and Inequality4
PS 206Ethics, Identity, and Power4
PS 316Black Lives Matter and American Democracy4
PS 319The Politics of the Body4
PS 348Women and Politics4
PS 368Gender in the Law4
PS 372Music and Politics4
PS 375Race, Politics, and the Law4
PS 386United States Social Movements and Political Change4
PS 390American Indian Politics4
PS 449Racial Politics in the United States4
PSY 306Social Psychology4
PSY 366Culture and Mental Health4
PSY 380Psychology of Gender4
SOC 204Introduction to Sociology4
SOC 207Social Inequality4
SOC 280Introduction to Criminology4
SOC 301American Society4
SOC 345Race and Ethnicity4
SOC 355Sociology of Gender4
SOC 445Sociology of Race and Ethnicity: [Topic]4
SOC 455Issues in Sociology of Gender: [Topic]4
SOC 456Feminist Theory4
SPAN 218Latino Heritage I5
SPAN 348Latinx Culture and Society4
SPED 415Diversity and Special Education3
SPED 418Disrupting the School to Prison Pipeline3
TA 472Multicultural Theatre: [Topic]4
WGS 101Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies4
WGS 201Introduction to Queer Studies4
WGS 221Bodies and Power4
WGS 250Gender, Literature, and Culture4
WGS 261Gender and Popular Culture4
WGS 303Women and Gender in American History4
WGS 311Black Feminist Theories4
WGS 315History and Development of Feminist Theory4
WGS 321Feminist Perspectives on Identity, Race, Culture4
WGS 331Science, Technology, and Gender4
WGS 350Literature as Feminist Theory4
WGS 411Feminist Praxis4
WGS 422Sexuality Studies: [Topic]4

Global Perspectives

These courses fulfill the Global Perspectives category of the Cultural Literacy Core Education requirement.  A Global Perspectives course aims to foster student encounter with and critical reflection upon cultures, identities, and ways of being in global contexts beyond the United States.  Students will consider substantial scholarship, cultural production, perspectives, and voices from members of communities under study, as sources permit.  In Global Perspectives courses, students will do one or more of the following: 

  1. Engage texts, literature, art testimonies, practices, or other cultural products that reflect systems of meaning or beliefs beyond the U.S. context; 
  2. Analyze power relations involving different nations, peoples, and identity groups or world regions; 
  3. Examine hierarchy, marginality, or discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, religion, sexuality, nationality, or ability (or some combination of these).

and undertake one or more of the following: 

  • Discuss possibly unfamiliar topics using critical vocabulary and concepts.
  • Practice respectful listening and civil dialogue around controversial issues. 
AFR 215Introduction to African Studies4
ANTH 110Introduction to Traditional Ecological Knowledge4
ANTH 114Anthropology of Pirates and Piracy4
ANTH 150World Archaeology4
ANTH 161Introduction to Cultural Anthropology4
ANTH 163Origins of Storytelling4
ANTH 165Sexuality and Culture4
ANTH 173Evolution of Human Sexuality4
ANTH 209Business Anthropology4
ANTH 220Introduction to Nutritional Anthropology4
ANTH 274Animals and People4
ANTH 311Anthropology of Globalization4
ANTH 315Gender, Folklore, Inequality4
ANTH 330Hunters and Gatherers4
ANTH 331Cultures of India and South Asia4
ANTH 342Archaeology of Egypt and Near East4
ANTH 346Archaeology of Southeast Asia4
ANTH 349Origins of Art4
ANTH 362Human Biological Variation4
ANTH 420Culture, Illness, and Healing4
ANTH 434Indigenous Peoples of South America4
ANTH 448Gender and Archaeology4
ARB 301Language and Culture I4
ARB 302Language and Culture II4
ARB 303Language and Culture III4
ARB 353Arab Cinema4
ARH 204Ancient Mediterranean Art4
ARH 208History of Chinese Art4
ARH 209History of Japanese Art4
ARH 211Survey of Latin American Arts4
ARH 314History of World Architecture I4
ARH 315History of World Architecture II4
ARH 321Ancient Jewish Art4
ARH 322Ancient Greek Art and Architecture4
ARH 323Roman Art & Architecture4
ARH 325Islamic Art & Architecture4
ARH 350History of Manga4
ARH 353Modern Art 1880 to 19504
ARH 368Arts and Visual Cultures of Climate Change4
ARH 372Arts of Colonial Latin America4
ARH 37320th Century Latin American Art4
ARH 382Arts of the Silk Road4
ARH 387Chinese Buddhist Art4
ARH 421Ancient Mediterranean Art: [Topic]4
ARH 481Chinese Art: [Topic]4
ARH 485Japanese Art: [Topic]4
ARH 488Japanese Prints4
ASIA 111Great Books on Modern Asia4
ASIA 350What Is Asia: Theoretical Debates4
ASIA 425Asian Foodways4
ASIA 480Chinese Economy: Transition, Development, Globalization4
BA 252Global Perspectives in Business4
CHN 150Introduction to Chinese Narrative4
CHN 151Introduction to Chinese Film4
CHN 152Introduction to Chinese Popular Culture4
CHN 201Second-Year Chinese5
CHN 202Second-Year Chinese5
CHN 203Second-Year Chinese5
CHN 204Accelerated Second-Year Chinese I5
CHN 205Accelerated Second-Year Chinese II5
CHN 206Accelerated Second-Year Chinese III5
CHN 305History of Chinese Literature4
CHN 306History of Chinese Literature II, The Imperial Age4
CHN 307History of Chinese Literature4
CHN 308Literature of Modern Taiwan4
CHN 350Gender and Sexuality in Traditional Chinese Literature4
CHN 351Gender and Sexuality in Modern Chinese Literature4
CHN 380Self and Society in Traditional Chinese Literature4
CHN 434Media Chinese4
CHN 452Chinese Film and Theory4
CINE 151MIntroduction to Korean Cinema4
CINE 350Queer European Cinema4
CINE 362MContemporary Korean Film4
CLAS 110Classical Mythology4
CLAS 111Ancient Athletics in Greece and Rome4
CLAS 188Introduction to Classical Archaeology4
CLAS 201Greek Life and Culture4
CLAS 310Early China, Ancient Greece4
CLAS 311Death and Rebirth in Greece and India4
CLAS 314Gender and Sexuality in Antiquity4
COLT 101Introduction to Comparative Literature4
COLT 102Introduction to Comparative Literature4
COLT 103Introduction to Comparative Literature4
COLT 211Comparative World Literature4
COLT 212Comparative World Cinema4
COLT 231Literature and Society4
COLT 232Literature and Film4
COLT 301Approaches to Comparative Literature4
COLT 305Cultural Studies4
COLT 360Gender and Identity in Literature4
COLT 370Comparative Comics4
DAN 301African Dance Aesthetics4
EALL 109Language of Food in East Asia4
EALL 209Languages and Societies in East Asia4
EALL 211Japan A Cultural Odyssey4
EC 390Problems and Issues in the Developing Economies4
EC 490Economic Growth and Development4
ENG 107World Literature I4
ENG 108World Literature II4
ENG 340Jewish Writers4
ENG 365Global Literatures in English4
ENVS 225Introduction to Food Studies4
FLR 225Voices of Africa4
FLR 411Folklore and Religion4
FR 201Intermediate French I4
FR 301La France contemporaine4
FR 302Culture et langage Le monde francophone contemporain4
FR 312French Survey of Francophone Literature4
FR 317Knights, Queens, and Rebels4
FR 319Modernity and Creativity4
FR 330French Poetry4
FR 333French Narrative4
FR 362French Film4
GEOG 142The Human Planet4
GEOG 201World Regional Geography4
GEOG 202Geography of Europe4
GEOG 209Geography of the Middle East and North Africa4
GEOG 341Population and Environment4
GEOG 342Geography of Globalization4
GEOG 343Society, Culture, and Place4
GEOG 441Political Geography4
GEOG 444Cultural Geography4
GEOG 445Culture, Ethnicity, and Nationalism4
GEOG 465Environment and Development4
GER 202Second-Year German II4
GER 203Second-Year German III4
GER 220MExistentialist Literature and Thought4
GER 221Postwar Germany Nation Divided4
GER 222Voices of Dissent in Germany4
GER 223Germany: A Multicultural Society4
GER 250The Culture of Money4
GER 251Sexuality4
GER 252War, Violence, Trauma4
GER 280MThe Quality of Life in Germany and Scandinavia4
GER 345MFood, Culture, and Identity in Germany and Scandinavia4
GER 351Diversity in Germany4
GER 354German Gender Studies4
GER 355German Cinema: History, Theory, Practice4
GER 356German Fairy Tales4
GER 357Nature, Culture, and the Environment4
GER 360German Literature Poetry, Plays, Prose4
GER 361German Literature Literary Movements4
GER 362German Literature Interpretive Models4
GER 363Modern and Contemporary in Politics and Society4
GER 364Works, Authors, Industries in Film and Media4
GER 365Music and the Arts4
GLBL 101Introduction to Global Issues4
GLBL 102Foundations for Intercultural Competence4
GLBL 230Global Wellbeing4
GLBL 240Perspectives on International Development4
GLBL 250Value Systems in Cross-Cultural Perspective4
GLBL 270Globalization and the Global Economy4
GLBL 340Global Health and Development4
GLBL 345African Contemporary Issues and Concerns4
GLBL 350Education and Development4
GLBL 360International Cooperation and Conflict4
GLBL 370International Human Rights4
GLBL 415The Global Story of Race4
GLBL 421Gender and International Development4
GLBL 431Cross-Cultural Communication4
GLBL 433Childhood in Cross-Cultural and Global Perspective4
GLBL 434Language Policy and Multilingualism4
GLBL 442South Asia: Development and Social Change4
GLBL 443Europe Development and Social Change4
GLBL 444Southeast Asia Today4
GLBL 445Development and Social Change in Sub-Saharan Africa4
GSL 290Introduction to Epidemiology4
GSL 335Global Perspectives in Food and Film4
GSL 440Methods in Food Systems Studies4
HBRW 301Second-Year Modern Hebrew I4
HBRW 302Second-Year Modern Hebrew II4
HBRW 303Second-Year Modern Hebrew III4
HC 434HHonors College Global Perspectives Colloquium: [Topic]4
HIST 102Making Modern Europe4
HIST 104World History Antiquity to 15004
HIST 105World History4
HIST 106World History4
HIST 186Cultures of India4
HIST 190Foundations of East Asian Civilizations4
HIST 191China, Past and Present4
HIST 192Japan, Past and Present4
HIST 215Food in World History4
HIST 255History of the Pacific Islands4
HIST 273Introduction to Global Environmental History4
HIST 317Migrants and Refugees in Modern World History4
HIST 325Precolonial Africa4
HIST 326Colonial and Postcolonial Africa4
HIST 346Imperial Russia4
HIST 347Soviet Union and Contemporary Russia4
HIST 380Latin America4
HIST 381Latin America4
HIST 382Latin America, 1910 to the Present4
HIST 383Soccer and Society in Latin America4
HIST 386India4
HIST 387Early China4
HIST 396Samurai in Film4
HIST 414Ancient Rome: [Topic]4
HIST 415Advanced World History: [Topic]4
HIST 416Advanced Women's History: [Topic]4
HIST 444The Holocaust4
HIST 446Modern Russia: [Topic]4
HIST 483Latin America: [Topic]4
HIST 487China: [Topic]4
HIST 490Japan: [Topic]4
HIST 491Medicine and Society in Premodern Japan4
HIST 497Culture, Modernity, and Revolution in China: [Topic]4
HIST 498Early Japanese Culture and Society: [Topic]4
ITAL 150Cultural Legacies of Italy4
ITAL 152Desire and Resistance: Italian Cinema4
ITAL 301Cultura e lingua: l'Italia contemporanea4
ITAL 303Cultura e lingua: societa, economia, politica4
ITAL 305Cultura e lingua: arte, musica, i mass media4
ITAL 306La cultura culinaria4
ITAL 317Italian Survey of Medieval and Renaissance4
ITAL 350Global Histories of Italian Food4
JCOM 306Global Communications4
JDST 212Medieval and Early Modern Judaism4
JPN 250Manga Millennium4
JPN 260Workplace Communication in Japan I4
JPN 261Workplace Communication in Japan II4
JPN 305Introduction to Japanese Literature4
JPN 306Introduction to Japanese Literature4
JPN 307Introduction to Japanese Literature4
JPN 315Introduction to Japanese Linguistics4
JPN 425Modern Japanese Literature: [Topic]4
KRN 151MIntroduction to Korean Cinema4
KRN 309Languages and Cultural Formation in Korea4
KRN 315Introduction to Korean Linguistics4
KRN 361Korean Popular Culture and Transnationalism4
KRN 362MContemporary Korean Film4
LAS 200Introduction to Latin American Studies4
LAS 211Latin American Humanities: [Topic]4
LING 211Languages of the World4
LING 491Sociolinguistics4
MENA 111Media Coverage of the Middle East4
MUS 250Popular Musics in Global Context4
MUS 358Music in World Cultures4
MUS 367Survey of African Music4
MUS 436World Music Ensemble: [Topic]2
MUS 451Introduction to Ethnomusicology4
MUS 452Musical Instruments of the World4
MUS 462Popular Musics in the African Diaspora4
PHIL 110Human Nature4
PHIL 170Love and Sex4
PHIL 309Global Justice4
PHIL 340Environmental Philosophy4
PHIL 341African Philosophy4
PHIL 342Introduction to Latin American Philosophy4
PHIL 343Critical Theory4
PORT 301Cultura e Lingua: Expressoes Artisticas4
PORT 305Cultura e lingua: Brasil ontem e hoje4
PPPM 360International Public Policy4
PPPM 370Global Sustainable Development and Policy4
PS 304Democracy, Dictators, and Development4
PS 324European Politics4
PS 330Governments and Politics in Latin America4
PS 337The Politics of Development4
PS 342Politics of China4
PS 345Southeast Asian Politics4
PS 380Gender and Politics in Developing Countries4
PS 387Russian Politics4
PS 391Non-Western Political Theory4
PS 478Globalization and Development4
REL 101World Religions: Asian Traditions4
REL 102World Religions: Near Eastern Traditions4
REL 211Early Judaism4
REL 233Introduction to Islam4
REL 302Chinese Religions4
REL 303Japanese Religions4
REL 304Religions of India4
REL 321History of Christianity I4
REL 323History of Christianity III4
REL 324History of Eastern Christianity I4
REL 325History of Eastern Christianity II4
REL 335Introduction to the Qur'an4
REL 353Dark Self, East and West4
REL 355Mysticism4
REL 357War, Terrorism, and Religion4
REL 359Religion After Atheism4
REL 440Readings in Buddhist Scriptures4
REL 444Medieval Japanese Buddhism4
RL 151Mediterranean Foodways4
RL 152Feminist Lens: Italian and French Cinema4
RUSS 201Second-Year Russian I5
RUSS 202Second-Year Russian II5
RUSS 203Second-Year Russian III5
RUSS 204Introduction to Russian Literature4
RUSS 205Introduction to Russian Literature4
RUSS 206Introduction to Russian Literature4
RUSS 240Russian Culture4
RUSS 317Third-Year Russian II5
RUSS 334Dostoevsky4
RUSS 351Russian Literature and Film4
RUSS 360Race in Russia and America4
SBUS 250Sports Business and Society4
SBUS 250NSports Business and Society4
SCAN 220MExistentialist Literature and Thought4
SCAN 251Text and Interpretation4
SCAN 259Vikings through the Icelandic Sagas4
SCAN 280MThe Quality of Life in Germany and Scandinavia4
SCAN 315Nordic Cinema4
SCAN 316History of Cinema4
SCAN 317Directors, Movements, and Manifestos4
SCAN 325Constructions versus Constrictions of Identity4
SCAN 341Revisions of the Scandinavian Dream4
SCAN 343Norse Mythology4
SCAN 344Medieval Hero and Monster4
SCAN 345MFood, Culture, and Identity in Germany and Scandinavia4
SCAN 353Scandinavian Women Writers4
SCAN 354Genres in Scandinavian Literature4
SPAN 150Hispanic and Latinx Cultures4
SPAN 201Intermediate Spanish I4
SPAN 202Intermediate Spanish II4
SPAN 203Intermediate Spanish III4
SPAN 228Latino Heritage II5
SPAN 301Cultura y Lengua: Identidades Hispanas4
SPAN 305Cultura y lengua Cambio Social4
SPAN 308Culture and Language Bilingual Communities4
SPAN 342Hispanic Cultures through Literature II4
SPAN 343Hispanic Cultures through Literature III4
SPAN 344Hispanic Cultures through Literature IV4
SPAN 350Introduction to Poetry4
SPAN 353Introduction to Narrative4
SPAN 355Creative Writing in Spanish4
SPAN 48019th-Century Spanish American Literature: [Topic]4
SPAN 49020th-Century Latin American Literature: [Topic]4
WGS 351Decolonial Feminisms4
WGS 361Gender, Film and the Media4