Finance (PhD)

Youchang Wu, John B. Rogers Research Scholar | Program Coordinator
384 Lillis Hall

The Lundquist College of Business Doctoral Program in Finance develops scholars who become productive researchers and effective teachers at leading colleges and universities.

The program emphasizes analytical training in financial economics and quantitative methods and equips students to conduct original research on important problems that are of interest to both academics and practitioners in the field of finance.

Our faculty members are active researchers who publish regularly in top-tier scholarly finance journals and are widely recognized for their empirical research in the areas of corporate finance and investments.

Please visit the Finance PhD Program Coordinator website page for requirement information.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Acquire advanced knowledge relevant to their areas of specialization.
  • Develop advanced research skills for their areas of specialization.
  • Assume teaching responsibilities at high-quality colleges and universities.
  • Successfully graduate and place at high-quality, research-focused colleges and universities.