
Kyle Peterson, Robert and Lois Braddock Research Scholar | Director of School of Accounting
Associate Professor of Accounting


Dane Christensen, Scharpf-Knight Chair in Accounting; associate professor (corporate misconduct, corporate social responsibility, political economy). Senor Associate Dean, Faculty and Research; BA, 2003, Oregon State; BS, 2004, MActg, 2005, Oregon; PhD, 2013, Arizona. (2016)

Christensen, Derek, assistant professor (financial reporting). BS, 2017,University of Denver; PhD, 2024, University of Wisconsin. (2024)

Angela Davis, Jack O. Rickli Professor (financial reporting, valuation); Senior Associate Dean, Academic Programs. BS, 1993, Idaho; PhD, 2001, Washington. (2006)

Qintao Fan, associate professor (earnings management, incentive compensation and capital budgeting, information economics, initial public offerings). BA, 1996, Renmin University of China; MA, 1998, Maryland; MS, 2001, PhD, 2004, Stanford. (2016)

Nicole Johnson, Robert J. and Leona M. DeArmond Research Scholar, associate professor (managerial incentives, performance measurement). Academic Director, Undergraduate Programs. BS, 1996, MAcc, 1996, Brigham Young; MS, 2002, PhD, 2005, Stanford. (2013)

Drummond Kahn, professor of practice (auditing). BA, 1989, Whitman; MS, 1990, Oregon. (2000)

Jaewoo Kim, Booth Research Scholar, associate professor (capital markets, financial reporting, information intermediaries, financial accounting for income taxes); Coordinator, Accounting PhD Program. BA, 2000, Korea; MBA, 2004, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology; PhD, 2013, Iowa. (2019) 

Linda Krull, Tykeson Professor (capital structure decisions, effects of taxes on corporate financial reporting and investment). BS, 1992, Indiana; MAcc, 1994, Florida; PhD, 2001, Arizona. (2008)

Sarah Nutter, Charles E. Kern Professor (impact of taxes and taxation structures on individuals and businesses, incentives and differences on institutional and individual behavior). BS, Ferris State; MBA, PhD, Michigan State. (2017)

Stephanie Peel, George E. Porter Accounting Faculty Fellow, professor of practice (financial, operational, compliance, and systems auditing; data analysis). BS, 1990, Washington University. (2018)

Kyle Peterson, Robert and Lois Braddock Research Scholar, associate professor (comparability, disclosure, financial statement complexity, revenue recognition). Director of School of Accounting; BS, 2001, MAcc, 2001, Brigham Young; PhD, 2008, Michigan. (2008)

Scott Robinson, assistant professor. BS, 2012, University of Delaware; PhD, 2024, University of Colorado, Boulder. (2024)   

Mary Savage, instructor. BS, 1997, MBA, 1999, JD, 2003, Oregon. (2021)

Joel Sneed, senior instructor I (accounting information systems, financial and international accounting, US corporate, international corporate, and individual taxation). BS, 1986, MBA, 1988, Appalachia State; MS, 1997, PhD, 2001, Arizona. (2000)

Michael Tomcal, senior instructor I (financial accounting, cost accounting, federal taxation). BS, 1982, DePaul; MEd, 2005, Oregon State; MActg, 2005, Oregon. (2006)

Jennifer Welander, instructor. BA, 1993, Oregon; MBA. 2013, Oregon. (2021) 

Laura Wellman, Richard W. Lindholm Professor in Taxation, associate professor. BS, 2006, MT, 2007, PhD, 2014, Arizona State. (2023)


Robin Clement, professor emerita. BSBA, 1979, Ohio State; MBA, 1983, Wisconsin; PhD, 1994, Michigan State. (2003)Helen Gernon, professor emerit. BBA, 1968, Georgia; MBA, 1972, Florida Atlantic; PhD, 1978, Pennsylvania State; CPA, Florida. (1978)

David Guenther, professor emeritus. BA, 1976, California State, San Bernardino; PhD, 1990, Washington. (2005)

Michele Henney, professor emerit. BS, 1982, California State; MS, 1988, Golden Gate; PhD, 1994, Oregon. (2004)

Ray King, professor emerit. BS, 1971, Montana State; MBA, 1974, Montana; PhD, 1980, Oregon; CPA, Montana. (1982)

Steven Matsunaga, professor emerit. BA, 1979, San Francisco State; MBA, 1984, William and Mary; PhD, 1992, Washington. (1992)

Dale Morse, professor emerit. BA, 1969, MBA, 1975, Oregon; PhD, 1978, Stanford. (1991)

The date in parentheses at the end of each entry is the first year on the University of Oregon faculty.