Environmental Studies (MA/MS)

Our master’s program in Environmental Studies offers a unique opportunity to pursue interdisciplinary study of environmental topics and issues. Each student designs an individualized curriculum responsive to their educational and career goals. The degree typically takes two years to complete. 

Students who succeed in our program typically are self-starters, have academic and/or work experience that has given them a foundation of skills and led them to specific goals for their graduate program, and are collaborative and like working with others. 

Specific learning outcomes vary depending on individual course plans and courses, but we identify the items below as overlapping fundamentals for learning outcomes:

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Gain an interdisciplinary perspective of the fields of studies and how they can be used to address environmental research.
  • Familiarize themselves with the research methods available within and across disciplines, and to acquire competent, demonstrable, and autonomous research skills in their specializations.
  • Discuss a relevant body of scholarly literature fluently and to generate compelling research questions.
  • Identify or develop, and to apply, rigorous research methods in an independent investigation of a problem of contemporary environmental importance.
  • Develop concrete skills in professional writing and scholarly communications in order to present and disseminate research results in compelling, appropriate formats.
  • Accumulate knowledge and prepare themselves for job markets of their preferred fields, such as by gaining experience and skills in pedagogy and teaching for Ph.D. students seeking academic careers.
  • Be engaged in fostering communication and collaboration between departments, colleges, and the university as a whole.

Environmental Studies Requirements

Students who wish to obtain a master of arts degree instead of the master of science must demonstrate proficiency in a second language.

Environmental studies graduate core sequence 19
Concentration area course work 224
Thesis or terminal project 312
Total Credits57

First year.


Graduate-level courses related to environmental studies in each of two 12-credit concentration areas.


Public defense or presentation required.