Economics (PhD)

Graduate fields include macroeconomics; applied econometrics; game theory; economic growth and development; industrial organization; and international, labor, public, environmental, and behavioral-experimental economics. A detailed description of degree requirements may be obtained from the department website.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Exhibit mastery in core microeconomic, macroeconomic, and econometric concepts. Students show proficiency in graduate level foundations in economics through required course grades and qualifying exams.
  • Exhibit mastery of the literature, empirical tools and theoretical models used in specific fields of microeconomics and macroeconomics. Through choosing two specific fields in economics, and completing five additional electives, students show mastery of specific areas of economics in which they will pursue original research topics.
  • Teach foundational, intermediate and field courses at the undergraduate level. By serving as graders, teaching assistants with sections, and instructors of record, our graduate students are prepared to develop and teach curriculum as tenure track professors.
  • Identify and answer original research questions in microeconomics and/or macroeconomics. Through focused field classes, a third-year paper, and writing a dissertation, our students develop the ability to identify and conduct original research.
  • Communicate original research, both written and verbal. By writing a field paper, and proposing, writing, and defending a dissertation, our graduate students develop the ability to communicate economic research both through their writing and orally.

Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Requirements

A PhD in economics prepares students to teach at liberal arts and research universities; to work in state, federal, and international organizations; and to conduct research or work as a consultant for private industry. Graduate students seeking the PhD degree in economics at the University of Oregon must complete the following departmental requirements as well as all university requirements. Except for EC 601 Research: [Topic], EC 603 Dissertation, EC 605 Reading and Conference: [Topic], and EC 606 Practicum: [Topic], economics courses must be taken for letter grades.

EC 607Seminar: [Topic] (Core Microeconomic Theory (Three Terms)) 112
EC 607Seminar: [Topic] (Core Macroeconomic Theory (Three Terms)) 112
EC 607Seminar: [Topic] (Core Econometrics (Three Terms)) 112
EC 607Seminar: [Topic] (two-term sequences) 216
EC 607Seminar: [Topic] (five courses) 420
EC 601Research: [Topic] 36
EC 603Dissertation 418

Students who complete these courses with a GPA of 2.90 or higher will be invited to take the qualifying examination in microeconomic and macroeconomic theory when it is offered in early summer. Records of students whose GPA is lower than 2.90 are evaluated to determine eligibility for the qualifying examination. Students who fail the qualifying examination may be asked to retake it early the following September. Students who pass the qualifying examination but have a GPA less than 3.00 in econometrics must take a competency examination in econometrics, which is administered the Thursday before the first week of fall classes. Students who fail the competency examination must retake each econometrics course in which they received a grade of less than B and pass it with a grade of B or better. Students must file an approved program of study by December 15 following the qualifying examination.


Sequences in two fields of economics must be completed with a 3.00 GPA or better. Credit for Research: [Topic] (EC 601), Dissertation (EC 603), Reading and Conference: [Topic] (EC 605), or Practicum: [Topic] (EC 606) cannot be counted toward the field requirement.


By winter term of the third year, a research paper for at least 6 credits must be completed in one of the fields and approved by two members of the faculty with specialties in that field.


Must be taken outside the two fields of economics previously chosen and completed with a 3.00 GPA or better. Credit for Research: [Topic] (EC 601), Dissertation (EC 603), Reading and Conference: [Topic] (EC 605), or Practicum: [Topic] (EC 606) cannot be counted toward the field requirement. Advancement to candidacy may be requested after the student has completed the above requirements and orally defended a prospectus for the dissertation, which must include a minimum of 6 credits in Research: [Topic] (EC 601). Students must be enrolled for at least 3 credits during the term of advancement.


The dissertation must be a significant contribution to the field and must be completed in conjunction with at least 18 credits of Dissertation (EC 603). A formal, public defense must take place at a date set by the committee chair and approved by the Division of Graduate Studies.

Time Limits

The seven-year time limit for completion of PhD degree requirements begins with the first term of admission—either conditional or unconditional—as a doctoral student at the university. Meeting the doctoral residency requirement, passing of comprehensive examinations for advancement to candidacy, and completion of the doctoral dissertation must be all be accomplished within this seven-year limit.

Courses other than those described above and courses taken elsewhere may not be substituted without approval of the PhD program committee and the department head. In no instance can the qualifying examination be waived.

Students in the PhD program may apply to be awarded a master’s degree upon completion of the master's program requirements and the approval of the master's program advisor.

Detailed information is given on the department’s website.