General Business Executive (MBA)

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Designed for accomplished mid-to-senior managers, executives, entrepreneurs, and business leaders with demanding schedules, the Oregon Executive MBA in Portland is a transformational experience that gives already accomplished professionals the confidence and skills to become successful leaders in today’s complex and global business world. Executive MBA programs are designed for those who want to work full time while earning a graduate degree in twenty months, with the summer off. Executive MBA programs cater to midcareer professionals positioning themselves to move up the corporate ladder by deepening their already broad knowledge base, by sharpening their skills, and by tackling problems their organization will face in the coming years.

Classes are held twice a month on consecutive Fridays and Saturdays. Courses are open only to students who apply and are admitted to this program. For more information, visit the admissions website.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Analyze information and use fundamental business concepts to make strategic decisions.
  • Be guided by ethical precepts in making business decisions.
  • Think strategically in a global business context.
  • Develop and communicate solutions to real world problems and/or opportunities.

General Business Executive Major Requirements

BA 721Business Writing1
BA 715Managerial Economics3
BA 730Business Ethics1
BA 726Global Business3
BA 712Financial Accounting and Reporting3
BA 722Leadership and Motivation: [Topic]2
BA 714Managerial Accounting3
BA 717Marketing Management3
BA 727Operations Management3
BA 713Data and Business Decisions3
BA 716Managing Organizations3
BA 708Workshop: [Topic] (Accounting/Finance Bridge)1
BA 718Financial Analysis4
BA 735Opportunity Recognition3
BA 708Workshop: [Topic] (Global Study Trip)1
BA 723Formulating Corporate Strategy3
BA 719Marketing Strategy3
BA 725Implementing Corporate Strategy3
BA 720Corporate Financial Strategy3
BA 736Alliances and Acquisitions3
BA 729Business Negotiation3
BA 732Technology and Innovation Management3
BA 731New Venture Planning3
BA 711Legal Environment of Business3
BA 740Capstone Business Project I1
BA 741Capstone Business Project II2
BA 742Capstone Business Project III4
BA 708Workshop: [Topic] (Any topic)2
Total Credits73

Additional Requirements

  • Four-day Executive Immersion in Portland and Eugene course before the academic year begins in a non-credit requirement
  • Capstone and Global Trip Workshops are non-credit requirements in the first year of the program