
Jiannbin Shiao, Department Head
175 Prince Lucien Campbell Hall
1291 University of Oregon
Eugene OR 97403-1205

Sociology is the systematic study of human social life, groups, and societies. Sociology can reveal how society works, what motivates individuals to behave in certain ways, how particular rules and norms get established, why people obey those rules and norms, how seemingly invisible social forces might govern our behavior, and how the outcome of our lives are frequently determined by forces largely outside of our control.  It can even help us understand why we might sometimes act in ways that are contrary to our deeply held beliefs.

Sociologists study how societies form, change, and die out. They study how society affects you and vice versa. The department curriculum focuses on social institutions—the family, work, religion, and the economy; culture—the governing ideas and beliefs of a society; and social interactions—the way people behave as individuals and in groups. Taken together, they make up what sociologists call the social structure: enduring, patterned, orderly relationships among institutions, people, and other elements of a given society.  Through a systematic study of society, sociology helps us understand social problems such as inequality, racism, environmental degradation, and poverty, to name a few, and aids in the development of creative solutions to solve them.


Michael B. Aguilera, associate professor (international migration, race & ethnicity, economic sociology, social inequality, public health, social networks). BA, 1995, California, Irvine; MA, 1995, PhD, 1999, State University of New York, Stony Brook. (2004)

Oluwakemi Balogun, associate professor (gender, race and migration, African Studies). See Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.

Michael Brown, instructor (social and political theory, science, technology & society, incarceration, political economy). BA, 2007, University of Oregon; PhD, 2018, Michigan State. (2023)

MacKenzie A. Christensen, assistant professor (digital sociology, gender, marriage and family). BA, 2015, Washington State, Vancouver; MS, 2018, Portland State; MA, 2022, PhD, 2024, California, Irvine. (2024)

Michael C. Dreiling, professor (political sociology, environmental sociology, social movements). BA, 1990, California, Irvine; MA, 1993, PhD, 1997, Michigan, Ann Arbor. (1996)

Clare R. Evans, associate professor (medical sociology, quantitative methods, social networks). BA, 2008, Lewis and Clark College; MPH, 2011, Columbia; ScD, 2015, Harvard. (2015)

Isabel García Valdivia, assistant professor (immigration, race & ethnicity, Latine/x Sociology, life course and aging). BA, 2014, Pomona College; MA, 2017, PhD, 2022, California, Berkeley. (2024)

Aaron O. Gullickson, associate professor (race and ethnicity, stratification, demography). BA, 1998, Washington (Seattle); MA, 1999, 2001, PhD, 2004, California, Berkeley. (2007)

Jill A. Harrison, associate professor (work, organizations, qualitative methods). BA, 2000, Youngstown State; MA, 2004, PhD, 2009, Ohio State. (2009)

Claire W. Herbert, associate professor (crime & socio-legal studies, housing, urban sociology, race, poverty & inequality). BS, 2006, University of Oregon; MA, 2014, University of Michigan; PhD, 2016, University of Michigan. (2019) 

Nathalia Hernández-Vidal, assistant professor (environmental sociology, racial and ethnic relations, science and technology). PhD, 2020, Loyola University Chicago. (2023)

Jocelyn Hollander, professor (gender, microsociology, gender-based violence). BA, 1987, Stanford; MA, 1991, PhD, 1997, Washington (Seattle). (1997)

Raoul S. Liévanos, associate professor (environment and health, race and ethnicity, science and technology). BA, 2004, California State, Fresno; MA, 2007, PhD, 2013, California, Davis. (2016)

Ryan Light, professor (cultural sociology, inequality, social networks). BA, 2000, Kenyon College; MA, 2004, PhD, 2009, Ohio State. (2009)

Krystale Littlejohn, associate professor (health and medicine, social cognition, inequality). BA, 2007, Occidental College; MA, 2010, PhD, 2013, Stanford. (2019)

Julius McGee, associate professor (race, class, and gender, environmental sociology). PhD, 20017, Oregon. (2021)

Kari Marie Norgaard, professor (environmental sociology, gender and environment, race and environment, climate change, sociology of culture, social movements and sociology of emotions). BS, 1992, Humboldt State; MA, 1994, Washington State; PhD, 2003, Oregon. (2011)

Matthew Norton, associate professor (political and cultural sociology, theory). BA, 1998, Villanova; MA, 2002, Bradford; PhD, 2012, Yale. (2012)

C. J. Pascoe, professor (sexuality and gender, childhood and youth, new media). BA, 1996, Brandeis; MA, 2000, PhD, 2006, California, Berkeley. (2013)

Elaine Replogle, senior instructor I (sociology of medicine and mental health, culture, qualitative methods). BA, 1989, Earlham College; MTS, 1994, Harvard; MA, 2002, PhD, 2005, Rutgers. (2008)

Ellen K. Scott, professor (low-wage work, public policy, gender). BA, 1982, Williams; MA, 1991, New School for Social Research; MA, 1992, PhD, 1997, California, Davis. (2001)

Jiannbin Lee Shiao, professor (race and ethnicity, research methods, Asian America). BA, 1991, Brown; MA, 1994, 1996, PhD, 1998, California, Berkeley. (1998)

Jessica Vasquez-Tokos, professor (race and ethnicity, immigration, family). BA, 1998, Princeton; MA, 2002, PhD, 2007, California, Berkeley. (2012)

Byron Villacis, assistant professor (demography, sociology of statistics, economic sociology, sociology of expertise, and sociology of corruption). BA, 2001, U. San Francisco Quito-Ecuador; MSc, 2005, FLACSO Quito-Ecuador; MA, 2015 California, Berkeley; PhD, 2023, California, Berkeley. (2023)

Hannah Waight, assistant professor (computational sociology, digital media, China, information). AB, 2010, AM, 2014, Harvard; MA, 2017, PhD, 2022, Princeton. (2024)

Stephanie Wiley, instructor (criminology, juvenile delinquency, race and punishment, school discipline). BS, 2006, Western Oregon; MS, 2008, Portland State; PhD, 2014, University of Missouri - St. Louis. (2023)

Richard York, professor (environmental sociology, statistics, research methods). BS, 1994, Southern Oregon; MS, 1997, Bemidji State; PhD, 2002, Washington State. (2002)


Vallon L. Burris, professor emeritus. BA, 1969, Rice; PhD, 1976, Princeton. (1977)

John Bellamy Foster, professor emeritus. BA, 1975, Evergreen State; MA, 1977, PhD, 1984, York. (1985)

Marion Sherman Goldman, professor emeritus. AB, 1967, California, Berkeley; MA, 1970, PhD, 1977, Chicago. (1973)

Patricia A. Gwartney, professor emerita. AB, 1973, California, Berkeley; MA, 1979, PhD, 1981, Michigan. (1981)

Kenneth B. Liberman, professor emeritus. BA, 1970, State University of New York, Old Westbury; MA, 1976, PhD, 1981, California, San Diego (1983)

Gregory McLauchlan, professor emeritus. BA, 1974, MA, 1978, PhD, 1988, California, Berkeley. (1989)

Robert M. O'Brien, professor emeritus. BS, 1967, Pomona; MS, 1970, PhD, 1973, Wisconsin. (1981)

The date in parentheses at the end of each entry is the first year on the University of Oregon faculty.


Undergraduate Programs

Major - Bachelor's Degree


Graduate Programs

Major - Doctoral Degree