Political Science (PhD)

This program is designed to allow the well-prepared student to complete course requirements for the PhD in two years of full-time study. Students complete a research paper in their second year and take comprehensive examinations during their third year, followed by preparation of a dissertation.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate mastery of the literature, empirical tools, and theoretical models used in at least one subfield in the discipline of political science (American Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, or Political Theory), and strong familiarity with a second subfield.
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify and answer original research questions by designing and producing publishable research.
  • Develop the ability to communicate original research, both written and verbal.
  • Develop the ability to teach foundational, intermediate, and field courses at the undergraduate level.
  • Achieve the doctoral degree within six years.

Doctoral Program

This program is designed to allow the well-prepared student to complete course requirements for the PhD in two years of full-time study. Students complete a research paper in their second year and take comprehensive examinations during their third year, followed by preparation of a dissertation. Requirements for the PhD in political science include the following: 

  1. Completion of 100 credits (18 credits are for dissertation) beyond the bachelor’s degree. Research: [Topic] (PS 601) and Reading and Conference: [Topic] (PS 605) may be taken pass/no pass. All other course work must be taken for letter grades
  2. Completion of State of the Discipline (PS 620), to be taken the first time it is offered
  3. Demonstrated proficiency in quantitative and qualitative research methods
  4. Completion of a research paper no later than the sixth term of enrollment (excluding summer)
  5. Completion of required seminars in the two area fields in which the student takes comprehensive examinations. Students should take these seminars as early as possible, and prior to examination
  6. Passing two comprehensive examinations: one major field and one minor field, selected from the list below. Each field comprises several themes from which the student must choose a subset
    • classical and contemporary political theory
    • comparative politics
    • international relations
    • public policy
    • United States politics
  7. After passing the comprehensive examinations, completion of 18 credits in Dissertation (PS 603), to be taken while completing the PhD dissertation
  8. Defense of the written dissertation in an oral examination

A complete description of graduate requirements, including an explanation of themes and field requirements, is available on the department website.