European Studies

Craig Parsons, Program Director
114 Friendly Hall

The Minor in European Studies allows undergraduates to incorporate, within any other major program, an increased international perspective in their work with a special focus on an understanding of Europe’s identity and role in the world. See the requirements section of the web site for more information. Click here for an advising form.


The European Studies Program is a pedagogical community and research forum for students and scholars at the UO interested in Europe. This program combines the strengths of faculty in the humanities, social sciences, business, law and science to study the current developments in Europe. Our program distinguishes itself from other European Studies programs by its very broad interdisciplinary approach, combining not just the social sciences-principally history, geography, and political science-but other disciplines as well. Our attention to the contemporary situation is enriched by a deep sense of history extending back even to classical antiquity. We believe that in the European Union we have the opportunity to study the progress of a great social experiment in all its lived reality, and that our students will be able to consider the interaction of the full range of human forces combing to create 21st century Europe.

European Studies Affiliated Faculty

James Conran, Political Science 

Patricia Dewey Lambert, School of Planning, Public Policy and Management

Alexander Dracobly, History

D. Gantt Gurley, German and Scandinavian

Gina Herrmann, Romance Languages

Nathalie Hester, Romance Languages (chair)

Katya Hokanson, Comparative Literature

Vera Keller, History

Martin Klebes, German and Scandinavian

Peter D. Laufer, Journalism and Communication

Jeffrey S. Librett, German and Scandinavian

David M. Luebke, History

Scott R. Maier, Journalism and Communication

Ian F. McNeely, History

Fabienne Moore, Romance Languages

Alexander B. Murphy, Geography

Bryce Newell, Journalism and Communication

Craig Parsons, Political Science

Jenifer Presto, Comparative Literature

Michael Stern, German and Scandinavian 

Matthias Vogel, German and Scandinavian

Minor in European Studies

To earn a minor, a student must complete 24 credits in addition to a paper or project on a European topic and two to three years of a European language other than English, as described below. Of the 24 credits of core and elective courses, a minimum of 16 credits must be upper division. Courses taken to fulfill the language requirement may not be used to fulfill the 24-credit requirement. 

The courses that satisfy the minor are distributed as follows: two core courses, four elective courses, and two to three years of a European foreign language. Core and elective courses applied to the minor must be taken for letter grades and passed with grades of C– or better.

Core Courses 1
GEOG 202Geography of Europe4
HIST 420 24
or RL 407 Seminar: [Topic]
Humanities Electives 38
Ancient Mediterranean Art
Mediterranean Renaissance European Art
History of Western Art III
History of World Architecture I
History of World Architecture II
Greek and Roman Epic
Greek and Roman Tragedy
Classical Greek Philosophers
The Age of Beowulf
La France contemporaine
Knights, Queens, and Rebels
Monarchy, Liberty, Revolution
Modernity and Creativity
French Poetry
French Theater
French Narrative
18th-Century Literature: [Topic]
Existentialist Literature and Thought
Postwar Germany Nation Divided
Voices of Dissent in Germany
War, Violence, Trauma
The Quality of Life in Germany and Scandinavia
German Cinema: History, Theory, Practice
Special Studies: [Topic]
Intellectual History of Modern Europe: [Topic]
Introduction to the Humanities I
Introduction to the Humanities II
Introduction to the Humanities III
Postwar European Culture
Cultura e lingua: l'Italia contemporanea
Cultura e lingua: societa, economia, politica
Cultura e lingua: arte, musica, i mass media
Italian Survey of Medieval and Renaissance
Italian Survey: Baroque and Enlightenment
Italian Survey: 19th and 20th Centuries
Humanism and the Renaissance
The Jewish Encounter with Modernity
History of Music 800 to 1600
Survey of Music History 1600 to 1800
Survey of Music History 1800 to Present
History of Ancient Philosophy
History of Philosophy: Modern
History of Philosophy: 19th Century
Continental Philosophy: [Topic]
20th-Century Philosophers: [Topic]
History of Christianity
History of Christianity
Russian Culture
Russian Literature and Film
Special Studies: [Topic]
The Quality of Life in Germany and Scandinavia
Nordic Cinema
Constructions versus Constrictions of Identity
Social Science Electives 3,48
Jewish Folklore and Ethnology
Balkan Society and Folklore
International Economic Issues
European Union History
Political Geography
GLBL 443
Modern Europe
Modern Europe
Modern Europe
HIST 319
High Middle Ages in Europe
Late Middle Ages in Europe
German History: [Topic]
Soviet Union and Contemporary Russia
Early Modern Science
Ancient Greece: [Topic]
Ancient Rome: [Topic]
Advanced World History: [Topic]
HIST 425
Europe in the 20th Century: [Topic]
The Holocaust
European Politics
Politics of the European Union
Foreign Language Requirement
Two to three years of a European foreign language 5
Total Credits24

At least three of the six courses taken to satisfy core and elective course requirements must be taken outside the student’s major. With the advisor’s approval, exceptions can be made for double majors and for certain interdisciplinary majors, especially global studies and humanities.


Sixteen of the 24 credits of core and elective courses must be at the upper-division level.


Courses preapproved are listed on the program website. Substitutions may be made only with the approval of the student’s advisor. At least 4 credits of the humanities electives must be at the 400 level, and at least 4 credits of the social sciences electives must be at the 400 level.


At least one course must be a non-HIST course.


For BA students, at least three years of college study of a European language other than English is required. For BS students majoring in science, studying for a bachelor of architecture, or majoring in subjects outside the social sciences and humanities, two years of college-level study of a European language other than English is required.

Students seeking to qualify for a minor should, as early as possible, consult the program director, who will assign the student an advisor. Developing the plan for elective courses with the advisor’s help ensures that the courses selected satisfy the minor requirements.

No later than two terms before graduation, the student must notify the advisor of intent to graduate for verification of European studies course work and transcript evaluation. The student must also indicate the European studies minor on the application for graduation. Students must complete major requirements for an undergraduate degree in another department or school of the university.

Significant Paper or Project

A research paper on a topic appropriate to the student’s interests is the final requirement. Many EURO minors complete this requirement in the Idea of Europe seminar. For students majoring in disciplines such as music, theater, or the fine arts, a project that draws on these crafts may be substituted for the research paper. The paper or project requirement may be satisfied by work done in the student’s major, such as a seminar paper, as long as the content of the paper or project is focused primarily on Europe. The requirement may also be satisfied by a paper done for any of the courses listed below. Students who want to satisfy the requirement in this way must notify the instructor of their intention at the outset of the term so that the instructor can evaluate the paper with this intent in mind. The requirement may also be satisfied by a research paper done under the supervision of a professor in any field for 3 graded credits, such as a paper for Thesis (403). The instructor’s agreement to supervise must be obtained in advance, and the 403 subject code may be either in that instructor’s department or Thesis (EURO 403).