Political Science


Alison Gash, Department Head
175 Prince Lucien Campbell Hall
1284 University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon 97403-1205


Yvette Alex-Assensoh, professor (immigration, racial politics) & vice president for equity and inclusion. BA, 1988, Columbia; MA, 1991, PhD, 1993, Ohio State; JD, 2006, Indiana, Bloomington. (2012)

Erin Beck, associate professor (Latin American politics, gender politics, international development, violence against women). BA, 2004, Providence College; MA, 2007, PhD, 2012, Brown. (2012)

Neil O’Brian, assistant professor (political parties, Congress, public opinion, polarization). BA, 2011, Case Western Reserve University; PhD, 2020, California, Berkeley. (2019)

Michael Brown, instructor (social and political theory, science, technology & society, incarceration, political economy). BA, 2007, Oregon; PhD, 2018, Michigan State. (2019)

Rutger Ceballos, assistant professor (American politics, political theory, race and American political development). BA, 2014, Washington; MA, 2016, Queen Mary – University of London; PhD, 2024, Washington. (2024)

Anita Chari, associate professor (political theory). BA, 2001, Georgetown; MA, 2003, PhD, 2008, Chicago. (2010)

Jane K. Cramer, associate professor (international relations, international security, US foreign policy). BA, 1986, Oberlin; PhD, 2002, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (2000)

Dennis C. Galvan, professor (Africa, development, comparative politics); vice provost for international affairs. See Global Studies.

Alison Gash, professor (public law). BA, 1995, Vassar College; MPA-URP, 2000, Princeton; MA, 2004, PhD, 2010, California, Berkeley. (2010)

Burke Hendrix, professor (normative political theory, indigenous politics, global justice). BA, 1992, Linfield College; MA, 2000, PhD, 2002, Colorado, Boulder. (2012)

Ellen Alexandra Holtmaat, assistant professor (environmental politics, global governance, international political economy, business). BA, 2007, Utrecht University; MS, 2011, University of Amsterdam; MS, 2012, University of Essex; PhD, 2020, Geneva Graduate Institute. (2024)

Chandler James, assistant professor (American politics, US presidency, public opinion). AB, 2014, MA, 2020, PhD, 2023, Chicago. (2023)

Janel Jett, assistant professor (environmental politics, media and politics, political psychology). BA, 2008, University of Evansville; MA, 2018, PhD, 2021, Purdue. (2024)

Craig Kauffman, professor (environmental politics, global governance, democratization). BA, 1992, College of Wooster; MS, 1996, George Mason; PhD, 2012, George Washington. (2012)

Ronald B. Mitchell, professor (environmental politics, international relations). BA, 1981, Stanford; MPP, 1985, PhD, 1992, Harvard. (1993)

Mikhail Myagkov, professor (comparative politics, formal political theory). BS, 1990, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology; MS, 1994, PhD, 1996, California Institute of Technology. (1996) 

Craig Parsons, professor (comparative politics, European politics). BA, 1992, Stanford; CEP, 1993 Institut d’Etudes Politiques; MA, 1994, PhD, 1999, California, Berkeley. (2004) 

Lars Skalnes, associate professor (international political economy, international relations). CandMag, 1984, Bergen; MA, 1989, PhD, 1993, California, Los Angeles. (1992)

Daniel Tichenor, professor (immigration, civil rights, social movements, political parties, Congress, and the Presidency); Philip H. Knight Chair. BA, 1988, Earlham College; PhD, 1996, Brandeis. (2008)

Tuong Vu, professor (comparative politics, political economy, nationalism, revolution, East and Southeast Asia). BA, 1994, Minnesota, Twin Cities; MPA, 1997, Princeton; PhD, 2004, California, Berkeley. (2007)


William H. Baugh, associate professor emeritus. SB, 1963, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; MS, 1965, Rochester; MA, 1971, PhD, 1973, Indiana. (1978)

Deborah Baumgold, professor emerita. BA, 1971, Oberlin; MA, 1975, PhD, 1980, Princeton. (1987)

Gerald Berk, professor emeritus. BA, 1977, Clark; PhD, 1987, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (1994)

Daniel Goldrich, professor emeritus. BA, 1955, Antioch; MA, 1957, PhD, 1959, North Carolina, Chapel Hill. (1963)

Arthur M. Hanhardt Jr., professor emeritus . BA, 1953, Rochester; M.A, 1958, Colgate; Ph.D, 1963, Northwestern. (1963)

Richard Kraus, professor emeritus. BA, 1966, Grinnell; certificate (East Asian Institute), 1969, MA, 1969, PhD, 1974, Columbia. (1983)

Jerry F. Medler, associate professor emeritus. BA, 1963, Northwestern; MA, 1965, PhD, 1966, Oregon. (1968)

Priscilla Southwell, professor emerita. BA, 1974, MA, 1977, Colorado; PhD, 1983, North Carolina, Chapel Hill. (1981)

Richard P. Suttmeier, professor emeritus. AB, 1963, Dartmouth College; PhD, 1969, Indiana. (1990)

The date in parentheses at the end of each entry is the first year on the University of Oregon faculty.

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