Music: Jazz Studies (MMus)


  • Composition-Arranging
  • Instrumental Performance

In addition to the University of Oregon Division of Graduate Studies' requirements for master’s degrees, the School of Music and Dance has the following requirements. For additional information, contact the music graduate office or consult the Info for Grad Students webpage.

A minimum of 9 credits must be taken in 600- or 700-level courses and at least one-half of the required credits must be in courses intended for graduate students only. Degree candidates must complete a terminal project (e.g., recital, thesis, project), all of which must be archived in one of the following locations: Music Services in Knight Library, Scholars’ Bank, ProQuest, or Cykler Music Education Library.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate advanced competencies in jazz studies including areas such as jazz performance, improvisation, composition, and arranging. Studies in these areas comprise as much as two-thirds or at least one-third of the total curriculum.
  • Gain knowledge and skills in one or more fields of music outside the major such as history and literature, theory and analysis, musicology and ethnomusicology, and recording and studio techniques. Such supportive studies in music that broaden and deepen musical competence comprise at least one-third of the total curriculum.
  • As a culminating demonstration of professional capability in the major field, the student must present either a public performance or submit at least one original composition as a thesis.

Master of Music in Music: Jazz Studies––Composition-Arranging Emphasis

MUS 611Research Methods in Music3
MUJ 583–584Advanced Jazz Arranging I-II6
MUJ 540Jazz Pedagogy Practicum3
MUJ 660Survey of Jazz Composition3
MUJ 661Jazz Program Planning and Development3
MUJ 605Reading and Conference: [Topic] 14
Six terms of large jazz ensemble - select one of the following:6-12
Jazz Laboratory Band III (six terms)
Jazz Laboratory Band II (six terms)
Oregon Jazz Ensemble (six terms)
Applied study in Jazz Composition (at least 3 terms)6-12
Music Performance Studies
Music Performance Studies
MUJ 695Small Jazz Ensemble: [Topic] (at least 3 terms)3
At least four 500-level or above seminars or courses in music outside the jazz area 212-16
Graduate Jazz Arranging Barrier Exam
Recital or CD project of composed works
Public lecture-presentation of independent research
Final Oral Examination 3
Total Credits49-65

Research Presentation Preparation.


Any MUS, MUP, MUE 500-level up course. No MUJ.


Oral examination with emphasis on jazz history, literature and pedagogy.  

Master of Music in Music: Jazz Studies––Instrumental Performance Emphasis

MUS 611Research Methods in Music3
MUJ 577–579Advanced Jazz Repertoire I-III9
MUJ 540Jazz Pedagogy Practicum3
MUJ 660Survey of Jazz Composition3
MUJ 661Jazz Program Planning and Development3
Jazz performance studies12-24
Music Performance Studies
Music Performance Studies
Three terms of large ensemble - select one of the following:3-6
Jazz Laboratory Band III (three terms)
Jazz Laboratory Band II (three terms)
Oregon Jazz Ensemble (three terms)
MUJ 695Small Jazz Ensemble: [Topic] (six terms)6
At least four 500-level or above seminars or courses in music outside the jazz area 112-16
Graduate Jazz Performance Barrier Exam
Recital or CD Project
Public lecture-presentation of independent research
Final Oral Examination 2
Total Credits54-73

Any MUS, MUP, MUE 500-level up course. No MUJ.


Oral examination with emphasis on jazz history, literature and pedagogy.