Music Technology Minor

Undergraduates pursuing a Minor in Music Technology will take courses which focus on areas of electronic music, audio recording techniques, digital audio and sound design, audio effects theory and design, data sonification, and the history of electroacoustic music.

Music Technology Minor Requirements

The minor in music technology requires a minimum of 24 credits, 12 of which must be upper-division. A minimum of 14 credits must be taken in residence. Courses must be taken for a grade if the graded option is offered. Courses applied to the minor must be graded C– or better or P (pass).

Required Courses
MUS 227Elements of Electronic Music4
MUS 447Digital Audio and Sound Design4
MUS 448Interactive Media Performance3
MUS 476Digital Audio Workstation Techniques I3
Elective Courses
Select a minimum of 10 elective credits from the following courses:10
US Popular Music 1965 to 2000
Hip-Hop History, Culture, Aesthetics
Film Music
Sensor Music
History of Electroacoustic Music
Musical Performance Networks
Digital Audio Workstation Techniques II
Data Sonification
Audio Production Techniques I
Audio Recording Techniques II
Audio Effects Theory and Design
Total Credits24

Other music courses may be approved by petition to the undergraduate committee.