East Asian Languages and Literatures


Yugen Wang, Department Head
304 Friendly Hall
1248 University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon 97403-1248

The Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures presents a wide range of courses in several programs, from introductory courses in the languages and literatures of East Asia (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) to advanced graduate-level study of linguistics and literature. Undergraduate degrees include a bachelor of arts (BA) degree in Chinese or Japanese and minors in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean. The department also offers master’s (MA) and doctoral (PhD) degrees in East Asian languages and literatures. At all levels, students may choose to focus on either language or literature, though all degree programs require course work from both areas.

The department typically supports dozens of students in graduate-level study while 100 undergraduate BA majors graduate each year. Faculty members are strongly committed to promoting a rich immersion in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and undergraduates and graduate students alike are encouraged to study abroad and conduct research throughout East Asia.


The department recommends the following preparation for study leading to an undergraduate major or minor in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean:

As much work as possible in the student’s major language, focusing on oral and written communication and reading comprehension
Knowledge of the history, culture, and geography of the area in which that language is spoken
Course work in literary analysis and cultural studies

Students with an undergraduate degree in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean are well prepared for graduate-level study in the humanities, social sciences, and professions (e.g., law or business). They are also suited to a range of jobs in many different sectors, including business, education, and journalism as well as government agencies and nonprofit organizations. Recent graduates have found jobs in all of these areas.


Roy Chan, associate professor (modern Chinese and Russian literature). BA, 2002, Washington (Seattle); PhD, 2009, California, Berkeley. (2013)

Weijun Chen, senior instructor (Chinese). BA, 1997, Anhui; MA, 2000, Nanjing. (2008)

Rachel DiNitto, professor (modern Japanese literature, cultural studies). BA, 1988, Pennsylvania; MA, 1996, PhD, 2000, Washington (Seattle). (2015)

Maram Epstein, professor (Ming-Qing vernacular fiction). BA, 1983, MA, 1987, PhD, 1992, Princeton. (1994)

Alisa D. Freedman, professor (modern Japanese literature and film). BA, 1991, Wesleyan; MA, 1995, PhD, 2002, Chicago. (2005)

Yukari Furikado-Koranda, senior instructor (Japanese). BA, 2002, Kobe College; MA, 2010, Oregon. (2010)

Denise Gigliotti, senior instructor (Chinese). BA, 1995, National Taiwan; MA, 1998, California, Los Angeles. (2002)

Alison Groppe, associate professor (Chinese culture). BA, 1989, Wellesley College; MA, 1995, PhD, 2006, Harvard. (2008)

Luke Habberstad, associate professor (early Chinese literature). BA, 2003, Yale; MA, 2007, PhD, 2014, California, Berkeley. (2014)

Reiko Hashimoto, senior instructor (Japanese). BA, 1982, Chukyo; MA, 1992, Minnesota State, Mankato; PhD, 2000, Indiana, Bloomington. (2000)

Kaori Idemaru, professor (linguistics). BA, 1990, Osaka; MA, 1992, Northern Iowa; PhD, 2005, Oregon. (2008)

Rika Ikei, senior instructor (Japanese). BA, 1992, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies; MA, 1998, West Chester. (2003)

Zhuo Jing-Schmidt, professor (Chinese linguistics). BA, 1992, MA, 1995, Peking; MA, 1997, California, Los Angeles; PhD, 2005, Cologne. (2010)

Boyoung Kim, instructor (Korean). B.A. with Honors, University of Iowa; M.A., Ph.D., University of California, San Diego

Jina Kim, associate professor (Korean literature). BA, 1993, University of Chicago; MA, 2002, University of Washington; MA, 2009, Cornell; PhD, 2006, University of Washington. (2018)

Nayoung Kwon, associate professor (Korean linguistics). BA, 1997, Korea; MA, 1999, Korea; MA, 2003, California (San Diego); PhD, 2008, California (San Diego). (2020)

Fengjun Mao, senior instructor (Chinese). BA, 2000, MA, 2003, East China Normal. (2008).

Naoko Nakadate, senior instructor (Japanese). BA, 1988, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies; MA, 1992, Oregon. (1993)

Yoko O'Brien, senior instructor (Japanese). BA, 1996, Washington State; MA, 2000, Oregon. (2007)

Thomas Glynne Walley, associate professor (early modern Japanese literature). BA, 1996, Brigham Young; MA, 2001, Washington (St. Louis); PhD, 2009, Harvard. (2012)

Yugen Wang, professor (classical Chinese poetry and poetics). BA, 1992, Anhui Normal; MA, 1995, Peking; PhD, 2005, Harvard. (2005)

Sunhee Woo, instructor (Korean). BA, 2004; M.Ed, 2012, Graduate School of Education, Hanyang University. (2021)

Jean Yuanpeng Wu, senior instructor (Chinese). BA, 1982, China University of Geosciences; MA, 1990, West Virginia; PhD, 1998, Michigan State. (1996)


Stephen W. Durrant, professor emeritus. BA, 1968, Brigham Young; PhD, 1975, Washington (Seattle). (1990)

Michael B. Fishlen, associate professor emeritus. BA, 1965, Knox College; MA, 1968, PhD, 1973, Indiana; JD, 1987, Oregon. (1970)

Angela Jung-Palandri, professor emerita. BA, 1946, Catholic University, Peking; MA, 1949, MLS, 1954, PhD, 1955, Washington (Seattle). (1962)

Stephen W. Kohl, associate professor emeritus. BA, 1967, PhD, 1974, Washington (Seattle). (1972)

Wendy Larson, professor emerita. BA, 1974, Oregon; MA, 1978, PhD, 1984, California, Berkley. (1985)

The date in parentheses at the end of each entry is the first year on the University of Oregon faculty.

Undergraduate Programs

Majors - Bachelor's Degree


Graduate Programs

Major - Master's Degree

Major - Doctoral Degree