Medieval Studies (BA)

Medieval studies, an interdisciplinary undergraduate program, integrates various approaches to the Middle Ages by medievalists in diverse departments. Medieval studies provides an excellent general education or a solid base for graduate work in a more specialized area. Study abroad is strongly encouraged.

Medieval studies concentrates on the period from 300 to 1500, combining courses in art and architecture, history, language, literature, music, philosophy, and religion. A course of study might include literature from medieval England, Iceland, China, and Japan; Gothic art and architecture; Vikings and Crusades; religion, such as early Christianity, Judaism, and Islam; medieval languages like Latin and Old English; and cultural topics like gender in the cultures of the period. The program aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to the medieval worldview in Europe and beyond, and the origins of the modern world.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Identify materials, terminologies, and methodologies within one or more following areas of study focused on the Middle Ages: art history; languages and literatures; history; religious studies and religious backgrounds to medieval culture; music history and performance; cross-cultural contacts and borrowings; classical backgrounds for medieval culture.
  • Analyze primary material from the Middle Ages, explaining what specific features in the primary text/object carry medieval cultural content. (This can include focus, meaning, formal features, aims, assumptions, and purposes evident in the primary material.)
  • Critically assess and interpret primary and secondary sources.
  • Recognize and evaluate the cultural phenomena of the medieval world and their relationship to the modern world.
  • Synthesize an argument from textual or other evidence and express it in formal prose. (Write organized, well-structured, clear essays that make use of evidence to advance assertions and a main thesis.)

Bachelor of Arts Degree Requirements

Medieval studies majors must complete twelve medieval courses in at least three departments with a grade of mid-C or better. At least 24 credits must be in upper-division work. Two years of Latin are recommended for those who want to do graduate work in medieval studies. See the program website for more information.

Honors in Medieval Studies

A degree with honors in medieval studies allows a student to focus on an area of concentration in a written thesis. Requirements are as follows: 

  1. Satisfaction of the requirements for the major
  2. A grade point average of 3.50 or better in courses taken to meet the upper-division requirements of the major. A minimum cumulative UO grade point average of 3.00
  3. A prospectus for the thesis approved by both the thesis director and the program director. The prospectus must be submitted no later than week seven of the term before the student plans to complete the honors project. When the prospectus has been approved, the student and thesis director will agree on a schedule of submission of work
  4. A senior thesis of substantial quality, representing new or substantially new work beyond any project or paper submitted within other university courses, approved by the thesis director and at least one other member of the medieval studies participating faculty. The thesis must be complete and ready for public presentation no later than week seven of the fall, winter, or spring term
  5. A presentation of the project. The student presents the honors project to students and faculty members and participates in an open discussion of the project with the audience. Presentations typically occur in weeks seven through ten of fall, winter, or spring terms and are arranged in consultation with both the director of the Medieval Studies Program and the student’s thesis advisor
  6. Honors in medieval studies are not given for substantially the same project or paper submitted for honors to any other unit in the university. Departmental honors theses shall be written exclusively for honors in medieval studies
  7. Students normally enroll in at least one but no more than two terms of Thesis (MDVL 403). Enrollment in Thesis is not required but is recommended. Thesis credits cannot serve to fulfill the minimum major requirements

Four-Year Degree Plan

The degree plan shown is only a sample of how students may complete their degrees in four years. There are alternative ways. Students should consult their advisor to determine the best path for them.

Bachelor of Arts in Medieval Studies

Degree Map
First Year
Course on medieval subject 4
LAT 101 First-Year Latin 5
WR 121Z Composition I 4
Elective course 4
 Credits 17
Course on medieval subject 4
WR 122Z
Composition II
or College Composition III
LAT 102 First-Year Latin 5
General-education course in social science 4
 Credits 17
Course on medieval subject 4
LAT 103 First-Year Latin 5
General-education course in arts and letters 4
General-education course in social science 4
 Credits 17
 Total Credits 51
Degree Map
Second Year
Course on medieval subject 4
LAT 301 Authors: [Topic] 4
General-education course in social science 4
General-education course in arts and letters 4
 Credits 16
Course on medieval subject 4
LAT 302 Vergil: [Topic] 4
General-education course in science 4
General-education course in arts and letters 4
 Credits 16
Course on medieval subject 4
LAT 303 Authors: [Topic] 4
Upper-division elective course 4
General-education course in science 4
 Credits 16
 Total Credits 48
Degree Map
Third Year
Course on medieval subject 4
Upper-division elective course 4
General-education course in arts and letters 4
General-education course in science 4
 Credits 16
Course on medieval subject 4
Upper-division elective course 4
General-education course in social science 4
General-education course in science 4
 Credits 16
Course on medieval subject 4
General-education course 4
General-education course that also fulfulls multicultural requirement 4
Upper-division elective course 4
 Credits 16
 Total Credits 48
Degree Map
Fourth Year
Course on medieval subject 4
Upper-division elective course 4
General-education course 4
 Credits 12
Course on medieval subject 4
Upper-division elective course 4
General-education course that fulfills multicultural requirement 4
 Credits 12
Course on medieval subject 4
Upper-division elective course 4
General-education course 4
 Credits 12
 Total Credits 36