Second Language Acquisition and Teaching Certificate

In collaboration with several UO departments, the Department of Linguistics offers an undergraduate certificate that focuses on the theory of second-language acquisition and teaching and its application in pedagogical settings. The certificate complements any other major.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of current linguistic and educational research and theory in the fields of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) and Second Language Teaching (SLT).
  • Demonstrate critical understanding of influential current and historical methodological frameworks in language teaching.
  • Successfully review, organize, synthesize, and critically evaluate appropriate scholarly sources, as well as demonstrate the ability to apply these to the development of their teaching materials.
  • Demonstrate the ability to evaluate, adapt, and apply pedagogical techniques in principled and innovative lesson planning according to varied contextual and learner factors.
  • Demonstrate sensitivity to the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse learners through differentiation and universal design of materials and practices.
  • Demonstrate the ability to apply research and analysis of specific linguistic and cultural phenomena (i.e. of the chosen target language) to their own design of materials and practices.
  • Demonstrate the ability to put key principles derived from current SLA/SLT research into embodied practice within actual teaching contexts, including the appropriate use of classroom management and leadership skills.

Students must complete a total of 36 credits (must include 24 upper-division credits) with 12 credits at the 400 level.

Three courses on second language acquisition and teaching:12
Second-Language Acquisition
Language Learning Design
Design for Learning Language Systems
Language Area (See Course List Below)12
Select one of the following Internship/Practicum courses: 12-4
Field Studies: [Topic]
Practicum: [Topic]
Practicum: [Topic]
Supervised Tutoring
Second-Language Teaching Practice
Practicum: [Topic]

Choose the appropriate course in the language selected for the certificate.

Language Areas 

CHN 480Chinese Linguistics4
CHN 481Pedagogical Grammar of Chinese4
One of the following:4
History of the Chinese Language
Second-Language Acquisition
Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Pedagogy
LT 439Design for Language Learning Pronunciation4
LING 494English Grammar4
One of the following: 14
Structure of English Words
Teaching English Culture and Literature
FR 320Intensive French Grammar Review4
FR 416Advanced Writing in French4
FR 425French-English Translation4
GER 411Advanced Language Training4
GER 412Advanced Language Training4
One of the following: 14
Play Performance: [Topic]
German for Reading Knowledge I
EALL 443Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Pedagogy4
Any two from the following list:8
Second-Language Acquisition
Experimental Course: [Topic]
Introduction to Japanese Linguistics
Experimental Course: [Topic]
EALL 443Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Pedagogy4
Any two from the following list:8
Second-Language Acquisition
Experimental Course: [Topic]
Introduction to Korean Linguistics
Experimental Course: [Topic]
Any three courses from the following list:12
Culture and Language Bilingual Communities
Intensive Spanish Grammar Review
Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
Spanish Pronunciation and Phonetics
Spanish Linguistics: [Topic]
History of the Spanish Language
Literary Translation
Spanish in the United States
Other Languages 212

A substitute course may be accepted with advisor's approval


If you would like to compose a SLAT certificate for other languages taught at UO, contact the SLAT Director, Dr, Keli Yerian at