Musicology (PhD)

The University of Oregon offers a Doctor of Philosophy in Data-Driven Music Performance and Composition, Music Composition, Music Education, Music Theory, and Musicology.


Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Understand the theories and methodologies of musicology or ethnomusicology.
  • Perform bibliography, research, and analytic techniques.
  • Read in appropriate foreign languages.
  • Have writing skills.

Doctor of Philosophy in Musicology Requirements

MUS 614Introduction to Musicology4
MUS 629Repertoire and Analysis3
MUE 641College Music Teaching3
Music in Historic Era - select two from the following:6
Music in the Middle Ages
Music in the Renaissance
Music in the Baroque Era
Music in the Classical Period
Music in the Romantic Era
Music in the 20th Century
Non-Music Courses 18
Research Development Courses 26-8
MUE 639Pedagogy and Practicum: [Topic]3
MUS 551Introduction to Ethnomusicology4
MUS 643Notation of Medieval and Renaissance Music3
Historical Performance Practices - select one from the following:3
Historical Performance Practices I
Historical Performance Practices II
Historical Performance Practices III
MUS 691Collegium Musicum1-3
Five Musicology Seminars20
Graduate Seminar in Musicology: [Topic]
Seminar in Ethnomusicology: [Topic]
Tonal Analysis/History of Theory - select two from the following:6
Tonal Analysis: Linear Prolongational Analysis
Tonal Analysis: Form in Tonal Music
Tonal Analysis: Analysis of Popular Music
History of Theory I
History of Theory II
History of Theory III
Comprehensive Exam
Final Lecture and Oral Defense of Dissertation
Total Credits88-92

Chosen in consultation with faculty advisor. These courses are intended to assist with content creation of the final dissertation.


Chosen in consultation with faculty advisor. These courses are intended to prepare students for the research and writing/creation of the final dissertation.