Music Minor

Undergraduates pursuing a Minor in Music will take courses in various areas of music. This highly flexible program allows students to explore the vast offerings of music classes at the University of Oregon to customize their learning experience.

Music Minor Requirements

The minor in music requires a minimum of 26 credits, 15 of which must be upper division. A minimum of 15 credits must be taken in residence. Courses must be taken for a grade if the graded option is offered. Courses applied to the minor must be graded C– or better or P (pass). No specific courses or categories are required.  The minor in Music may not be taken concurrently with any other music degree program. Credits for the minor may be earned by taking any of the following pre-approved courses. For additional information, please visit the website or contact the music undergraduate office (

Upper-division music courses 115
Music courses at any level 111
Total Credits26

MUS subject code courses, MUJ subject code courses, MUP subject code courses, Physics of Sound and Music (PHYS 152), Music and the Brain (PSY 348), and Themes in the Humanities (HUM 300).

Other music courses may be approved by petition to the undergraduate committee.