Special Education (MEd)


Beth Harn, Program Director
340 HEDCO Education Building

The candidate must have a valid teaching license and have completed at least one year of successful classroom teaching in the United States.

The program of study leading to the master’s degree requires a minimum of 45 credits of graduate work. The program of study includes required core courses, associated field studies, electives, and a terminal project.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Create safe, inclusive, culturally responsive learning environments so that individuals with exceptionalities become active and effective learners and develop emotional well-being, positive social interactions, and self-determination. (CEC Initial Prep. Standard 1), as measured by passing grades (P) in all practicum and/or student teaching experiences.
  • Practice within ethical and legal guidelines; advocate for improved outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities and their families while considering their social, cultural, and linguistic diversity (CEC Initial Prep. Sub-Standards 1.1 and 1.2), as measured by a grade of B- or better in SPED 428/528 SPED Law.
  • Create and contribute to safe, respectful, and productive learning environments for individuals with exceptionalities through the use of effective routines and procedures and use a range of preventive and responsive practices to support social, emotional and educational well-being (CEC Initial Prep. Sub-standard 6.1), as measured by a grade of B- or better in SPED 426/526 Behavior and Classroom Management.
  • Consider individual abilities, interests, learning environments, and cultural and linguistic factors in the selection, development, and adaptation of learning experiences for individuals with exceptionalities (CEC Sub-standard 5.1), as measured by grades of B- or better in all instructional methods courses.

Minimum Requirements: 

  • 45 credits as an officially admitted master’s degree student 
  • 15 credit hours of previous graduate-level work may be transferred into your program pending instructor and advisor approval 
  • 9 credit hours of 600 level courses 
  • 30 graduate credit hours in special education (SPED) courses 
  • 24 graded credit hours in UO courses 
  • Students who wish to obtain a Master of Arts degree must complete the equivalent of two years of a second language

Please see program website for additional information: https://education.uoregon.edu/sped/graduate

Accelerated Master's in Special Education: EI/ECSE Program

This Accelerated Master’s in Special Education provides foundational knowledge about the field of special education, emphasizing skill development in four areas: (a) foundations of disability; (b) instructional methods for young children (ages birth to five) with developmental delays or disabilities; (c) social emotional and behavioral supports (providing interventions to promote social development and supporting young children with challenging behaviors); and (d) coaching families of young children with disabilities. The program is ideally suited for students interested in careers in education, human services and social work, or related fields, who are interested in supporting young children with disabilities and their families in public or private educational settings, disability-serving agencies, and/or community-based settings. The program will be available to any UO student who (a) completes our existing minor in special education, and (b) meets the program’s graduate admission criteria. It provides participants an accelerated pathway to licensure in early intervention/early childhood special education and a master’s degree in special education.

Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education Licensure Plan of Study

Undergraduate Junior 113
Foundations of Disability I
Practicum: [Topic]
Undergraduate Senior11
Early Literacy for Diverse Learners
Special Education Law
Behavior and Classroom Management
Foundations in Early Childhood and Early Intervention
Survey of Educational Research Methods
Early Intervention Methods I
Early Intervention Practicum I
Professional Practices in Early Intervention I
Assessment and Evaluation
Early Intervention for Diverse Families
Early Intervention Methods II
Early Intervention Practicum II
Professional Practices in Early Intervention II
Curriculum in Early Childhood and Early Intervention
SPED 689 Early Intervention Methods III
Final Supervised Field Experience
Professional Practices in Early Intervention III
Total Credits63

Required courses includes two SPED Minor elective courses [min 6 credits; taken any term; please see SPED Minor program plan for list of elective courses here: https://education.uoregon.edu/sites/education2.uoregon.edu/files/spedminor_programplan_112320.pdf]