Education Studies
Joanna Goode, Department Head
125D Lorry I. Lokey Education Building
License and degree programs in the Department of Education Studies prepare professionals to work in education. For teaching in elementary grade levels (K–5), the undergraduate major in educational foundations leads to a bachelor of arts (BA) or bachelor of science (BS) degree in educational foundations. Undergraduates may also earn a certificate in education foundations—secondary. For teaching in secondary grade levels (6–12), the certificate in educational foundations—secondary is intended to complement the subject area major.
The master's-level programs include
- a degree in curriculum and teaching with a specialization in elementary multiple subjects education or secondary education, which includes a recommendation for a state-approved teaching license and a master of education (MEd) degree
- a program in curriculum and teacher education for those already holding a teaching license and are seeking a master of science (MS) degree
- a degree in education policy and leadership (EPoL) that combines methodological training, theoretical grounding, and practical expertise in US education policy, evidence-based decision-making, organizational leadership, and policy-making processes
- add-on endorsements for licensed teachers in English for speakers of other languages and multicultural, multilingual reading
The doctoral degree programs lead to a doctor of philosophy degree (PhD) in critical and sociocultural studies in education (CSSE) or quantitative research methods in education (QRME).
Katie Fitch, clinical assistant professor (critical geography and education, teacher education, science education); BA, 2007, MAT, 2008, Trinity University; PhD, 2021, Oregon. (2021)
Joanna Goode, Sommerville Knight Professor (computer science education, urban education, educational equity and inclusion). BS 1997, MEd, 1998, PhD, 2004, California, Los Angeles. (2005)
Maithreyi Gopalan, associate professor (quantitative research methods, educational equity, health-education policy analysis); BA, 2002, Madras University; MA, 2004, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics; PhD, 2018, Indiana University, Bloomington. (2024)
Tina Gutierez-Schmich, clinical associate professor (educational equity & inclusion, conflict resolution studies, teacher education, educational policy); BEd, 2002, MPA, 2005, MS, 2016, PhD, 2016, Oregon. (2023)
Julie Heffernan, senior lecturer (sexuality and gender studies in education, social studies and language arts curriculum, educational equity and inclusion); graduate director, UO Teach. BA, 1990, MEd, 2004, PhD, 2010, Oregon (2013)
Jenefer Husman, professor (educational psychology). BS, 1992, Evergreen State College; MA, 1996, PhD, 1998, Texas, Austin. (2016)
Michelle Jacob, professor (Indigenous studies in education, health, gender and decolonization). BA, 1998, MA, 2001, California State, San Marcos; PhD, 2004, California, Santa Barbara. (2016)
Abby Lane, instructor (bilingual education, English language learners, migrant education). BA, 1983, California State, Northridge; MEd, 1992, Oregon. (2000)
David Liebowitz, assistant professor (education policy analysis, educational inequity, school leadership). BA, 1999, Columbia; EdM, 2008, 2011, EdD, 2015, Harvard. (2018)
Audrey Lucero, associate professor (literacy, bilingualism, dual-language schooling), BA, BS, 1996, Boston; MIT, 2002, Seattle; PhD, 2011, Washington (Seattle). (2011)
Lisa A. Mazzei, professor (qualitative research methodology, curriculum theory, whiteness studies). BA, 1983, Marshall; MA, 1984, PhD, 1996, Ohio State. (2012)
Edward M. Olivos, professor (bilingual education, Latinos and education, teacher preparation). BA, 1991, MA, 1997, PhD, 2003, San Diego State. (2007)
Jerry L. Rosiek, professor (qualitative research methods, teacher education, critical race theory in education research). BA, 1987, BS, 1988, Texas A & M; PhD, 1997, Stanford. (2005)
Jennifer Ruef, associate professor (mathematics education, equity, inclusion and social justice). BS, 1990, MS, 2005, Wisconsin, Madison; PhD, 2016, Stanford. (2016)
Leilani Sabzalian, associate professor (indigenous studies in education, teacher education, elementary social studies). BA, 2001, MEd, 2002, PhD, 2015, Oregon. (2017)
Alison Schmitke, senior lecturer (social foundations of education, social studies curriculum, sports education); director, undergraduate degree program. BA, 1994, Willamette; MEd, 1996, Portland State; PhD, 2008, Alabama. (2006)
Sarah Stapleton, associate professor (food and environmental justice, social contexts of science and environmental education). BA, 2001, Sweet Briar College; EdM, 2005, Harvard; PhD, 2015, Michigan State. (2015)
Amanda R. Tachine, assistant professor (Indigenous knowledge systems, Indigenous and decolonizing qualitative methodology, higher education); BS, 2000, Northern Arizona; MA, 2006; PhD, 2015, Arizona. (2024)
Ilana Umansky, associate professor (education policy analysis, quasi-experimental methods and longitudinal data analysis, English learners and immigration). BA, 1998, Wesleyan; MEd, 2003, Harvard; MA, 2012, PhD, 2014, Stanford. (2014)
Keith Zvoch, professor (quantitative methods, program evaluation, statistical modeling). BS, 1992, Pittsburgh; MA, 1995, PhD, 2001, New Mexico. (2007)
Juliet "Jill" A. Baxter, associate professor emerita. AB, 1975, MA, 1986, PhD, 1987, Stanford; MA, 1977, Minnesota. (2002)
Edna P. DeHaven, professor emerita. BS, 1951, Oregon College of Education; MEd, 1962, PhD, 1969, Oregon. (1969)
Gary W. Ferrington, senior instructor emeritus. BS, 1964, Portland State; MS, 1967, Southern California. (1967)
M. D. "Mark" Gall, professor emeritus. BA, 1963, MEd, 1963, Harvard; PhD, 1968, California, Berkeley. (1975)
Judith K. Grosenick, professor emerita. BS, 1964, Wisconsin, Oshkosh; MS, 1966, PhD, 1968 Kansas. (1984)
Ray E. Hull, professor emeritus. BS, 1958, MS, 1962, Oregon State; DEd, 1969, Oregon. (1970)
William E. Lamon, associate professor emeritus. BS, 1964, San Francisco; MS, 1965, California State; PhD, 1968, California, Berkeley. (1972)
Ione F. Pierron, associate professor emerita of librarianship. BA, 1936, Puget Sound; MA, 1955, Minnesota; MS, 1960, Oregon. (1948)
Kathleen M. Scalise, professor emerita. BA, 1982, MA, 2004, PhD, 2004, California, Berkeley. (2005)
The date in parentheses at the end of each entry is the first year on the University of Oregon faculty.
Graduate Programs
Majors - Master's Degree
- Curriculum and Teacher Education (MS)
- Curriculum and Teaching (UOTeach) (MEd)
- Educational Policy and Leadership (MS)
Majors - Doctoral Degree
- Critical and Sociocultural Studies in Education (PhD)
- Quantitative Research Methods in Education (PhD)