Russian (RUSS)

RUSS 101. First-Year Russian. 5 Credits.
Elementary Russian grammar, conversation, reading, and composition.

RUSS 102. First-Year Russian. 5 Credits.
Elementary Russian grammar, conversation, reading, and composition.
Requisites: Prereq: RUSS 101.

RUSS 103. First-Year Russian. 5 Credits.
Elementary Russian grammar, conversation, reading, and composition.
Requisites: Prereq: RUSS 102.

RUSS 196. Field Studies: [Topic]. 1-2 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RUSS 198. Workshop: [Topic]. 1-2 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RUSS 199. Special Studies: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Russian Film is a current topic. Repeatable when topic changes.
Repeatable 99 times when topic changes

RUSS 201. Second-Year Russian I. 5 Credits.
Intermediate Russian grammar, reading, conversation, and composition. Study of representative literary works.
Requisites: Prereq: RUSS 103 or equivalent.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

RUSS 202. Second-Year Russian II. 5 Credits.
Intermediate Russian grammar, reading, conversation, and composition. Study of representative literary works.
Requisites: Prereq: RUSS 201 or equivalent.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

RUSS 203. Second-Year Russian III. 5 Credits.
Intermediate Russian grammar, reading, conversation, and composition. Study of representative literary works.
Requisites: Prereq: RUSS 202 or equivalent.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
BA Language Satisfying Course
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

RUSS 204. Introduction to Russian Literature. 4 Credits.
Survey of Russian literature from its origins to the present; emphasis on Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, and contemporary works. Readings, lectures, and discussions in English.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

RUSS 205. Introduction to Russian Literature. 4 Credits.
Survey of Russian literature from its origins to the present; emphasis on Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, and contemporary works. Readings, lectures, and discussions in English.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

RUSS 206. Introduction to Russian Literature. 4 Credits.
Survey of Russian literature from its origins to the present; emphasis on Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, and contemporary works. Readings, lectures, and discussions in English.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

RUSS 240. Russian Culture. 4 Credits.
Comparative aesthetics and development of art, film, architecture, music, and literature in the context of Russian intellectual history. Readings, lectures, and discussions in English.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

RUSS 309. Russian through Theater. 2-4 Credits.
Combined elements of Russian language, literature, and culture learned through participation in a theater production. Credits vary with degree of involvement. Repeatable up to three times for a total of 16 credits.
Repeatable 3 times for a maximum of 16 credits

RUSS 316. Third-Year Russian I. 5 Credits.
Intermediate-to-advanced Russian. Further development of basic skills, with special attention to reading comprehension, conversational competence, grammatical accuracy, and cultural sophistication.
Requisites: Prereq: RUSS 203 or equivalent.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
BA Language Satisfying Course

RUSS 317. Third-Year Russian II. 5 Credits.
Intermediate-to-advanced Russian. Further development of basic skills, with special attention to reading comprehension, conversational competence, grammatical accuracy, and cultural sophistication.
Requisites: Prereq: RUSS 316 or equivalent.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
BA Language Satisfying Course
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

RUSS 318. Third-Year Russian III. 5 Credits.
Intermediate-to-advanced Russian. Further development of basic skills, with special attention to reading comprehension, conversational competence, grammatical accuracy, and cultural sophistication.
Requisites: Prereq: RUSS 317 or equivalent.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
BA Language Satisfying Course

RUSS 334. Dostoevsky. 4 Credits.
Introduction to the novels and short stories of Dostoevsky. His literary, ethical, and political development. Readings and instruction in English.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

RUSS 351. Russian Literature and Film. 4 Credits.
Introduction to great works of 19th-century Russian literature and analysis of the cinematic adaptation of these works by Western filmmakers.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

RUSS 360. Race in Russia and America. 4 Credits.
While the racial conversation dominates American culture, few consider the history and significance of race beyond the U.S. This course examines race from a fresh, much less examined, perspective – that of Russia, Soviet Union, and post-Soviet world, in comparison to the US.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

RUSS 399. Special Studies: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Recent topics are Solzhenitsyn, Sex and Feminism in Russia. Repeatable when topic changes.
Repeatable 99 times when topic changes

RUSS 401. Research: [Topic]. 2-6 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RUSS 403. Thesis. 3-6 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RUSS 404. Internship: [Topic]. 1-12 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RUSS 405. Reading and Conference: [Topic]. 1-6 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RUSS 406. Field Studies: [Topic]. 1-21 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RUSS 407. Seminar: [Topic]. 2-4 Credits.
Repeatable when topic changes.
Repeatable 99 times when topic changes

RUSS 408. Workshop: [Topic]. 1-12 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times when topic changes

RUSS 409. Terminal Project. 1-12 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RUSS 410. Experimental Course: [Topic]. 2-4 Credits.
Recent topics are Self and Other in Russian Literature and Film. Repeatable when topic changes.
Repeatable 99 times when topic changes

RUSS 434. Russian Literature: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
Comprehensive study of selected topics in Russian literature, (e.g., 20th-century, contemporary, and Old Russian literature). Repeatable twice when topic changes for maximum of 12 credits.
Repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes

RUSS 436. Advanced Russian: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
Analysis of Russian texts, films, and TV broadcasts about selected topics in Russian culture, literature, politics, and economics with practice in comprehension, conversation, and composition. Repeatable twice when topic changes for a maximum of 12 credits.
Requisites: Prereq: RUSS 318 or equivalent.
Repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes

RUSS 503. Thesis. 1-9 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RUSS 507. Seminar: [Topic]. 2-4 Credits.
Repeatable when topic changes.
Repeatable 99 times

RUSS 508. Workshop: [Topic]. 2-12 Credits.
Conducted in Russian. Repeatable when topic changes.
Repeatable 99 times

RUSS 510. Experimental Course: [Topic]. 2-4 Credits.
Recent topics are Self and Other in Russian Literature and Film. Repeatable when topic changes.
Repeatable 99 times

RUSS 534. Russian Literature: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
Comprehensive study of selected topics in Russian literature, (e.g., 20th-century, contemporary, and Old Russian literature). Repeatable twice when topic changes for maximum of 12 credits.
Repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 12 credits

RUSS 536. Advanced Russian: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
Analysis of Russian texts, films, and TV broadcasts about selected topics in Russian culture, literature, politics, and economics with practice in comprehension, conversation, and composition. Repeatable twice when topic changes for a maximum of 12 credits.
Repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 12 credits

RUSS 601. Research: [Topic]. 2-6 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RUSS 604. Internship: [Topic]. 1-12 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RUSS 605. Reading and Conference: [Topic]. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RUSS 606. Field Studies: [Topic]. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RUSS 607. Seminar: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RUSS 608. Workshop: [Topic]. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RUSS 609. Terminal Project. 1-12 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RUSS 610. Experimental Course: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times