Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies (BA)

The Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies Program is devoted to the study of the peoples living in the eastern third of Europe, throughout the northern steppes of Central Asia, and across Siberia to the Pacific Ocean. Settled over a territory that spans half the earth’s time zones, these peoples have created a complex mosaic of cultures, expressed in literature and art as well as in institutions and social forms. Over the centuries, these lands have come under the sway of several great world-historical civilizations and empires: the Byzantine, Mongolian, Ottoman Turkish, Holy Roman, Austro-Hungarian, Russian, and Soviet. These lands have felt the influence of Orthodox Christianity, Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and Communism. At the intersection of many powerful forces, these lands experience the historical drama of what some call "modernization" with its challenge to customary ways of life. Yet, after centuries of massive transplantation and transformation, national and ethnic heritages survive. Customary ways and native self-consciousness, more diverse than anywhere else on the globe, express themselves with new vigor.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Humanities Track: Be proficient in reading, writing, and speaking Russian (or other language of the region) consistent with completion of at least a third-year level (from novice high to intermediate high).
  • Humanities Track: Have a broad general understanding of the region of Russia, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia including its history and culture, and ability to communicate about that culture in both Russian (or other language of the region) and English. Knowledge of major historical figures, writers and other cultural figures of the region and ability to evaluate and discuss them/their work.
  • Humanities Track: Identify, describe and explain materials, terminologies, and methodologies in literature, film and media of the region.
  • Social Science Track: Be proficient in reading, writing, and speaking Russian consistent with completion of at least a third-year level (from novice high to intermediate high).
  • Social Science Track: Have a broad general understanding of the region of Russia, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia including its history and culture, and ability to communicate about that culture in both Russian (or other language of the region) and English. Knowledge of major historical figures, writers and other cultural figures of the region and ability to evaluate and discuss them/their work.
  • Social Science Track: Identify, describe and explain important movements, terminologies, and methodologies in history, politics and religion of the region.

Fields of Concentration

The program offers the following concentrations for the undergraduate major and minor:

  • Russian language, literature, and culture (humanities emphasis/field of concentration)
  • Russian and East European history, politics, and society (social science emphasis/field of concentration)

Courses with these focus areas are offered by the program and such participating departments as anthropology, geography, history, political science, and sociology. Any course taken that includes instruction on one of these focus areas and has at least 40 percent Russian, East European, former Soviet Eurasian, or Slavic content, including independent research undertaken by the student, may be applied to the field of concentration requirement with administrative approval. Students may petition to the REEES Director of Undergraduate Studies to have courses taken in other disciplines count toward the concentration or elective requirement if the content of these courses meets the 40 percent standard. This applies to regularly scheduled courses and to independent reading and conference courses.

Students can view sample programs of study in the various concentrations on the program website.

Major Requirements

The major requires 36 graded credits; courses must be passed with grades of C– or better. Credits used to fulfill the language requirement may not be applied to the 36-credit requirement.

Bachelor of Arts Degree Requirements

Language Courses
RUSS 101–103First-Year Russian 115
RUSS 201–203Second-Year Russian 115
RUSS 316–318Third-Year Russian 115
Five Field of Concentration Courses20
At least four courses in a chosen concentration must be upper-division Elective Courses 2
Elective Courses 316
Total Credits36

Three years of college-level Slavic language study is usually fulfilled by taking Russian language courses. Students may petition to substitute one year of a second Slavic language for one year of the primary Slavic language. The language option is chosen in consultation with program advisors.


 Two courses must be at the 400 level.


At least two 4-credit courses should be outside of the field of concentration. 

Russian Language, Literature, and Culture Concentration Courses

Introduction to Russian Literature
Introduction to Russian Literature
Introduction to Russian Literature
Russian Culture
Russian through Theater
Russian Literature and Film
Special Studies: [Topic]
Internship: [Topic]
Reading and Conference: [Topic]
Seminar: [Topic]
Terminal Project
Experimental Course: [Topic]
Russian Literature: [Topic]
Advanced Russian: [Topic]
Periods in Scandinavian Literature

Russian and East European History, Politics and Society Concentration Courses

Imperial Russia
Soviet Union and Contemporary Russia
The Holocaust
Modern Russia: [Topic]
Geography of Europe
Political Geography
The Jewish Encounter with Modernity
Russian Politics
Marxism and Radical Thought
Theories of International Politics
Politics of the European Union
Special Studies: [Topic]
Reading and Conference: [Topic]
Seminar: [Topic]
Experimental Course: [Topic]
History of Eastern Christianity I
History of Eastern Christianity II

Honors in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies

Majors who have an overall GPA of 3.50 by the end of the junior year and who are interested in honors should meet with the REEES Director of Undergraduate Studies, then submit a thesis proposal to the program’s director for approval. If approved, the student registers for a minimum of 4 credits in Thesis (403) under the supervision of a program faculty member. The thesis must be completed at least one term before the term of graduation.

Four-Year Degree Plan

The degree plan shown is only a sample of how students may complete their degrees in four years (Below is a sample for a Russian, East European, and Eurasian studies major with a concentration in Russian language, literature, and culture). There are alternative ways. Students should consult their advisor to determine the best path for them.

Bachelor of Arts in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies (Humanities Concentration)

Degree Map
First Year
RUSS 101 First-Year Russian 5
WR 121Z Composition I 4
RUSS 204 Introduction to Russian Literature 4
General-education course in social science that also satisfies multicultural requirement 4
 Credits 17
RUSS 102 First-Year Russian 5
WR 122Z
Composition II
or College Composition III
RUSS 309 Russian through Theater 4
General-education course in science 4
 Credits 17
RUSS 103 First-Year Russian 5
RUSS 334 Dostoevsky 4
General-education course in social science 4
General-education course in science 4
 Credits 17
 Total Credits 51
Degree Map
Second Year
RUSS 201 Second-Year Russian I 5
Upper-division content course in REEES humanities (Field of concentration course) 4
General-education course in arts and letters 4
General-education course in science 4
 Credits 17
RUSS 202 Second-Year Russian II 5
RUSS 426 or similar 4
General-education course in arts and letters 4
General-education course in social science 4
 Credits 17
RUSS 203 Second-Year Russian III 5
HIST 346 Imperial Russia 4
General-education course in arts and letters 4
General-education course in science 4
 Credits 17
 Total Credits 51
Degree Map
Third Year
PS 475 Politics of the European Union 4
RUSS 316 Third-Year Russian I 5
Elective or second-major courses 8
 Credits 17
RUSS 317 Third-Year Russian II 5
PS 433 Marxism and Radical Thought 4
Elective or second-major courses 8
 Credits 17
RUSS 318 Third-Year Russian III 5
Elective or second-major courses 8
 Credits 13
 Total Credits 47
Degree Map
Fourth Year
Elective or second-major courses 16
 Credits 16
Elective or second-major courses 12
 Credits 12
 Total Credits 28

Bachelor of Arts in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies (Social Science Concentration)

Degree Map
First Year
RUSS 101 First-Year Russian 5
WR 121Z Composition I 4
General-education course in social science 4
General-education course in science 4
 Credits 17
RUSS 102 First-Year Russian 5
WR 122Z
Composition II
or College Composition III
HIST 346 Imperial Russia 4
General-education course in arts and letters that also satisfies multicultural requirement 4
 Credits 17
RUSS 103 First-Year Russian 5
HIST 347 Soviet Union and Contemporary Russia 4
JDST 213 The Jewish Encounter with Modernity 4
General-education course in social science 4
 Credits 17
 Total Credits 51
Degree Map
Second Year
RUSS 201 Second-Year Russian I 5
Content course in REEES social science (Field of concentration course) 4
General-education course in arts and letters 4
General-education course in science 4
 Credits 17
RUSS 202 Second-Year Russian II 5
PS 433 Marxism and Radical Thought 4
General-education course in arts and letters 4
General-education course in social science 4
 Credits 17
RUSS 203 Second-Year Russian III 5
RUSS 240 Russian Culture 4
General-education course in social science 4
General-education course in science 4
 Credits 17
 Total Credits 51
Degree Map
Third Year
RUSS 316 Third-Year Russian I 5
REEES elective course (outside concentration, different from first elective course) 4
Elective or second-major courses 8
 Credits 17
RUSS 309 Russian through Theater 4
RUSS 317 Third-Year Russian II 5
Elective or second-major courses 8
 Credits 17
RUSS 318 Third-Year Russian III 5
Elective or second-major courses 12
 Credits 17
 Total Credits 51
Degree Map
Fourth Year
Elective or second-major courses 16
 Credits 16
Elective or second-major courses 12
 Credits 12
 Total Credits 28