French and Francophone Studies (BA)

In the eighth century, the emperor Charlemagne, “the father of Europe,” declared that, “to speak another language is to possess a second soul.” There’s something wonderful about studying another language, being able to think and express yourself in a new way. Using that skill to communicate with people whose culture and life experiences are very different from your own can be very exciting.

More than 250 million people in more than 50 countries speak French. It is an official language in 29 countries and maintains its status as a major language of culture, diplomacy, and economics. The Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, established in 1970 and usually referred to as “La Francophonie,” includes 57 member states on four continents. French is a passport to much of the world!

You may want to study French language and culture to get in touch with your family’s history or to learn about the rich cultural legacies of France in Europe and across the globe. Perhaps you’re looking forward to traveling through some of the countries and regions of Europe, Africa, North America, or Asia, where French is spoken and you want to build your language skills. Or, maybe you’re interested in a diplomatic or global business career that involves multinational companies. Whatever the basis of your interest, a major in French in the University of Oregon’s Department of Romance Languages will help you to expand your knowledge and horizons.

The Department of Romance Languages is a diverse multicultural and multilingual unit with a first-rate faculty from around the world. As a major or minor, you will gain an extensive knowledge of languages and cultures and will have invaluable opportunities for intellectual growth. You’ll also be able to engage in a wide variety of extracurricular activities, including lectures and film festivals, language conversation groups, study abroad programs, and internships.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Language proficiency: French majors should reach at least a level of Intermediate-High (speaking) and Advanced (writing) in the primary target language according to ACTFL proficiency standards.
  • Analytical skills related to the field/target language (research and writing): French majors should be able to: a) use basic tools/methods of analysis in literary and cultural studies; b) use technical vocabulary appropriate for the discipline (literary and cultural analysis, linguistic style and register, etc.); c) demonstrate understanding of academic writing (manage and cite bibliographic resources, document all sources, including in-line citations in writing, etc.)
  • Content objectives (literature/culture): Demonstrate familiarity with examples of the cultural/artistic production in the target language from different historical periods and different geographical areas in the Francophone world. Identify authors, texts, themes, and literary/artistic/intellectual movements in the areas studied. Relate cultural artifacts (literature, film, fine arts) to the historical, cultural, and social contexts in which they were produced.
  • Disciplinary methods (humanities or social science): identify basic disciplinary questions that define literary analysis/cultural studies or sociolinguistics; apply or relate disciplinary questions to current debates in the arts, politics, social conflicts, etc.
  • Interact with proficient speakers on a variety of familiar and professional topics, in a culturally appropriate manner.

Courses for the major are principally taught in the language of study and immerse students in a diversity of cultures and variations spoken. Cultural, linguistic and literary production – writing, film and other media – studied in RL courses reflect variations of race, gender, social class, climate, religion, and historical and artistic movements and counter-movements. 

All courses for French and Francophone Studies majors and minors must be upper-division, with the exception of two lower-division classes (FR 150 and FR 203).  Courses used to fulfill the major requirements must be taken for a letter grade and passed with a grade of C- or better. Coursework transferred in from Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate exams are acceptable with a mark of P*.

French and Francophone Studies Major Requirements

Courses used to fulfill the major requirements must be taken for a letter grade and passed with a grade of C- or better. Coursework transferred in from Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate exams are acceptable with a mark of P*

Culture and Language8
Second-Year French
La France contemporaine
Culture et langage: Le monde francophone contemporain
Oral Skills ((must take twice for 4 credits to count toward this requirement))
Foundations 1, 428
Cultural Legacies of France
300-Level or above FR courses 2
Courses that address French-speaking communities (literature, culture, linguistics, food studies, history, art, art history, policital science, etc) may be applied. 3
Expertise 412
FR 407 or above FR courses
Total Credits48

16 credits must be in French (FR 300-level or above).


Extra Culture and Language courses may be used (FR 301, FR 302, FR 307).


Contact the department's advisor for approved course list.


RL 407 may be used with approval from department's advisor.

Additional Requirements

  • 12 credits must be taught by UO faculty (in-residence or study abroad/away)

Departmental Honors

Approval for graduation with honors is granted to any student who meets one of the following requirements:

  1. Maintains at least a 4.00 grade point average (GPA) in all upper-division department course work and at least a 3.50 GPA overall, or
  2. Maintains at least a 3.75 GPA in all upper-division department course work and at least a 3.50 GPA overall, and submits an honors thesis written under the guidance of a Romance languages faculty thesis advisor. The thesis adviser determines whether the thesis is acceptable and may require the student to register for up to 6 pass/no pass (P/N) credits in Thesis (FR, ITAL, SPAN 403)

If a student wishes to apply for honors by submitting an honors thesis, the application for graduation with honors must be submitted by the end of the term that immediately precedes the term of graduation. If a student is planning on graduating in the spring term, they must apply for graduation through their departmental advisor during the winter term.

Transfer credits and overseas-study work used to fulfill major graduation requirements are typically included in determining the major GPA.

Four-Year Degree Plan

The degree plan shown is only a sample of how students may complete their degrees in four years. There are alternative ways. Students should consult their advisor to determine the best path for them.

Bachelor of Arts in French and Francophone Studies

Degree Map
First Year
FR 101 First-Year French 5
Core-education course in arts and letters 4
Core-education course in science 4
Participate in the Romance Languages Opportunities Fair in October  
Take a lighter course load in your first term as you adjust to college  
 Credits 13
FR 102 First-Year French 5
WR 121Z Composition I 4
Core-education course in arts and letters (Minor or second major course, if applicable) 4
Study skills or time management course 1
Talk with advisors about study abroad or other experiential learning options  
 Credits 14
FR 103 First-Year French 5
WR 122Z
Composition II
or College Composition III
Core-education course in arts and letters 4
Core-education course in social science 4
Meet with University Career Center advisor to discuss potential major(s) and career ideas  
 Credits 17
 Total Credits 44
Degree Map
Second Year
FR 201 Intermediate French I 4
Core-education course in arts and letters 4
Core-education course in social science (Minor or second major course, if applicable) 4
Core-education course in science (Minor or second major course, if applicable) 4
Participate in the Romance Languages Opportunities Fair in October  
 Credits 16
FR 202 Intermediate French II 4
Core-education course in social science 4
Core-education course in science 4
Global Perspective course 4
 Credits 16
FR 203 Intermediate French III Declare French major4
Core-education course in social science 4
Core-education course in science 4
Elective course 4
Confirm study-abroad or experiential learning plans, and work with advisor to verify progress toward degree  
 Credits 16
 Total Credits 48
Degree Map
Third Year
FR 301 La France contemporaine 4
FR 302 Culture et langage Le monde francophone contemporain 4
Electives or courses for minor or second major 8
Participate in Romance Languages Opportunities Fair in October  
 Credits 16
Choose two French Foundation courses 8
Electives or courses for minor or second major 8
Apply for Romance languages scholarships  
 Credits 16
Choose two French Foundation courses 8
Electives or courses for minor or second major 8
Meet with advisor to confirm major progress and plan for senior year  
 Credits 16
 Total Credits 48
Degree Map
Fourth Year
FR 407 Seminar: [Topic] 4
French Foundation Course 4
Elective or courses for minor or second major 8
 Credits 16
FR 407 Seminar: [Topic] 4
Elective or course for minor or second major 8
 Credits 12
FR 407 Seminar: [Topic] Apply for graduation, including any certificates4
Elective or course for minor or second major 8
 Credits 12
 Total Credits 40