German and Scandinavian Studies Minor

The German and Scandinavian Studies Minor is actually an interdisciplinary German and/or Scandinavian Studies Minor in which the student will normally choose to work on either German or Scandinavian, and then add to that linguistic-cultural focus courses from one other discipline or interest area (such as History, Cinema Studies, Philosophy, Global Studies, Art History, etc.) that overlaps with the German or Scandinavian world.  A minor in German and Scandinavian Studies is a great choice for students interested in German and/or Scandinavian culture and history. Faculty members from the humanities, music, and social sciences who share a common interest in German and Scandinavian culture, letters, history, and society administer this program.

The influence of German and Scandinavian culture and letters on modern life is incalculable. In philosophy and religion; in sociology and psychology; in music; law; political science; and history, German-speaking thinkers have helped define our perception of the world.

German and Scandinavian studies is an interdisciplinary program offering undergraduates the opportunity to study these influences in context with the society and cultures that produced them. It combines advanced language training with an interdisciplinary program of literature courses offered in the Department of German and Scandinavian. 

Minor in German and Scandinavian Studies

The German and Scandinavian studies minor requires second-year language proficiency. Of the 24 credits beyond second-year language, at least 12 must be in courses taught by the UO Department of German and Scandinavian; at least 20 must be taken for a letter grade.

Courses used to fulfill the minor requirements must be taken for letter grade and passed with a grade of C- or better.

12 upper-division credits in courses taught in German or a Scandinavian language 112
8 additional upper-division credits in approved courses8
4 additional lower- or upper-division credits in approved courses4
Completion of an approved capstone project
Total Credits24

Eligible courses in this category include GER 311–313, GER 340–341, GER 360–499, and SWED 405.

Approved courses are described in the Bachelor of Arts in German: German and Scandinavian Studies Focus section above.