German Minor

The German minor correlates well with studies that have an international or European concentration. It is particularly useful for students of global studies, international business, European history, medieval studies, sociology, political science, journalism, linguistics, philosophy, art history, music history, other languages, theater, and related fields.

German Minor Requirements

The German minor correlates well with studies that have an international or European concentration. It is particularly useful for students of Global Studies, international business, European history, medieval studies, sociology, political science, journalism, linguistics, art history, music history, other languages, theater, and related fields.

Four upper-division German courses 116
GER 201Second-Year German I4
GER 202Second-Year German II4
GER 203Second-Year German III4
Total Credits28

May include courses in language, literature, or culture. Two courses taught in English may be applied to the minor in German. Grades of at least C- or P (pass) must be earned in all courses used to satisfy requirements for the minor. One course may be taken pass/no pass. At least 12 credits must be taken in the UO Department of German and Scandinavian.

The following courses may not be used to satisfy minor requirements:

Special Studies: [Topic]
Reading and Conference: [Topic]
Practicum: [Topic]
Workshop: [Topic]
German for Reading Knowledge I