Biology Minor

The Department of Biology at the University of Oregon offers expertise and research opportunities in a wide range of disciplines including cell and developmental biology, ecology, evolution, genetics, marine biology, and neuroscience. Our undergraduate curriculum provides an introductory overview in each of these areas and provides the opportunity for advanced training and specialization in particular areas through coursework and research experience.

Minor in Biology

Lower-Division Biology Courses15
Select three of the following:
General Biology I: Cells
General Biology II: Organisms
General Biology III: Ecology and Evolution
General Biology IV: Biochemistry and Genetics
Or all three of the following:
Honors Biology I: Cells, Biochemistry and Physiology
Honors Biology II: Genetics and Molecular Biology
Honors Biology III: Evolution, Diversity and Ecology
Upper-Division Biology Courses 116
Total Credits31

No more than 4 credits from BI 401–409.

Students interested in a minor in biology should develop a plan for the minor in consultation with an advisor in the Biology Advising Center. Students completing the minor in biology must provide the biology advisor with an electronic submission of a transcript or transfer evaluation that shows any transfer courses that may be applied to the minor.

At least 16 credits of biology applied to the minor must be taken at the University of Oregon.

Course work must be completed with grades of P or C– or better.