Folklore and Public Culture Minor

The interdisciplinary Folklore Program offers perspectives on ethnic, regional, occupational, gender, and other traditional identities of individuals in specific societies and cultures. Students in the program study how traditions enrich and express the dynamics of human behavior throughout the world. Folklore courses examine the historical, cultural, social, political, and economic dimensions of such expressive forms as mythology, legend, art, music, dance, culinary practices, religion, ritual, and ceremony. Folklore and Public Culture minors go on to work as educators, archivists, editors, arts and humanities consultants, museum curators, and festival planners.

Minor in Folklore and Public Culture


The minor requires the completion of 24 credits. Introduction to Folklore (FLR 250) is required of all minors. A maximum of 8 credits may be taken in lower-division courses. A minimum of 12 credits must be "FLR" courses. Remaining courses are selected from the list of courses on the program website. Students may substitute courses from other departments to fulfill this requirement with the approval of their minor advisor. Programs from other departments and programs offering folklore-related courses include anthropology, classics, dance, English, ethnic studies, German and Scandinavian, historic preservation, humanities, international studies, journalism and communication, Judaic studies, music, planning, public policy, and management, religious studies, Romance languages, theater arts, and women’s and gender studies.

Minimum Grade

Course work required for the folklore and public culture minor, both lower division and upper division, must be passed with grades of C– or better. No more than 4 pass/no pass credits may be applied to the minor. 

Residency Requirement

Sixteen credits of course work for the minor must be completed at the University of Oregon.