Creative Writing Minor

Students who elect to minor in Creative Writing represent a variety of majors from across the University of Oregon campus. Architecture, Psychology, English, Biology, Journalism, Art History, Classics, Ethnic Studies, Sociology, and Public Relations are just a few of the fields of studies of our past minors. All Creative Writing students enjoy small classes with a highly dedicated faculty.

Imagination and creative are certainly points of emphasis in our courses, but they are in equal balance with an emphasis on critical inquiry and the concise articulation of ideas in the workshop process. Our conversations may be about our art, but they are not just about our art. They require compassion and clarity, kindness and honesty. We believe the skills a successful Creative Writing student develops transcend any given workshop in Poetry, Fiction, or Nonfiction. The skills we foster in the Creative Writing Program will serve the aspiring English teacher, medical student, entrepreneur, and computer scientist alike.

For those students interested in pursuing the M.F.A. degree, the Creative Writing Minor signals a serious commitment to craft, and will provide students significant and refined portfolio materials for their applications.

Undergraduate Studies

The Creative Writing Program offers two formal courses of study for University of Oregon undergraduates:

Minor in Creative Writing

The creative writing minor offers courses in which students study matters of craft by reading and writing creative works, develop critical thinking and interpretive skills, hone their ability to articulate complex ideas with subtlety and clarity, and gain instruction in the mechanics of writing. Students must take courses for letter grades. Course work required for the minor must be passed with grades of B– or better.

Of the 24 required credits, a maximum of 8 credits at the 200 or 300 level may be transferred. All courses at the 400 level must be taken in residence at the University of Oregon.

Select two from one of the following groups:8
Group 1
Kidd Workshop I 1
Kidd Workshop II Poetry 1
Kidd Workshop II: Fiction
Group 2
Introduction to Poetry Writing
Introduction to Fiction Writing
Select two of the following:8
Intermediate Poetry Writing 2
Kidd Workshop III: Poetry 1
Kidd Workshop III: Fiction
Intermediate Creative Writing: Literary Nonfiction 2
Intermediate Fiction Writing 2
Select two of the following:8
Seminar: [Topic]
Literature for Poets 2
Literature for Fiction Writers 2
Advanced Poetry Writing 2
Advanced Fiction Writing 2
Total Credits24

Nontransferable. Kidd Tutorial courses are by application only.


Repeatable for credit.

Questions regarding the minor should be addressed to the program director. Students must apply for the minor through the program’s office well in advance of graduation for transcript evaluation. In order be eligible for the minor, students must complete all degree requirements and a major in another academic department.

Kidd Tutorial Program

Implemented through the generosity of the Walter P. Kidd family, this yearlong tutorial offers the chance to study writing and literary craft using literary models. The program, which requires a three-term commitment from participants, accommodates a highly flexible and individualized study of fiction, poetry, and literary nonfiction writing. Each section matches one graduate employee—a poet or fiction writer—with as many as 10 students and is overseen by the director of the Kidd Tutorial Program. Participants earn 12 credits in Kidd Workshop I (CRWR 225), Kidd Workshop II Poetry (CRWR 235), Kidd Workshop III: Poetry (CRWR 335) or Kidd Workshop I (CRWR 225), Kidd Workshop II: Fiction (CRWR 245). Kidd Workshop III: Fiction (CRWR 345). Information about application procedures is available on the program’s website.