Media Studies Minor

The Media Studies minor provides an overview of mass communication.

Students who want to minor in media studies should declare the minor online, on the school's website. Students may submit petitions to apply other journalism courses to the minor. You must have at least a 2.00 UO GPA to apply to the minor.

Journalism: Media Studies majors cannot also earn a minor in media studies.

Media Studies Minor Requirements

Courses used to fulfill the minor requirements must be taken for a letter grade and passed with a grade of C- or better.

JCOM 201Making Sense of Media4
JCOM 311Introduction to Media Studies4
Select four of the following:16
Gender, Media and Diversity
Communication Law
Media Ethics
Media History
Global Communications
Indigenous Media
Understanding Disney
Black American Media
Media and Religion
Documenting International Human Rights
JCOM 319
(Documenting Civil Rights)
US Film Industry
JCOM 412
(Internet Law and Regulation)
JCOM 413
JCOM 414
(Media Technologies & Structures: [Topic]) 1
JCOM 415
(Culture/Power/Media: [Topic]) 1
JCOM 416
(Black American Television)
JCOM 417
(Cross Cultural Monster Narratives)
JCOM 418
(Global Television)
Reality Television
JCOM 424
(Latin America Cinema)
Total Credits24

Repeatable three times when the topic changes.