Educational Leadership (EdS)

APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS (for publication on the UO website)

Complete the online Graduate Admission Application; select the Educational Leadership (EDLD) program within the College of Education.

Nonrefundable Application Fee: $70 (Domestic Students)/$90 (International Students), paid by credit card or eCheck. You will need to pay the application fee before you are able to submit the application.

Fee Waivers

Students who are applying to multiple graduate programs at the UO need to start the applications, pay the first application fee, and then contact the Division of Graduate Studies with a request for a fee waiver.

Students who have been admitted previously to the UO Division of Graduate Studies and have registered for credits the term they were admitted should still fill out the Admissions Application. The form will ask if you have ever enrolled as an admitted graduate student at the UO; saying yes to this will automatically waive the application fee.

You will be required to upload the following documents in the Slate application: 

References or Letters of Recommendation

Three references are required for applicants

  • As part of your online application, you will be asked to provide contact information for individuals who can help determine your potential for success in a graduate program.
  • Individuals who have had previous opportunities to supervise or evaluate your work are the best candidates to write these letters.
  • Upon submission of a completed application, Slate will email a request and instructions to referees to log in to the Slate system and provide their answers to a series of questions and optionally upload supplemental letters of recommendation.
  • These references must be received before the deadlines for applications to close.
  • We encourage you to list additional references to ensure you get the minimum number required.

Goal Statement

  • Please write and upload a goal statement that answers the following:
    • Why are you applying for this program?
    • Address your current or future employment:
      • How would this degree/experience further your career aspirations?
      • How does your interest align with faculty and research centers at the UO?
  • Your goal statement is a key document in the application process. It is your opportunity to describe your purpose in pursuing a graduate degree in education.
  • Your statement should discuss any personal skills and experiences that explain your aspirations for graduate study, and how your work, experience, and goals are directly related to the expertise of the faculty.
  • Successful applications reflect alignment between potential program of study and the expertise of the faculty in supporting this program of study.

Résumé or Curriculum Vitae

Your vitae should include the following information, beginning with most recent education, including degree and institution (with dates of graduation):

  • Work experiences in education
  • Presentations at conferences or workshops
  • Publications, if any
  • Organizational affiliations
  • Any other relevant professional information

Writing Sample

Applicants submit a writing sample describing a problem of practice that warrants change. Your writing should address:

  • What is being done that is either incomplete, incorrect, or ill-informed and could benefit from change in practice?
  • Describe the problem in sufficient detail to understand the context and setting as well as the manner in which this change could/should occur (e.g., deploy professional development, consider experimentation, improve communication systems, etc.).
  • Address the relevant targeted group (students, teachers, parents, administrators, school boards, state departments, etc.) and how this change would benefit them.
  • Finally, in your analysis, cite the scholarly literature that supports your analysis.

In addition to the writing sample above, students have the option to submit one or more additional samples of scholarly writing (e.g., course papers, articles, essays).

Official Transcripts

At the time of application, applicants must submit unofficial transcripts from all colleges or universities previously attended, including the University of Oregon. Unofficial transcripts are uploaded as part of the online application.

Unofficial transcripts should show all coursework taken to date and, if applicable, the title of the degree earned and the date the degree was conferred. Applicants must provide English translations if the documents are issued in a language other than English.  

Applicants who accept their offer of admission and matriculate must submit official transcripts from all colleges or universities from which they received a bachelor’s degree or higher. Official transcripts received will be compared to the unofficial transcripts submitted as part of the application. If unofficial transcripts are later determined to be a forgery, or, if official transcripts are not submitted, your admission will be rescinded. Transcripts must show the title of the degree earned and the date the degree was conferred. Students admitted with in-progress coursework or requirements for bachelor’s level degrees must have their degree conferred prior to the beginning of their term of admission at UO. Transcripts are subject to review and verification of authenticity. 

In cases where documents are not issued in English, applicants must submit certified word-for-word English translations of all documents. 

Mail to:

Office of the Registrar

5257 University of Oregon

Eugene, OR 97403

International Students

International students must provide the Registrar's Office with a copy of their official transcript in both the language of origin and in an officially recognized translated English version. Please read about special instructions for international transcripts.

  • International students should add an additional six weeks before application deadlines to accommodate the processing of additional required paperwork.
  • Copies of official TOEFL or IELTS score sheets or an explanation must be uploaded as “Additional Documents” to your Slate application, and official copies sent to UO Admissions.
  • International students should also visit the Division of Graduate Studies and follow the instructions listed there to submit additional requirements.
  • Additional information and support can be found at UO International Student and Scholar Services.

Vaccination Requirements 

Students will be required to meet the University of Oregon’s current policies on vaccinations prior to being allowed to enroll in courses each term.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Mission, Vision, and Improvement
  • Ethics and Professional Norms
  • Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness
  • Learning and Instruction
  • Community and External Leadership
  • Operations and Management
  • Policy, Governance, and Advocacy
  • Internship

Educational Leadership

EDLD 611K-12 Education Policy for School Leaders2
EDLD 624Leading for Equity3
EDLD 638Advanced Public School Law3
EDLD 643Evidence-Based Decision Making in Schools3
EDLD 649Ethical Governance for School District Leaders2
EDLD 675Oregon School and District Finance4
EDLD 687Supervisory Practices for School Administrators3
EDUC 620Program Evaluation I3
EDUC 621Program Evaluation II3
EDUC 615Qualitative Data and Coding Methods3
EDLD 631Education Policy for Multilingual Students3
EDLD 644Learning Organization3
SPED 528Special Education Law3
EDLD 604Internship: [Topic]7
Total Credits52

Students must complete a minimum total of 7 credits of EDLD 604. This fulfills requirements for the Oregon Professional Administrator license. Candidates seek licensure through TSPC with UO/COSA’s assistance once all coursework is completed. The Clinical Internship experience is a total of 7 credits and requires a minimum of 200 hours of meaningful district-level experiences distributed across the District Level National Educational Leadership Preparation (NELP) standards. A University internship supervisor and a district-based supervisor form the supervision team for each candidate. All University Internship Supervisors are highly qualified and experienced Oregon administrators, and all District-Based Supervisors must have held an Oregon Administrator license for at least three years. During the Internship experience, candidates are engaged in reading, discussion board posts and job-embedded assignments.