Educational Leadership (DEd)

Application and Admission

The department follows general university policy in its admission procedures. Students who transfer to the university from other institutions must meet UO entrance requirements. Information about admission to degree and licensure programs is available from the Program's and College of Education’s websites, as well as from the Program's Academic Program Coordinator.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Synthesize research literature to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of educational programs, interventions, and policies.
  • Evaluate educational outcomes through an equity lens, with a particular focus on disproportionality.
  • Conduct original research related to a problem of practice using quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods approaches.
  • Articulate the leadership qualities that foster the improvement of educational institutions (e.g., classrooms, schools, school districts).
  • Communicate clearly and professionally in writing and oral presentations.

Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership

EDUC 611Survey of Educational Research Methods3
EDLD 615Leading Educational Change Initiatives3
EDLD 624Leading for Equity3
EDLD 644Learning Organization3
EDLD 696Professional Writing I: Foundations in Professional Writing3
EDUC 614Educational Statistics3
EDUC 615Qualitative Data and Coding Methods3
EDLD 697Professional Writing II3
EDUC 640Applied Statistical Design and Analysis3
EDLD 643Evidence-Based Decision Making in Schools3
EDLD 698Professional Writing III: Literature Review3
EDUC 620Program Evaluation I3
EDLD 632Educational Policy Analysis3
EDLD 638Advanced Public School Law3
EDUC 621Program Evaluation II3
EDLD 627Leaders Serving Special Populations3
EDLD 692Research Writing3
SPED 528Special Education Law3
EDLD 631Education Policy for Multilingual Students3
EDLD 694Dissertation Preparation3
EDLD 699Dissertation Methods Apprenticeship3
Total Credits81

*Subject to change.  Please see current Program's Website: