College of Education

Laura Lee McIntyre, Dean
230 HEDCO Education Building
1215 University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon 97403-1215

Preparing Educators in the 21st Century

The College of Education’s academic majors are organized into three departments: counseling psychology and human services;  education studies; and special education and clinical sciences.

The college offers undergraduate, master’s, education specialist, and doctoral degrees and preparation for licensure, programs that link instruction to current research findings and pedagogical practices and to the needs of the educational community, ensuring students are prepared for collaborative practice in the field of education and related services. Students become active learners as they accumulate an understanding of disciplinary content and develop professional knowledge and skills that prepare them for careers in education or the social services. Surveys of graduates from the College of Education indicate that the overwhelming majority are successful in securing employment or continuing their professional preparation in their chosen field.

With school, community, and clinical partners, the college’s nationally prominent teaching and research faculty offers opportunities for student practicum and field-based experiences in professional settings where effective policy and practice is created and then implemented.

Academic, research, and outreach service units provide integrated and cross-disciplinary learning experiences that help students acclimate to their professions, develop initial competence, acquire advanced proficiency, and become practicing professionals and scholars.

The College of Education is ranked by US News and World Report as one of the nation’s top colleges of education (14th nationally in the 2018 rankings). Its scholarship, teaching, and practical learning opportunities offer students a respectful and affirming climate, a culture of belonging, and an inclusive learning environment.


Julie Alonzo, senior lecturer II and research associate professor (teacher professional development, leading for equity, response to intervention); BA, 1990, Carleton College; PhD, 2007, Oregon. (2007)

Nancy Golden, professor of practice (leadership, equity, public policy). BS, 1973, Denver; MS, 1974, PhD, 1987, Oregon. (2015)

Sheree Jederberg, senior lecturer II (school leadership & practice, whole school systems reform, curriculum and instruction, public policy); BS, 1979, California San Diego; BA/MA, 1989, San Diego State; MA, 1991,San Diego State; Ed.D., 2006, Southern California. (2021)

Cengiz Zopluoglu, associate professor (latent variable modeling, longitudinal data analysis, statistical computing). BA, 2005, Abant Izzet Baysal; MA, 2009, PhD, 2013, Minnesota. (2020)


Gerald K. Bogen, professor emeritus. BA, 1959, Western Washington; MS, 1961, DEd, 1963, Oregon. (1961)

Michael D. Bullis, professor emeritus. BPE, 1973, MS, 1978, Purdue; PhD, 1983, Oregon. (1995)

David T. Conley, professor emeritus. BA, 1972, California, Berkeley; MA, 1983, PhD, 1986, Colorado, Boulder. (1989)

C. H. Edson, associate professor emeritus. BA, 1964, California, Berkeley; MA, 1970, Oregon; PhD, 1979, Stanford. (1973)

Arthur C. Hearn, professor emeritus. AB, 1934, MA, 1937, EdD, 1949, Stanford. (1950)

John E. Lallas, professor emeritus; executive dean emeritus. BA, 1947, Washington (Seattle); BA, 1952, Western Washington; EdD, 1956, Stanford. (1957)

Philip K. Piele, professor emeritus. BA, 1957, Washington State; MS, 1963, PhD, 1968, Oregon. (1967)

Richard A. Schmuck, professor emeritus. BA, 1958, MA, 1959, PhD, 1962, Michigan. (1967)

Joseph Stevens, professor emeritus. BA, 1974, MA, 1976, PhD, 1983, Arizona. (2005)

Gerald Tindal, professor emeritus. BA, 1975, PhD, 1982, Minnesota. (1984)

The date in parentheses at the end of each entry is the first year on the University of Oregon faculty.


Major - Master's Degree

Major - Education Specialist Degree

Major - Doctoral Degree

Other programs are listed under Counseling Psychology and Human Services, Education Studies, or Special Education and Clinical Sciences.