Spanish (SPAN)

SPAN 101. First-Year Spanish. 5 Credits.
Emphasis on the development of speaking, reading, and writing skills; introduction to Hispanic culture. Sequence. Conducted in Spanish.

SPAN 102. First-Year Spanish. 5 Credits.
Emphasis on the development of speaking, reading, and writing skills; introduction to Hispanic culture. Sequence. Conducted in Spanish.
Requisites: Prereq: SPAN 101.

SPAN 103. First-Year Spanish. 5 Credits.
Emphasis on the development of speaking, reading, and writing skills; introduction to Hispanic culture. Sequence. Conducted in Spanish.
Requisites: Prereq: SPAN 102.

SPAN 111. Intensive Beginning Spanish. 5 Credits.
Intensive study for experienced language learners; introduction to Hispanic culture. Prereq: evidence of placement. Sequence. Conducted in Spanish. Cannot be combined with SPAN 101, SPAN 102, SPAN 103 for more than 15 credits of first-year Spanish.
Requisites: Prereq: previous study in Spanish or competence in another Romance language.

SPAN 112. Intensive Beginning Spanish. 5 Credits.
Intensive study for experienced language learners; introduction to Hispanic culture. Prereq: evidence of placement. Sequence. Conducted in Spanish. Cannot be combined with SPAN 101, SPAN 102, SPAN 103 for more than 15 credits of first-year Spanish.
Requisites: Prereq: SPAN 111.

SPAN 150. Hispanic and Latinx Cultures. 4 Credits.
This course provides students with an overview of the cultures of the Hispanic/Latinx world (Spain, Latin America, US)
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

SPAN 199. Special Studies: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

SPAN 200M. Temp Multilist Course. 4 Credits.

SPAN 201. Intermediate Spanish I. 4 Credits.
Development of Spanish language proficiency beyond beginning level through the study of the cultural products, practices, and perspectives of the Spanish-speaking world. Topics include history, geography, demographics, foodways, social movements, art, politics, and other cultural phenomena.
Requisites: Prereq: SPAN 103 or SPAN 112 or equivalent (ACTFL Novice-High or equivalent proficiency).
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

SPAN 202. Intermediate Spanish II. 4 Credits.
Development of Spanish language proficiency beyond beginning level through the study of the cultural products, practices, and perspectives of the Spanish-speaking world. Topics include history, geography, demographics, foodways, social movements, art, politics, and other cultural phenomena. Sequence with SPAN 201, SPAN 203.
Requisites: Prereq: SPAN 201 or equivalent.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

SPAN 203. Intermediate Spanish III. 4 Credits.
Development of Spanish language proficiency beyond beginning level through the study of the cultural products, practices, and perspectives of the Spanish-speaking world. Topics include history, geography, demographics, foodways, social movements, art, politics, and other cultural phenomena. Sequence with SPAN 201, SPAN 202.
Requisites: Prereq: SPAN 202.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
BA Language Satisfying Course
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

SPAN 218. Latino Heritage I. 5 Credits.
Designed for heritage learners—students who grew up with Spanish in their community and want to build communication skills in Spanish. Content focuses on personal experiences in U.S. Latinx communities. Cannot be combined with SPAN 201, SPAN 202, SPAN 203 for more than 15 credits of second-year Spanish. Sequence with SPAN 228.
Requisites: Prereq: Placement through Spanish heritage language placement survey.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: US: Difference, Inequality, Agency

SPAN 228. Latino Heritage II. 5 Credits.
Designed for heritage learners—students who grew up with Spanish in their community and want to continue developing communication skills in Spanish. Content focuses on personal experiences in U.S. Latinx communities. Cannot be combined with SPAN 201, SPAN 202, SPAN 203 for more than 15 credits of second-year Spanish. Sequence with SPAN 218.
Requisites: Prereq: SPAN 218 or placement by Spanish heritage language placement survey.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
BA Language Satisfying Course
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

SPAN 299. Special Studies: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

SPAN 301. Cultura y Lengua: Identidades Hispanas. 4 Credits.
Develops advanced language skills through analysis of major historical influences in the cultures of Spanish-speaking regions: Spain, Latin America, and the United States. Taught in Spanish.
Requisites: Prereq: SPAN 203 or SPAN 228.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
BA Language Satisfying Course
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

SPAN 303. Cultura y lengua: expresiones artisticas. 4 Credits.
Develops advanced language skills through the study of cultural products (e.g., art, literature, film, music) in Spanish-speaking societies. Taught in Spanish.
Requisites: Prereq: SPAN 203 or SPAN 228.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
BA Language Satisfying Course

SPAN 305. Cultura y lengua Cambio Social. 4 Credits.
Develops advanced language skills through the investigation of major currents of change in modern Spanish-speaking societies; gender issues, technology, revolution and counter-revolution.Taught in Spanish.
Requisites: Prereq: SPAN 203 or SPAN 228.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
BA Language Satisfying Course
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

SPAN 307. Oral Skills. 2 Credits.
Practice in improving listening, comprehension, and oral skills in Spanish. Communicative activities in class in addition to language laboratory work. Repeatable once for maximum of 4 credits.
Requisites: Prereq: SPAN 203 or SPAN 228.
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 4 credits
Additional Information:
BA Language Satisfying Course

SPAN 308. Culture and Language Bilingual Communities. 4 Credits.
Designed for heritage learners—students who grew up with Spanish in their community and want to continue developing communication skills in Spanish. Explores socio-linguistic dynamics of communities in which Spanish is in contact with another language. Open to all students. Taught in Spanish.
Requisites: Prereq: SPAN 203, SPAN 228, by SHL Placement Survey, or equivalent.
Additional Information:
Social Science Area
BA Language Satisfying Course
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

SPAN 311. Advanced Writing in Spanish. 4 Credits.
This requirement for the Spanish major provides additional language development for students early on in the major, emphasizing academic writing skills in Spanish.
Requisites: Prereq: two from SPAN 301, SPAN 303, SPAN 305, SPAN 308.
Equivalent to: SPAN 312
Additional Information:
BA Language Satisfying Course

SPAN 312. Spanish in the Media. 4 Credits.
Designed for heritage learners. Examines the role of Spanish in various forms of media such as television, Internet, and literature. Students practice advanced writing skills necessary to participate in argumentative writing and close textual readings.
Requisites: Prereq: SPAN 308 or any two from SPAN 301, SPAN 303, SPAN 305; SPAN 308 is recommended.
Equivalent to: SPAN 311
Additional Information:
BA Language Satisfying Course

SPAN 320. Intensive Spanish Grammar Review. 4 Credits.
Review and development of the more complex aspects of Spanish grammar with special attention to idiomatic usage.
Requisites: Prereq: SPAN 203 or SPAN 228.
Additional Information:
BA Language Satisfying Course

SPAN 322. Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics. 4 Credits.
Linguistic description of the Spanish language, including phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, history, and social and geographical variation.
Requisites: Prereq: SPAN 308; one course from SPAN 301, SPAN 303, SPAN 305, SPAN 311, SPAN 312.
Additional Information:
BA Language Satisfying Course

SPAN 324. Spanish Pronunciation and Phonetics. 4 Credits.
Study of Spanish sounds, rhythms, and intonation; supervised pronunciation practice. Offered alternate years.
Requisites: Prereq: SPAN 308; one course from SPAN 301, SPAN 303, SPAN 305, SPAN 311, SPAN 312.
Additional Information:
BA Language Satisfying Course

SPAN 342. Hispanic Cultures through Literature II. 4 Credits.
Introduces students to a variety of texts written in the Hispanic world in their literary, artistic, and historical contexts, from the 16th century to the Latin American independences.
Requisites: Prereq: two from SPAN 301, SPAN 303, SPAN 305, SPAN 308.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
BA Language Satisfying Course
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

SPAN 343. Hispanic Cultures through Literature III. 4 Credits.
Introduces students to a variety of texts written in the Hispanic world in their literary, artistic, and historical contexts, from the revolutionary wars of the Nineteenth century to the Spanish Civil War.
Requisites: Prereq: two from SPAN 301, SPAN 303, SPAN 305, SPAN 308.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
BA Language Satisfying Course
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

SPAN 344. Hispanic Cultures through Literature IV. 4 Credits.
Introduces students to a variety of texts written in the Hispanic world in their literary, artistic, and historical contexts, from the 20th century into the 21st.
Requisites: Prereq: two from SPAN 301, SPAN 303, SPAN 305, SPAN 308.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
BA Language Satisfying Course
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

SPAN 348. Latinx Culture and Society. 4 Credits.
U.S. Latinx history, cultures, political movements, and human rights through transborder and bilingual cultural production (literature, film, visual arts and media).
Requisites: Prereq: two from SPAN 301, SPAN 303, SPAN 305, SPAN 308.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
BA Language Satisfying Course
Cultural Literacy: US: Difference, Inequality, Agency

SPAN 350. Introduction to Poetry. 4 Credits.
Explores important aspects of Spanish and Latin American poetry; reading poems from different periods of Spanish and Spanish American literature. Emphasizes formal aspects and critical reading.
Requisites: Prereq: two from SPAN 301, SPAN 303, SPAN 305, SPAN 308.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
BA Language Satisfying Course
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

SPAN 351. Introduction to Theater. 4 Credits.
Explores important aspects of Spanish theater; reading plays from different periods of Spanish and Spanish American literature. Emphasizes formal aspects and critical reading.
Requisites: Prereq: two from SPAN 301, SPAN 303, SPAN 305, SPAN 308.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
BA Language Satisfying Course

SPAN 353. Introduction to Narrative. 4 Credits.
Explores important aspects of Spanish narrative; reading texts from different periods of Spanish and Spanish American literature. Emphasizes formal aspects and critical reading.
Requisites: Prereq: two from SPAN 301, SPAN 303, SPAN 305, SPAN 308.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
BA Language Satisfying Course
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

SPAN 355. Creative Writing in Spanish. 4 Credits.
This course aims to expand the students’ creative capabilities in Spanish through writing exercises in poetry and fiction. Students will develop their literary sensitivity as well as their critical judgment and interpretative skills. Writing creatively diversifies the students' experience with the Spanish language.
Requisites: Prereq: SPAN 311 or SPAN 312; one course from SPAN 341, SPAN 342, SPAN 343, SPAN 344, SPAN 350, SPAN 351, SPAN 353.
Additional Information:
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

SPAN 399. Special Studies: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

SPAN 403. Thesis. 3-6 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

SPAN 405. Reading and Conference: [Topic]. 1-6 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

SPAN 406. Practicum: [Topic]. 1-12 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

SPAN 407. Seminar: [Topic]. 1-6 Credits.
Recent topics include Golden Age Theater, Latin American Film, Medieval Iberian, Mexican Literature and Culture, 19th-Century Spanish Decadence, Postwar Spain, Testimonial Literature. Repeatable.
Requisites: Prereq: two from SPAN 341, SPAN 342, SPAN 343, SPAN 344.
Repeatable 99 times

SPAN 408. Workshop: [Topic]. 1-12 Credits.
Special on-campus activities in Spanish. Repeatable.
Repeatable 99 times

SPAN 409. Terminal Project. 1-12 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

SPAN 410. Experimental Course: [Topic]. 1-4 Credits.
Recent topics include Literature and Democratic Transition, Race in Modern Los Angeles, Social Roots of Creativity. Repeatable.
Repeatable 99 times

SPAN 420. Spanish Linguistics: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
Variable topics in Spanish linguistics, including advanced grammar, history of the Spanish language, the language of Iberia, Spanish sociolinguistics. Repeatable when topic changes.
Requisites: Prereq: Two from SPAN 320, SPAN 322, SPAN 324.
Repeatable 99 times when topic changes
Additional Information:
BA Language Satisfying Course

SPAN 424. History of the Spanish Language. 4 Credits.
Linguistic changes and social-historical influences on the development of Spanish from its roots in Latin to the diversity of modern dialects. Offered alternate years.
Requisites: Prereq: Two from SPAN 320, SPAN 322, SPAN 324.
Additional Information:
BA Language Satisfying Course

SPAN 425. Literary Translation. 4 Credits.
Variable topics include con textos, first issues, and cultural translation-transculturation in practice.
Requisites: Prereq: SPAN 311 or SPAN 312; one course from SPAN 320, SPAN 322, SPAN 324, SPAN 341, SPAN 342, SPAN 343, SPAN 344.

SPAN 428. Spanish in the United States. 4 Credits.
The history and description of the linguistic characteristics of and narratives about the use of Spanish within the United States. Offered alternate years.
Requisites: Prereq: two from SPAN 320, SPAN 322, SPAN 324.
Additional Information:
BA Language Satisfying Course

SPAN 480. 19th-Century Spanish American Literature: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
Topics include issue of literary periods, authors, narrative and nation, genres, and indigenismo. Repeatable twice when topic changes for maximum of 12 credits.
Requisites: Prereq: two from SPAN 341, SPAN 342, SPAN 343, SPAN 344.
Repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes
Additional Information:
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

SPAN 490. 20th-Century Latin American Literature: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
Explores major literary trends, authors, and works. Recent topics are Avant-garde in the Mexican Revolution, Testimonial Literature, Latin American Theater. Repeatable twice when topic changes for maximum of 12 credits.
Requisites: Prereq: SPAN 311 or SPAN 312; and two from SPAN 341, SPAN 342, SPAN 343, SPAN 344.
Repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes
Additional Information:
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

SPAN 507. Seminar: [Topic]. 1-6 Credits.
Recent topics include Golden Age Theater, Latin American Film, Medieval Iberian, Mexican Literature and Culture, 19th-Century Spanish Decadence, Postwar Spain, Testimonial Literature. Repeatable.
Repeatable 99 times

SPAN 508. Workshop: [Topic]. 1-12 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

SPAN 510. Experimental Course: [Topic]. 1-4 Credits.
Recent topics include Literature and Democratic Transition, Race in Modern Los Angeles, Social Roots of Creativity. Repeatable.
Repeatable 99 times

SPAN 520. Spanish Linguistics: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
Variable topics in Spanish linguistics. Recent topics include Spanish Phonology, History of the Spanish Language. Repeatable when topic changes.
Repeatable 99 times

SPAN 524. History of the Spanish Language. 4 Credits.
Linguistic changes and social-historical influences on the development of Spanish from its roots in Latin to the diversity of modern dialects. Offered alternate years.

SPAN 525. Literary Translation. 4 Credits.
Variable topics include con textos, first issues, and cultural translation-transculturation in practice.
Requisites: Prereq: SPAN 520 recommended.

SPAN 580. 19th-Century Spanish American Literature: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
Topics include issue of literary periods, authors, narrative and nation, genres, and indigenismo. Repeatable twice when topic changes for maximum of 12 credits.
Repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 12 credits

SPAN 590. 20th-Century Latin American Literature: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
Explores major literary trends, authors, and works. Recent topics are Avant-garde in the Mexican Revolution, Latin American Theater. Repeatable twice when topic changes for maximum of 12 credits.
Repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 12 credits

SPAN 601. Research: [Topic]. 1-6 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

SPAN 605. Reading and Conference: [Topic]. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

SPAN 606. Practicum: [Topic]. 1-4 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

SPAN 607. Seminar: [Topic]. 1-6 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

SPAN 609. Terminal Project. 1-12 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

SPAN 690. Advanced 20th-Century Latin American Literature: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
Selected topics from literary periods, authors, genres, and aesthetic trends. Repeatable twice when topic changes for maximum of 12 credits.
Repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 12 credits