Romance Languages (RL)

RL 151. Mediterranean Foodways. 4 Credits.
Mediterranean foodways show how Italy, France, and Spain connect through common politics, geography and trade routes. This course uses food as a lens to introduce you to Southern European culture and to examine broader questions of national identity in global Europe.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

RL 152. Feminist Lens: Italian and French Cinema. 4 Credits.
The theories and works of the major Italian filmmakers; topics in Italian history and culture; introduction to film analysis. We focus on films produced by Italian and French female directors, introducing you to the brilliant women behind the cameras from the 1970s to today.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

RL 199. Special Studies: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RL 399. Special Studies: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RL 404. Bilingual Internship. 2 Credits.
Bilingual internship opportunity in area schools or community agencies for students of French or Spanish. Repeatable once for a maximum of 4 credits in another term.
Requisites: Prereq: third-year language competence.
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 4 credits

RL 407. Seminar: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable. Changing topics on issues relevant to study in two or more Romance languages. Recent topics include Travel Writing, Testimonial Writing, Caribbean Women Writers.
Requisites: Prereq: One 300-level literature course in any Romance language.
Repeatable 99 times

RL 410. Experimental Course: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RL 503. Thesis. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RL 507. Seminar: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable. Changing topics on issues relevant to study in two or more Romance languages. A recent topic is Travel Literature.
Repeatable 99 times

RL 510. Experimental Course: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RL 601. Research: [Topic]. 1-6 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RL 603. Dissertation. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RL 604. Bilingual Internship. 2 Credits.
A bilingual internship opportunity in area schools or community agencies for students of French or Spanish. Repeatable twice for a maximum of 6 credits in another term.
Requisites: Prereq: third-year language competence.
Repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 6 credits

RL 605. Reading and Conference: [Topic]. 1-6 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RL 607. Seminar: [Topic]. 1-6 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RL 608. Workshop: [Topic]. 1-16 Credits.
Teaching Methods offered fall term only. Other workshops may be offered. Repeatable when topic changes.
Repeatable 99 times

RL 609. Terminal Project. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

RL 620. Graduate Study in Romance Languages. 2-4 Credits.
Discussion of purposes, problems, and methods of graduate study in Romance languages. Elements of critical method, research techniques, scholarly writing, and professional development.

RL 623. Romance Languages Colloquium: [Topic]. 2-4 Credits.
Seminar organized around a series of speakers exposes students to critical and theoretical issues central to the study of Romance languages and literatures. Repeatable for a maximum of 8 credits.
Repeatable 6 times for a maximum of 28 credits

RL 636. Teaching and Learning Romance Languages. 4 Credits.
Specialized training in teaching and learning French, Italian, and Spanish.