Physical Education: Outdoor Pursuits (PEO)


Course usage information

PEO 199. Special Studies: [Topic]. 1-2 Credits.

Repeatable 99 times

Course usage information

PEO 242. Bouldering I. 1 Credit.

Techniques for rock climbing without the security of a rope. Emphasis is on safety, skill development and conditioning. Repeatable once for a maximum of 2 credits,
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 2 credits
Additional Information:
 General Limitation applies: Activity Course

Course usage information

PEO 251. Rock Climbing I. 1 Credit.

Repeatable. Basics of safe and responsible rock climbing. Equipment, knots, belaying, rappelling and a range of other climbing techniques. Conducted on the indoor rock climbing wall. Repeatable once for a maximum of 2 credits.
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 2 credits
Additional Information:
 General Limitation applies: Activity Course

Course usage information

PEO 252. Rock-Climbing Fitness. 1 Credit.

Repeatable. Continued development of basic climbing skills, with emphasis on improving flexibility and injury prevention. Refine face and crack climbing techniques. Conducted on the indoor climbing wall. Repeatable once for a maximum of 2 credits.
Requisites: Prereq: PEO 251 or equivalent.
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 2 credits
Additional Information:
 General Limitation applies: Activity Course

Course usage information

PEO 285. Wilderness Survival. 1 Credit.

Repeatable. Our gateway course must be passed (C- or better) prior to participating in our backcountry-oriented courses. Emphasizes navigation, safety and survival. Repeatable once for a maximum of 2 credits.
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 2 credits
Additional Information:
 General Limitation applies: Activity Course

Course usage information

PEO 325. Swift-Water Safety. 1 Credit.

Repeatable. Covers methods of crossing shallow and deep swift-water streams. Includes hazard assessment, swimming techniques, knots, rope work, technical systems, pendulum and Tyrolean traverse crossings. All PE courses are repeatable once for credit.
Requisites: Prereq: PEO 285 and basic swimming ability.
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 2 credits
Additional Information:
 General Limitation applies: Activity Course

Course usage information

PEO 331. Outdoor Rock Climbing. 2 Credits.

Repeatable. Introduction to anchor building, basic rescue techniques, and outdoor climbing in the context of classroom sessions and a 3-day outing to Smith Rock. Sequence: PEO 251 or equiv experience. All PE courses are repeatable once for credit.
Requisites: Prereq: PEO 251.
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 4 credits
Additional Information:
 General Limitation applies: Activity Course

Course usage information

PEO 351. Backpacking. 2 Credits.

Repeatable. For those with little or no backpacking experience. Introduces the basics of backpacking in the context of classroom sessions and a three-day outing to the Oregon Coast. Repeatable once for a maximum of 4 credits.
Requisites: Prereq: PEO 285
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 4 credits
Additional Information:
 General Limitation applies: Activity Course

Course usage information

PEO 353. Backcountry Cuisine. 1 Credit.

Students learn how to plan menus, package food, and implement “leave no trace” cooking and baking techniques utilizing backcountry stoves and cooking systems. Repeatable once for a maximum of 2 credits.
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 2 credits
Additional Information:
 General Limitation applies: Activity Course

Course usage information

PEO 356. Backcountry Navigation. 2 Credits.

Repeatable. Provides an opportunity to master efficient on- and off-trail navigation techniques on a three-day trip in rugged subalpine terrain. Repeatable once for a maximum of 4 credits.
Requisites: Prereq: PEO 285 and 351 or equivalent experience.
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 4 credits
Additional Information:
 General Limitation applies: Activity Course

Course usage information

PEO 362. Mountaineering. 2 Credits.

Covers basic mountaineering skills during classroom sessions and an intensive three-day mountain outing. Emphasis on hazards, rigging, roped travel, ice ax arrests, belays, and rescue.
Requisites: Prereq: PEO 285, PEO 351.
Additional Information:
 General Limitation applies: Activity Course

Course usage information

PEO 366. Vertical Rescue Techniques. 2 Credits.

Repeatable. Introduces vertical rescue techniques including belay escapes, passing a knot, rope ascension, counterbalance, lowering and raising rescues. Held at the rescue facility and rock wall. Repeatable once for a maximum of 4 credits.
Requisites: Prereq: PEO 315 or 331 or equivalent experience
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 4 credits
Additional Information:
 General Limitation applies: Activity Course

Course usage information

PEO 369M. Science of Climbing. 2 Credits.

Introduction to the physics and scientific principles behind climbing, climbing equipment, anchors, ropes, climbing gear, static versus dynamic load, fall factor, and breaking strength. A prerequisite is students must have completed at least one Outdoor Program climbing course. Multilisted with PHYS 369M.
Requisites: Prereq: PEO 251.
Equivalent to: PHYS 369M
Additional Information:
 General Limitation applies: Activity Course

Course usage information

PEO 371. Snow Camping. 2 Credits.

Repeatable. Emphasis on winter camping skills, campsite selection, construction of snow shelters, winter route finding, and survival techniques. Repeatable once for a maximum of 4 credits.
Requisites: Prereq: PEO 285 and 351 or equivalent experience.
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 4 credits
Additional Information:
 General Limitation applies: Activity Course

Course usage information

PEO 391. Winter Navigation. 2 Credits.

Topics include cold weather clothing and equipment requirements, thermoregulation, cold injuries, route finding, Leave No Trace travel and camping ethics, and winter navigation and survival techniques. Skills applied on a three-day outing. Repeatable once for a maximum of 4 credits.
Requisites: Prereq: PEO 285, PEO 351.
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 4 credits
Additional Information:
 General Limitation applies: Activity Course

Course usage information

PEO 392. Backcountry Survival. 1 Credit.

Repeatable. Basic survival skills for cool, wet, and windy Pacific Northwest environment. Topics/techniques include survival gear and techniques, emergency shelters, and fire building. Repeatable once for a maximum of 2 credits.
Requisites: Prereq: PEO 285 and 351 or equivalent experience
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 2 credits
Additional Information:
 General Limitation applies: Activity Course

Course usage information

PEO 399. Special Studies: [Topic]. 1-3 Credits.

Repeatable 99 times

Course usage information

PEO 411. Leadership Dynamics. 2 Credits.

Discover how leadership, group dynamics, risk management, and other factors play an integral role in shaping the character, productivity, and safety of teams.
Requisites: Prereq: PEO 285.

Course usage information

PEO 412. Leading in Nature. 2 Credits.

Focuses on the natural history of the regions explored on field outings and on developing outdoor teaching skills.

Course usage information

PEO 413. Field Leadership. 2 Credits.

Focuses on campcraft, field leadership, navigation, and safety skills. Includes a three-day outing and van driver training.
Requisites: Prereq: PEO 285, PEO 351 or equivalent experience.