Physical Education: Martial Arts (PEMA)

PEMA 115. Self-Defense. 1 Credit.
Fundamental concepts of self defense. Mental and physical strategies, awareness and reaction training. Class theme is prevention, covering the "Three As": Awareness, Assessment, Action.
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 2 credits
Additional Information:
General Limitation applies: Activity Course

PEMA 116. Women, Trans, and Non-Binary Self Defense. 2 Credits.
Supportive, empowering class focusing on verbal and physical skills for avoiding and resisting assault. Includes boundary-setting, de-escalation, assertiveness, healthy relationship skills, and effective fighting techniques. Repeatable once for a maximum of 4 credits.
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 4 credits
Additional Information:
General Limitation applies: Activity Course

PEMA 199. Special Studies: [Topic]. 1-2 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

PEMA 255. Kickboxing. 1 Credit.
Repeatable. This dynamic martial art includes punching and kicking skills, techniques and the rules of competitive kickboxing. Develops balance, flexibility and strength. All PE courses are repeatable once for credit.
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 2 credits
Additional Information:
General Limitation applies: Activity Course

PEMA 311. Jeet Kune Do I. 1 Credit.
Repeatable. Basic concepts of Jeet Kune Do and the Filipino Martial Arts. Basic movements, including strikes, kicks, grapping, and defensive weaponry. Develop individualized training methods. Repeatable once for a maximum of 2 credits.
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 2 credits
Additional Information:
General Limitation applies: Activity Course

PEMA 312. Jeet Kune Do II. 1 Credit.
Repeatable. Intermediate concepts of Jeet Kune Do and the Filipino Martial Arts. Demonstrate movements, immobilization techniques, and practical self defense skills. Repeatable once for a maximum of 2 credits.
Requisites: Prereq: PEMA 311 or equivalent.
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 2 credits
Additional Information:
General Limitation applies: Activity Course

PEMA 321. Jiu-Jitsu I. 1 Credit.
Repeatable. Introduction to concepts of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Combative activity incorporating throwing, falling, grappline, holds, and safe positioning. Development of practical self-defense knowledge and skills. Repeatable once for a maximum of 2 credits.
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 2 credits
Additional Information:
General Limitation applies: Activity Course

PEMA 322. Jiu-Jitsu II. 1 Credit.
Repeatable. Basic and intermediate motions of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. History, rules and scoring system for sport, escape movements, submission holds. Repeatable once for a maximum of 2 credits.
Requisites: Prereq: PEMA 321 or equivalent.
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 2 credits
Additional Information:
General Limitation applies: Activity Course

PEMA 331. Mixed Martial Arts I. 1 Credit.
Introductory techniques from boxing, wrestling, jiu-jitsu and muay thai. Rules and scoring system of competitive mixed martial arts. Sequence with PEMA 332. PE activity courses are repeatable once for credit.
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 2 credits
Additional Information:
General Limitation applies: Activity Course

PEMA 332. Mixed Martial Arts II. 1 Credit.
Intermediate techniques; building on skills learned in PEMA 331. Develops strategy, game-plan skills, training methods; increases physical strength and skills. Sequence with PEMA 331. PE activity courses are repeatable once for credit.
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 2 credits
Additional Information:
General Limitation applies: Activity Course

PEMA 399. Special Studies: [Topic]. 1-2 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times