Korean (KRN)

KRN 101. First-Year Korean. 5 Credits.
Introduction to basic Korean grammar, syllabary, conversation, and characters. Offered annually with KRN 201, KRN 202, KRN 203.

KRN 102. First-Year Korean. 5 Credits.
Introduction to basic Korean grammar, syllabary, conversation, and characters.
Requisites: Prereq: KRN 101.

KRN 103. First-Year Korean. 5 Credits.
Introduction to basic Korean grammar, syllabary, conversation, and characters.
Requisites: Prereq: KRN 102.

KRN 151M. Introduction to Korean Cinema. 4 Credits.
Surveys Korean national cinema, from the earliest days of the medium to the present. Multilisted with CINE 151M.
Equivalent to: CINE 151M
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

KRN 199. Special Studies: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

KRN 201. Second-Year Korean I. 5 Credits.
Continued development of skills in speaking, reading, and writing Korean. Introduction of additional characters. Offered annually with KRN 101, KRN 102, KRN 103. This is a Core Ed Arts & Letter course.
Requisites: Prereq: KRN 103 or equivalent.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area

KRN 202. Second-Year Korean II. 5 Credits.
Continued development of skills in speaking, reading, and writing Korean. Introduction of additional characters. This is a Core Ed Arts & Letter course.
Requisites: Prereq: KRN 201.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area

KRN 203. Second-Year Korean III. 5 Credits.
Continued development of skills in speaking, reading, and writing Korean. Introduction of additional characters. This is a Core Ed Arts & Letter course.
Requisites: Prereq: KRN 202.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
BA Language Satisfying Course

KRN 301. Third-Year Korean I. 5 Credits.
Develops advanced language skills in Korean with focus on literary and cultural texts, writing, and oral skills. this is a Core Ed Arts & Letter course. Sequence with KRN 302, KRN 303.
Requisites: Prereq: KRN 203.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
BA Language Satisfying Course

KRN 302. Third-Year Korean II. 5 Credits.
Develops advanced language skills in Korean with focus on literary and cultural texts, writing, and oral skills. This is a Core Ed Arts & Letter course. Sequence with KRN 301, KRN 303.
Requisites: Prereq: KRN 301.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
BA Language Satisfying Course

KRN 303. Third-Year Korean III. 5 Credits.
Develops advanced language skills in Korean with focus on literary and cultural texts, writing, and oral skills. This is a Core Ed Arts & Letter course. Sequence with KRN 301, KRN 302.
Requisites: Prereq: KRN 302.
Additional Information:
BA Language or Arts & Letters Area
BA Language Satisfying Course

KRN 309. Languages and Cultural Formation in Korea. 4 Credits.
This course examines how cultural formation, social organization, and historical influences shape the Korean language, and how it evolves over time.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

KRN 315. Introduction to Korean Linguistics. 4 Credits.
Surveys general characteristics of the Korean language and places them in their cultural and historical context.
Requisites: Prereq: KRN 103.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

KRN 361. Korean Popular Culture and Transnationalism. 4 Credits.
Explores contemporary South Korean popular culture in a global frame and key issues in cultural transnationalization.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

KRN 362M. Contemporary Korean Film. 4 Credits.
Introduction to contemporary South Korean film. Explores changes in film culture, practice, and industry in relation to social changes since the early 1990s. Offered alternate years. Multilisted with CINE 362M.
Equivalent to: CINE 362M
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

KRN 399. Special Studies: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

KRN 403. Thesis. 1-6 Credits.
Repeatable for a maximum of 6 credits.
Repeatable 5 times for a maximum of 6 credits

KRN 410. Experimental Course: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

KRN 503. Thesis. 1-6 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

KRN 510. Experimental Course: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

KRN 605. Reading and Conference: [Topic]. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

KRN 609. Terminal Project. 1-12 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times