Educational Leadership (EDLD)

EDLD 211. Exploring Leadership. 3 Credits.
Understanding the context of leadership for the common good and for change in educational and social systems; establishing basic skill-building in project management fundamentals to promote effective leadership.

EDLD 411. Examining Leadership Effectiveness. 3 Credits.
Designed for students who enroll in a proposed minor program yet to be named. Focuses on analysis of personal commitments and goals in the context of leadership for social change.

EDLD 503. Thesis. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

EDLD 507. Seminar: [Topic]. 1-4 Credits.
Repeatable. Topics include Human Services, Peer Health Education.
Repeatable 99 times

EDLD 508. Workshop: [Topic]. 1-21 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

EDLD 510. Experimental Course: [Topic]. 1-4 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

EDLD 601. Research: [Topic]. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

EDLD 603. Dissertation. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

EDLD 604. Internship: [Topic]. 1-12 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

EDLD 605. Reading and Conference: [Topic]. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

EDLD 606. Field Studies: [Topic]. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

EDLD 607. Seminar: [Topic]. 1-6 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

EDLD 608. Workshop: [Topic]. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

EDLD 609. Terminal Project. 1-12 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

EDLD 610. Experimental Course: [Topic]. 1-7 Credits.
Repeatable 24 times for a maximum of 75 credits

EDLD 611. K-12 Education Policy for School Leaders. 2 Credits.
Introduction to the education policy process at the state and local levels, focusing on school leaders. Emphasis placed on examining policies that further marginalize students and staff that have been historically underserved and underrepresented.

EDLD 612. Communications and Community Relations. 4 Credits.
Principal Licensure candidates learn proactive systems, strategies, and protocols for communicating with staff, students, parents and community members. Students develop an overall communication plan for their school or district location for ensuring the effective two-way flow of communication.

EDLD 613. Ethical Leadership. 4 Credits.
Prepare Principal Licensure candidates to become ethical leaders that lead with an equity lens at the forefront of the leadership decisions they make. Examine the ethical implications of school board policies and how to apply an equity lens to these policies.

EDLD 614. School Improvement Through Curriculum and Assessment. 4 Credits.
Develop the knowledge and skills related to leading curriculum, assessment and instruction at the building level. Analyze curriculum frameworks, state and national standards, effective strategies and assessment practices and leading professional learning will be examined. Create a school improvement plan.

EDLD 615. Leading Educational Change Initiatives. 3 Credits.
Overview of current thought on how to lead successful organizational change initiatives. Readings come from the fields of business as well as education, and the focus is on leading change initiatives in educational settings.

EDLD 616. Supervision of Teaching and Learning. 4 Credits.
Explores the theory, research and practical applications of supervision and evaluation. Analysis of supervisory behaviors that lead to improvement of teaching and learning, that in turn lead to improved outcomes for all students, particularly those students who have been underserved or historically marginalized.

EDLD 617. Oregon School Management and Budget. 4 Credits.
Prepare future administrators for designing a system for developing, allocating and managing a school-based budget, including opportunities for staff input into the budget cycle and specific strategies for engaging the community, particularly those parts of the community that are underrepresented.

EDLD 624. Leading for Equity. 3 Credits.
This course is designed to provide advanced exposure to current research and practice in leading for equity and inclusion within professional educational settings and a strong conceptual foundation in leadership.

EDLD 625. Survey and Questionnaire Design. 3 Credits.
Students gain practical experience in the collection and analysis of social science information through the design of surveys and questionnaires.

EDLD 627. Leaders Serving Special Populations. 3 Credits.
School and district leaders' preparation for future work serving students and families of students receiving special education services, as well as dually-identified students (English language learners receiving special education services). Eligibility, placement, Individual Education Plans, and meaningful inclusion of student and family voice and choice.

EDLD 628. Hierarchical Linear Models I. 3 Credits.
Introduction to multilevel modeling and hierarchical data structures, random and fixed effects, intercepts and slopes as outcomes models, estimation, centering, and the use and interpretation of HLM statistical software. Sequence with EDLD 629.
Requisites: Prereq: EDUC 642.

EDLD 629. Hierarchical Linear Models II. 3 Credits.
This course will include advanced topics in multilevel modeling and hierarchical data structures, including longitudinal and categorical data analysis, estimation methods, missing data and multiple imputation, and the use and interpretation of different HLM statistical software packages, including HLM, R, and Mplus. Sequence with EDLD 628.
Requisites: Prereq: EDLD 628.

EDLD 631. Education Policy for Multilingual Students. 3 Credits.
Historical and current approaches to meeting the needs of English learners in the US. The focus is on federal, state, and local policies that support English learners' acquisition of English, as well as research on effective programs and practices to ensure educational equity and opportunity.

EDLD 632. Educational Policy Analysis. 3 Credits.
The purpose of this course is to introduce graduate students to the craft of education policy analysis.

EDLD 633. Structural Equation Modeling I. 3 Credits.
Theory, application, and interpretation of structural equation modeling techniques. Includes covariance structures, path diagrams, path analysis, model identification, estimation, and testing. Sequence with EDLD 634.
Requisites: Prereq: EDUC 642; EDUC 644 recommended.

EDLD 634. Structural Equation Modeling II. 3 Credits.
Emphasis on structural and latent variable models, including cross-validation, mean structures, comparing groups and models, latent growth-curve analyses. Sequence with EDLD 633. Offered alternate years.
Requisites: Prereq: EDLD 633.

EDLD 635. Executive Leadership for Principals. 4 Credits.
Investigation of leadership theory and styles as they relate to equitable, ethical and instructionally inclusive criteria. Creating vision and execution for strategic systems and structures that lead to a positive culture infused with high expectations and accountability.

EDLD 636. School Ethics and Governance. 2 Credits.
Examination of how intentional school and district governance serves system transformation. Viewing ethics through an equity lens, leaders develop policies and practices that eliminate systems of advantage and disadvantage thereby closing the opportunity and achievement gaps present in their schools and system.

EDLD 638. Advanced Public School Law. 3 Credits.
Overview of legal issues in school board–superintendent relations, media relations, personnel evaluation practices, student and employee rights, collective bargaining, contract management, and official complaints.

EDLD 640. Educational Data Science Capstone Project. 4 Credits.
The final course of the Educational Data Science specialization, this course is an applied capstone where students tackle an applied data problem.
Requisites: Prereq: EDLD 651, EDLD 652, EDLD 653, EDLD 654.

EDLD 642. Survey of United States Education Policy. 3 Credits.
A graduate-level class designed to facilitate students’ understanding of the major policy areas and debates in contemporary U.S. public K-12 education systems; designed for graduate students who seek to become education policymakers, school and system leaders, policy analysts and researchers.

EDLD 643. Evidence-Based Decision Making in Schools. 3 Credits.
Introduces basic concepts of evidence-based decision making applied to school settings. Focuses on the application of research-based practices for the improvement of academic and behavioral performance in schools.

EDLD 644. Learning Organization. 3 Credits.
Four theories of organizational learning are explored: structural frame, human resource, political, and symbolic.

EDLD 649. Ethical Governance for School District Leaders. 2 Credits.
Intentional school and district governance serves system transformation. Viewing ethics through an equity lens, leaders will develop policies and practices that eliminate systems of advantage and disadvantage thereby closing the opportunity and achievement gaps present in their public schools and system.

EDLD 650. Advanced Seminar Educational Research Methods. 3 Credits.
Examines special issues in the use and application of educational statistics and research design in a discussion-seminar format.
Requisites: Prereq: EDUC 612, EDUC 614, EDUC 640.

EDLD 651. Introductory Educational Data Science. 3 Credits.
Introduces students to the fundamentals of statistical computing for data science. Introductory programming, data wrangling, data visualization, reproducible research.

EDLD 652. Data Visualization for Educational Data Science. 3 Credits.
Best practices in data visualization for social data science communication. Visual perception, color, uncertainty, and communication mediums.
Requisites: Prereq: EDLD 651.

EDLD 653. Functional Programming for Educational Data Science. 3 Credits.
Foundations of functional programming for data science. Function writing and iteration emphasized.
Requisites: Prereq: EDLD 651.

EDLD 654. Machine Learning for Educational Data Science. 3 Credits.
Statistical models for prediction. Bias-variance tradeoff, cross-validation methods, model evaluation, and a variety of models used in data science.
Requisites: Prereq: EDLD 651.

EDLD 659. Scholarly Writing. 3 Credits.
Develops proficiency in preparing technical reports, dissertations, grant applications, and literature syntheses to communicate educational programs, processes, and results.

EDLD 661. Item Response Theory I. 3 Credits.
Theory and application of item response measurement models. Participation outcomes include knowledge of IRT models, terminology, and resources. Emphasis on popular models and underlying assumptions.

EDLD 667. Advanced Measurement Assessment. 3 Credits.
Advanced foundation in educational measurement and assessment; emphasis on scale development and psychometric evaluation techniques. Introduction to methodological approaches to develop and evaluate scales designed for educational and applied research settings.
Requisites: Prereq: EDLD 560 or equivalent.

EDLD 675. Oregon School and District Finance. 4 Credits.
Overview of school finance concepts, Oregon's school financing system, political and legal considerations, taxation, state distribution formulas, school finance reform, the federal role in education.

EDLD 677. PhD Research Seminar. 3 Credits.
The primary purpose of this course is to induct doctoral students into the practice of educational research and provide them a base for a career as a faculty member at an institution of higher education or a member of a research institute.

EDLD 684. Master's Seminar in Educational Policy and Leadership. 3 Credits.
Required course for the Master of Science in Education Policy and Leadership (MS-EPL) to introduce students into the program, build community within the cohort, develop a shared sense of purpose and direction in the program, and learn foundational core concepts of education policy and leadership.

EDLD 685. Educational Policy and Leadership Master's Capstone. 3 Credits.
The purpose of this course is to scaffold students through the development and completion of their Educational Policy and Leadership master's capstone project. The capstone project is a discrete empirical examination of a problem of practice. The course also covers career planning and presentation skills.

EDLD 686. Oregon Legal Issues in Public Education. 4 Credits.
Gain knowledge of the legal foundations and understanding of the legal responsibilities of Oregon Administrators in relationship to students and families served, their access to educational opportunities and to educational staff who support students, families, and programs.

EDLD 687. Supervisory Practices for School Administrators. 3 Credits.
School building and district professionals examine National Educational Leadership Preparation Program (NELP) and Oregon standards. Students explore frameworks for principal support, four dimensions of school leadership, and principal supervisors with the goal of improving student learning and instruction, with emphasis on historically marginalized students.

EDLD 692. Research Writing. 3 Credits.
Provides structure and guidance to complete the methods section of a dissertation proposal. The nature and scope of the dissertation methods will be determined by a range of factors, including the advisor’s guidance, the data to be used, and the scope of the study.

EDLD 694. Dissertation Preparation. 3 Credits.
This course is designed to support students in preparing their a dissertation using the APA guidelines for publications in education/social sciences, the standards for measurement systems used in dissertations, and the standard four chapter format: introduction, methods, results, conclusions. Sequence with EDLD 699.
Requisites: Prereq: EDLD 699.

EDLD 696. Professional Writing I: Foundations in Professional Writing. 3 Credits.
Covers foundational knowledge of the American Psychological Association’s (APA) writing style as well as how to synthesize research for academic purposes.

EDLD 697. Professional Writing II. 3 Credits.
Students co-author and submit an article to a peer-reviewed journal or to ERIC. In addition, students will fill out the forms to apply for IRB Exempt research and IRB Review.

EDLD 698. Professional Writing III: Literature Review. 3 Credits.
Students write a review of research manuscripts on a professional topic and continue to learn the nuances of APA writing style. Sequence with EDLD 696.
Requisites: Prereq: EDLD 696.

EDLD 699. Dissertation Methods Apprenticeship. 3 Credits.
Provides doctoral students in the DEd program a structured opportunity to complete their dissertation proposal and a PowerPoint presentation on their respective proposals.

EDLD 708. Workshop: [Topic]. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

EDLD 709. Terminal Project. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

EDLD 710. Experimental Course: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times