Brewing Innovation (BRIN)

BRIN 221. Tapping into the World of Beer and Brewing. 4 Credits.
This course focuses on the science and art of the sensory experience in beer. It connects the sensory experience to beer’s ingredients and chemical composition, and ultimately to the finished beer’s flavor, appearance and aroma. Students will design and brew a style of their choice.

BRIN 322. Advanced Brewing Laboratory. 4 Credits.
Students will learn the practical aspects of producing fermented beverages with an emphasis on brewing beer. Sequence with BRIN 323, BRIN 424.
Requisites: Prereq: BRIN 221.

BRIN 323. Brewing Innovation: Past, Present, and Future. 4 Credits.
Students examine how innovations in brewing at global, regional, and local levels have shaped the beers and brewing process throughout history and how these innovations have fostered broader advances in society. Students learn to apply design thinking as an approach to future innovations in the craft. Sequence with BRIN 322, BRIN 424.
Requisites: Prereq: BRIN 322.

BRIN 424. Capstone: Interdisciplinary Beer Design Lab. 4 Credits.
In this capstone course, students design and refine a brewing technique or recipe that is relevant to the history of brewing innovation or that addresses an identified customer need or design challenge. Sequence with BRIN 322, BRIN 323.
Requisites: Prereq: BRIN 323.