Business Administration (BA)

BA 101Z. Introduction to Business. 4 Credits.
Presents an integrated view of both established and entrepreneurial businesses by studying their common characteristics and processes in a global context. Introduces theory and develops basic skills in the areas of accounting, finance, management, and marketing, with an emphasis on social responsibility and ethical practices. Explores how businesses can create value for themselves and society by addressing environmental and social challenges.
Equivalent to: BA 101
Additional Information:
Social Science Area

BA 199. Special Studies: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable when the topic changes.
Repeatable 99 times when topic changes

BA 211Z. Principles of Financial Accounting. 4 Credits.
Imparts an understanding of the purpose of accounting, common financial statement items, and the principles of internal controls. Focuses on recording the impact of economic events on account balances using U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, and the creation and analysis of financial statements to aid in external decision making.
Equivalent to: ACTG 211

BA 213Z. Principles of Managerial Accounting. 4 Credits.
Builds an understanding of the role of managerial accounting in a business, focusing on the development and use of information to evaluate production costs and operational performance in support of short- and long-term organizational decision-making.
Requisites: Prereq: BA 211Z.
Equivalent to: ACTG 213

BA 215. Accounting: Language of Business Decisions. 4 Credits.
How the accounting model reflects business transactions or events. Interpretation and analysis of financial statements. Understanding cost and revenue information, organization, and decisions.
Requisites: Prereq: BA 101Z.

BA 240. Spreadsheet Analysis and Visualization. 4 Credits.
Data-oriented approaches for structuring and analyzing information, with applications in the traditional functional areas of business, emphasizing modern techniques for developing fact-based decision models.

BA 252. Global Perspectives in Business. 4 Credits.
An interdisciplinary introduction to what it means to participate in a global economy, critically reflecting on globalization, the impacts of business activity, human rights, global finance, marketing, and management. Also explores concepts and skills in intercultural communication and working with others from around the world.
Additional Information:
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

BA 308. Leadership and Communication. 4 Credits.
Personal leadership and communication skills. Focuses on self-awareness for leading, persuading, and working with others; effective business writing and speaking; and team development. Students may not receive credit both BA 308 and BA 308H. Sophomore standing required.
Requisites: Prereq: BA 101Z; WR 122Z or WR 123.
Equivalent to: BA 308H

BA 308H. Leadership and Communication. 4 Credits.
Personal leadership and communication skills. Focuses on self-awareness for leading, persuading, and working with others; effective business writing and speaking; and team development. Students may not receive credit both BA 308 and BA 308H. Open only to students in the LCB Honors Program.
Requisites: Prereq: BA 101Z; WR 122Z or WR 123.
Equivalent to: BA 308

BA 315. Economy, Industry, and Competitive Analysis. 4 Credits.
Free enterprise capitalism and market competition. Economic value added, product cost, and product pricing. Organizational arrangements and the control of economic activity.
Requisites: Prereq: BA 101Z.

BA 316. Management: Creating Value through People. 4 Credits.
Management systems for planning, controlling, organizing, and leading; how they influence human behavior in organizations. Selecting, training, retaining, and motivating the human resource in organization.
Requisites: Prereq: BA 101Z.

BA 317. Marketing: Creating Value for Customers. 4 Credits.
Market analysis, target customer identification, and development of marketing-mix strategies to deliver superior customer value and contribute to the performance of the organization.
Requisites: Prereq: BA 101Z.

BA 318. Finance: Creating Value through Capital. 4 Credits.
Financial statement analysis, pro forma statements and capital budgeting, time value of money, net present-value analysis, risk and cost of capital.
Requisites: Prereq: BA 101Z; BA 211Z or BA 215.

BA 322. Fundamentals of Sustainable Business. 4 Credits.
Survey of the ideas, tools, and skills used by businesses to address environmental and social challenges, including new business attitudes, models, ventures, and ecosystems.
Requisites: Prereq: MGMT 311.

BA 325. Business Law and Ethics. 4 Credits.
Legal and ethical environments of business, including U.S. legal concepts, social and environmental impacts of business, and ethical decision making.
Requisites: Prereq: BA 101Z; WR 122Z or WR 123.

BA 361. Cross-Cultural Business Communication. 4 Credits.
Theoretical and practical approach to value dimensions across cultures and their impact on communication in business and professional contexts. Develops intercultural business communication skills.
Requisites: Prereq: WR 121Z recommended.

BA 365. Cross-Cultural Negotiation. 4 Credits.
Theory and practice of negotiating effectively across cultures. Research and analysis of culturally specific models for negotiating and experience using those models in cross-cultural simulations.
Requisites: Prereq: WR 121Z recommended.

BA 399. Special Studies: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

BA 400M. Temporary Multilisted Course. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

BA 404. Internship: [Topic]. 1-4 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

BA 406. Practicum: [Topic]. 1-12 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

BA 407. Seminar: [Topic]. 1-4 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

BA 410. Experimental Course: [Topic]. 1-4 Credits.
Repeatable when the topic changes.
Repeatable 99 times when topic changes

BA 425. Law for Managers. 4 Credits.
Critical legal concepts that managers, entrepreneurs, and professionals need to understand to succeed in their careers and contribute positively to society. The course will examine how legal and ethical considerations interact focusing on the legal system of the United States.

BA 453. Business Strategy and Planning. 4 Credits.
Capstone course focusing on strategy formulation and decisional processes. Includes writing a business plan that applies knowledge and develops course of action to accomplish organizational objectives. Students cannot receive credit for both BA 453 and BA 453H.
Requisites: Prereq: completion of 300-level business core courses, senior standing.

BA 453H. Business Strategy and Planning. 4 Credits.
Provides conceptual tools for in-depth strategic analysis and interactive discussions from sources relevant to the challenge of developing and implementing strategy. Students cannot receive credit for both BA 453 and BA 453H.
Requisites: Prereq: completion of 300-level business core courses, senior standing. Open only to students in the LCB honors program;

BA 510. Experimental Course: [Topic]. 1-4 Credits.
Repeatable when the topic changes.
Repeatable 99 times

BA 525. Law for Managers. 4 Credits.
Critical legal concepts that managers, entrepreneurs, and professionals need to understand to succeed in their careers and contribute positively to society. The course will examine how legal and ethical considerations interact focusing on the legal system of the United States.

BA 601. Research: [Topic]. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

BA 604. Internship: [Topic]. 1-9 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

BA 605. Reading and Conference: [Topic]. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

BA 606. Practicum: [Topic]. 1-12 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

BA 607. Seminar: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

BA 608. Workshop: [Topic]. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

BA 610. Experimental Course: [Topic]. 1-6 Credits.
Repeatable when the topic changes.
Repeatable 99 times

BA 661. Oregon Advanced Strategy. 3 Credits.
Examines advanced strategic analysis in corporate setting and integrates multidisciplinary values such as sustainability, product-service excellence, cultural values, financial strength, advanced marketing, entrepreneurial thinking, customer relationship management, big data analytics. This course is taught through the C-level practitioner’s perspective.
Requisites: Prereq: MGMT 614.

BA 680. Data Visualization and Communication in Business. 3 Credits.
Focuses on how to organize and understand data, present visual information to varied audiences, and tell logical and persuasive data stories in order to make data more understandable in business contexts, focusing on clarity rather than complexity.
Requisites: Prereq: OBA 612.

BA 705. Reading and Conference: [Topic]. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

BA 707. Seminar: [Topic]. 1-6 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

BA 708. Workshop: [Topic]. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

BA 710. Experimental Course: [Topic]. 1-9 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

BA 711. Legal Environment of Business. 3 Credits.
Analysis of government policy and the legal environment in which business operates; the effects of law, government policy, and social forces on the formulation of business strategy and decision-making.

BA 712. Financial Accounting and Reporting. 3 Credits.
Preparation, interpretation, and use of external financial statements and reports. Covers basic accounting principles, recording and reporting techniques underlying valuation and income determination.

BA 713. Data and Business Decisions. 3 Credits.
Integrates statistical tools for analyzing business data and covers process analysis, data collection, regression, statistical control, and forecasting.

BA 714. Managerial Accounting. 3 Credits.
Introduction to cost accounting terminology; costing strategies, nontraditional costing systems, activity-based costing and product-service costing applications.

BA 715. Managerial Economics. 3 Credits.
Covers micro- and macroeconomic analyses and the concepts of cost, demand, profit, and competition. Examines monetary and fiscal policy, the Federal Reserve System, and money and capital markets.

BA 716. Managing Organizations. 3 Credits.
This course investigates organizations as complex social systems including: leadership, managing individuals, groups, teams, and formal and informal processes and systems.

BA 717. Marketing Management. 3 Credits.
Examines marketing analysis and planning necessary to develop marketing plans and strategies for a product-line. Includes basic marketing concepts and philosophies and brief exposure to macromarketing strategies. Sequence with BA 719.

BA 718. Financial Analysis. 4 Credits.
Covers objectives, tools, methods, and problems of financial management. Includes fund acquisitions, dividend policy, capital acquisitions, taxes, mergers, and investment banking. Sequence with BA 720.

BA 719. Marketing Strategy. 3 Credits.
Marketing strategies for product-service introduction, growth, maturity, and decline; managing product-service innovation and development; brand equity, relationship marketing. Sequence with BA 717.

BA 720. Corporate Financial Strategy. 3 Credits.
Advanced topics in firm evaluation (e.g., acquisitions, restructuring) and financial risk management (e.g., hedging, derivatives, foreign projects) as related to global and domestic corporate strategies. Sequence with BA 718.

BA 721. Business Writing. 1 Credit.
Reviews the theory and practice of writing effectively for U.S. and international business audiences, addressing the use of rhetorical, cultural, and organizational analysis to create persuasive business documents.

BA 722. Leadership and Motivation: [Topic]. 1 Credit.
LEAD is the leadership foundation course that runs across the entire first year. The instructors and 2nd year students lead the in-class discussions of a variety of leadership topics. Topics include elements of motivation and leadership that affect management decision-making and problem-solving. Repeatable twice for a maximum of 3 credits.
Repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 3 credits

BA 723. Formulating Corporate Strategy. 3 Credits.
Focuses on how corporations choose to compete. Covers the analytical techniques and planning models appropriate for making this fundamental decision.

BA 725. Implementing Corporate Strategy. 3 Credits.
Uses problems and cases to examine the implementation of corporate strategy, the strategy process and cycle, and implementation methods.Sequence with BA 723.

BA 726. Global Business. 3 Credits.
Examines global competition and strategy, regional economic integration, cross-cultural challenges, foreign market entry, international joint ventures and strategic alliances, international dimensions in functional areas of business.

BA 727. Operations Management. 3 Credits.
Examines methods and processes for providing a competitive advantage through continuous quality and process improvements, supplier management, and efficient production of goods and services.

BA 729. Business Negotiation. 3 Credits.
Explores the major theories and concepts of negotiation. Opportunities to practice deal-making and conflict resolution. Encourages improvement in communication and persuasion.

BA 730. Business Ethics. 1 Credit.
Studies the derivation of values and the application of those values to individual choices. Emphasizes the conflict manager's experience when choosing between two alternatives.

BA 731. New Venture Planning. 3 Credits.
Students identify and research a business opportunity; develop and present a professional start-up business plan that includes market, competitor, cash flow, and financial analyses.

BA 732. Technology and Innovation Management. 3 Credits.
Exposes students to the dynamics of industries driven by technological innovation, and focuses on thinking strategically about technological innovation and new product development and deployment.

BA 735. Opportunity Recognition. 3 Credits.
Provides students with techniques and models to identify and develop new opportunities and manage innovation processes.

BA 736. Alliances and Acquisitions. 3 Credits.
Using alliances and acquisitions as a strategic tool; emphasis on value creation. Includes deal valuation, deal-making, due diligence, integration, and ecosystem development. Builds on negotiation, strategy, and finance courses.

BA 740. Capstone Business Project I. 1-9 Credits.
Focuses on integration of functional areas of business. Includes writing a plan that applies knowledge and develops a course of action to accomplish organizational objectives. First in a series for 2yr OEMBA students.
Repeatable 3 times for a maximum of 9 credits