Art History (ARH)

ARH 150. Introduction to Visual Culture. 4 Credits.
This course introduces to students to a wide variety of methods for looking at and analyzing images and objects of visual culture, drawing on concepts and methods from art history, anthropology, archaeology, and media studies.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area

ARH 199. Special Studies: [Topic}. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

ARH 204. Ancient Mediterranean Art. 4 Credits.
This course is a survey of the art and architecture of Africans, Christians, Jews, Greeks, Persians, Romans, and others in the ancient Mediterranean world.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

ARH 205. Mediterranean Renaissance European Art. 4 Credits.
Historical survey of visual arts. Selected works of painting, sculpture, architecture, and other arts studied in relation to the medieval to early Renaissance cultures producing them.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area

ARH 206. History of Western Art III. 4 Credits.
Historical survey of visual arts. Selected works of painting, sculpture, architecture, and other arts studied in relation to the Renaissance to modern cultures producing them.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area

ARH 208. History of Chinese Art. 4 Credits.
Historical survey of the visual arts of China. Selected works of painting, sculpture, architecture, and other arts will be studied in relation to the culture in which they were produced.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

ARH 209. History of Japanese Art. 4 Credits.
Historical survey of the visual arts of Japan. Selected works of painting, sculpture, architecture, and other arts studied in relation to the culture in which they were produced.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

ARH 211. Survey of Latin American Arts. 4 Credits.
Overview of the rich tradition of visual arts within Latin America from the pre-Columbian period, through the art of the Spanish viceroyalties, to the contemporary artistic landscape.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

ARH 314. History of World Architecture I. 4 Credits.
Survey of global architectural developments from prehistory to the Middle Ages.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

ARH 315. History of World Architecture II. 4 Credits.
Survey of global architectural developments from c. 1400 to the present.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

ARH 316. Gothic Architecture. 4 Credits.
A specialized survey of Gothic architecture in western Europe (c. 1140 to c. 1500). This course gives special consideration to the constructional and structural developments of the Gothic period, but will also consider architecture in relationship to social, religious, and economic practices.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area

ARH 317. Romanesque Architecture. 4 Credits.
Examines Romanesque architecture through the lens of pilgrimage, a major cultural force in the Middle Ages.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area

ARH 321. Ancient Jewish Art. 4 Credits.
A survey of Jewish art and architecture throughout the ancient Mediterranean (e.g., Aegina, Beth Alpha, Corinth, Dura Europos, Jerusalem, Masada, Ostia, Rome, Sardis, Sepphoris, Qumran)
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

ARH 322. Ancient Greek Art and Architecture. 4 Credits.
This course is a survey of ancient Greek art and architecture through the Hellenistic period, encompassing works throughout the ancient Mediterranean and Near East.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

ARH 323. Roman Art & Architecture. 4 Credits.
This course is a survey of the art and architecture of Republican and Imperial Rome throughout the Mediterranean and Near East. Considering the Roman world as a multicultural space, it explores works at locations such as Alexandria, Athens, Dura Europos, Jerusalem, Petra, Pompeii, and Rome.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

ARH 325. Islamic Art & Architecture. 4 Credits.
This course is a survey of visual culture from the Islamic world, beginning with its origins in the seventh century CE.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

ARH 327. Medieval Art. 4 Credits.
Introduction to the most important monuments of the Middle Ages, spanning the fourth through the 15th centuries with the primary focus on Western Europe and Byzantium.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area

ARH 341. Italian Renaissance Art. 4 Credits.
Painting and sculpture of the Renaissance and mannerist periods analyzed in terms of style, iconography, theory, patronage, and social context.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area

ARH 343. Northern Renaissance Art. 4 Credits.
Painting and graphic arts in the Netherlands, Germany, and France in the 15th and 16th centuries. Van Eyck, Durer, Holbein, other leading artists.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area

ARH 350. History of Manga. 4 Credits.
Survey of the history of Manga (Japanese comics) from the 19th Century to the present.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

ARH 351. 19th Century Art. 4 Credits.
Introduction to artistic movements in Europe from 1780 to the 1880s including neoclassicism, romanticism, realism, and impressionism.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area

ARH 352. Art of the Enlightenment. 4 Credits.
Explores European art of the 18th century. Lectures cover major movements—rococo, chinoiserie, neoclassicism, early romanticism—in the context of changing social values, the scientific revolution, secularization, and globalization.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area

ARH 353. Modern Art 1880 to 1950. 4 Credits.
History of modern art from the end of Impressionism to Abstract-Expressionism in relation to social, political, intellectual and cultural contexts.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

ARH 354. Contemporary Art. 4 Credits.
Survey of contemporary art in the West from 1945 to the present in relation to historical, social, cultural, and political concerns.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: US: Difference, Inequality, Agency

ARH 358. History of Design. 4 Credits.
Survey of the history of modern design from the 18th-century to the present day. The course explores the intersection of the historical development of design with its technological, social, commercial and aesthetic dimensions.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area

ARH 359. History of Photography. 4 Credits.
History of photography from the early 19th-century to the present, aesthetics of the medium, its relationship to art, and its social role.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area

ARH 368. Arts and Visual Cultures of Climate Change. 4 Credits.
Critical exploration of climate change and its representation in contemporary art and visual culture (e.g., satellite imagery, activism, science fiction)
Additional Information:
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

ARH 372. Arts of Colonial Latin America. 4 Credits.
This course examines the role of art and architecture in colonial Latin America (ca. 1492- 19th century).
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

ARH 373. 20th Century Latin American Art. 4 Credits.
Examines art and architecture across 20th-century Latin America, with special emphasis on the formation and expression of ethnic, cultural, regional, and national identity through them.
Additional Information:
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

ARH 382. Arts of the Silk Road. 4 Credits.
This course examines cross-cultural and artistic encounters between Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas by studying, diasporas and migrations, religions, urban settlements, trade, and slavery.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

ARH 387. Chinese Buddhist Art. 4 Credits.
Introduction to selective aspects of the history of Buddhist art in China. Emphasis on sculpture and painting.
Additional Information:
Arts & Letters Area
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

ARH 399. Special Studies: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Offerings vary from year to year and reflect the interests of faculty members. Repeatable.
Repeatable 99 times

ARH 401. Research: [Topic]. 1-8 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

ARH 403. Thesis. 1-6 Credits.
Requisites: Prereq: ARH 401; major standing.
Repeatable 99 times

ARH 404. Internship: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

ARH 405. Reading and Conference: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

ARH 406. Practicum: [Topic]. 1-12 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

ARH 407. Seminar: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable when topic changes.
Repeatable 99 times when topic changes

ARH 408. Workshop: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

ARH 409. Terminal Project. 1-12 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

ARH 410. Experimental Course: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Offerings vary from year to year and reflect the interests of faculty members. Repeatable when topic changes.
Repeatable 99 times when topic changes

ARH 411. Critical Approaches to Art Historical Study. 4 Credits.
Methods used to study art history (formalist, iconographical, social history of art, etc). Materials are drawn from art historical scholarship on art from a variety of regions and periods.
Requisites: Prereq: Recommend a minimum of six art history courses previously, ideally a combination of lower- and upper-division courses.

ARH 421. Ancient Mediterranean Art: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
This course examines art and architecture from the ancient Mediterranean world, exploring material from a particular region/period or through a particular critical/thematic lens. Repeatable when the topic changes.
Repeatable 99 times when topic changes
Additional Information:
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

ARH 425. Medieval Art and Architecture: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
An in-depth study of a discrete theme within the field of medieval art and architecture. Themes will vary from year to year and will reflect the interests of faculty members. Repeatable twice for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes.
Repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes

ARH 440. Museology. 4 Credits.
This course covers the history and theory of museums. Through readings, written assignments, lecture and classroom discussion we engage issues of museum ethics, the role of museums in society, and curatorial practice. The scope includes art museums as well as other types of museums.
Requisites: Prereq: Enrollment in the Museum Studies Certificate Program, the Art History Graduate Program, Art History Major or the Art History Minor.

ARH 450. Romanticism in the Visual Arts. 4 Credits.
The course offers an overview of the diverse artists and interests of the Romantic Movement in European art, while critically examining Romanticism as a period term.

ARH 451. Studies in 19th Century Art: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
Focuses on a specific area, movement, period or issue in visual art of the long 19th century (c. 1770–1914). Repeatable once for a maximum of 8 credits when topic changes.
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 8 credits when topic changes

ARH 453. Modern Art: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
This course focuses on a specific movement, sub-period, geographical region, or theoretical issue in the history of global modern art and the avant-gardes roughly between 1880 to the postwar period. Repeatable twice for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes.
Repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes

ARH 456. World Architecture Since 1960. 4 Credits.
Examines key themes, designs and structures, conversations, events, and people in architectural history, theory, and practice from around the world, from the early 1960s up to the present.
Requisites: Prereq: ARH 206 or ARH 315.

ARH 457. Contemporary Art: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
Topics are unified by their emphasis on the historical, socio-cultural, political, and theoretical conditions associated with art since 1945. Offerings vary from year to year and reflect the interests of faculty members. Repeatable twice for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes.
Repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes

ARH 462. Modern Architecture. 4 Credits.
Examines modern architecture from 1885 to 1965, and the discourse surrounding it. Emphasis on the meanings and manifestations of modernity as these evolved in Europe, the US, and around the world.
Requisites: Prereq: ARH 206, ARH 315.

ARH 465. American Architecture II. 4 Credits.
Major developments in American architecture, 1800–1900. Includes the rediscovery of national symbols, the impact of industry, and the national focus on the single-family residence.
Requisites: Prereq: ARH 206 or ARH 315.

ARH 466. American Architecture III. 4 Credits.
Major developments in American architecture, 1885 to the present. Emphasizes academicism, the impact of international modernism, and the rediscovery of eclectic symbolism.
Requisites: Prereq: ARH 206 or ARH 315.

ARH 471. Latin American Art History: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
Topics related to arts of Latin America from the Pre-Columbian period to the present. Offerings vary from year to year and reflect the interests of faculty members. Repeatable twice for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes.
Repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes

ARH 481. Chinese Art: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
Topics are unified by their emphasis on the historical, socio-cultural, political, and theoretical conditions associated with Chinese art. Offerings vary from year to year and reflect the interests of faculty members. Repeatable twice for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes.
Repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes
Additional Information:
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

ARH 485. Japanese Art: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
Explores the issues surrounding material cultures of Japan from prehistoric to contemporary periods. Repeatable twice for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes.
Repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes
Additional Information:
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

ARH 488. Japanese Prints. 4 Credits.
The woodblock print in Japan as part of the cultural, social, and political conditions.
Additional Information:
Cultural Literacy: Global Perspectives

ARH 503. Thesis. 1-9 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

ARH 507. Seminar: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable when topic changes.
Repeatable 99 times when topic changes

ARH 508. Workshop: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

ARH 510. Experimental Course: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Offerings vary from year to year and reflect the interests of faculty members. Repeatable when topic changes.
Repeatable 99 times when topic changes

ARH 521. Ancient Mediterranean Art: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
This course examines art and architecture from the ancient Mediterranean world, exploring material from a particular region/period or through a particular critical/thematic lens. Repeatable when topic changes.
Repeatable 99 times when topic changes

ARH 525. Medieval Art and Architecture: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
An in-depth study of a discrete theme within the field of medieval art and architecture. Themes will vary from year to year and will reflect the interests of faculty members. Repeatable twice for a maximum of 12 credits when the topic changes.
Repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes

ARH 540. Museology. 4 Credits.
This course covers the history and theory of museums. Through readings, written assignments, lecture and classroom discussion we engage issues of museum ethics, the role of museums in society, and curatorial practice. The scope includes art museums as well as other types of museums.
Requisites: Prereq: Enrollment in the Museum Studies Certificate Program, the Art History Graduate Program, Art History Major or the Art History Minor.

ARH 550. Romanticism in the Visual Arts. 4 Credits.
The course offers an overview of the diverse artists and interests of the Romantic Movement in European art, while critically examining Romanticism as a period term.

ARH 551. Studies in 19th Century Art: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
Focuses on a specific area, movement, period or issue in visual art of the long 19th century (c. 1770–1914). Repeatable once for a maximum of 8 credits when topic changes.
Repeatable 1 time for a maximum of 8 credits when topic changes

ARH 553. Modern Art: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
This courses focuses on a specific movement, sub-period, geographical region, or theoretical issue in the history of global modern art and the avant-gardes roughly between 1880 to the postwar period. Repeatable twice for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes.
Repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes

ARH 556. World Architecture Since 1960. 4 Credits.
Examines key themes, designs and structures, conversations, events, and people in architectural history, theory, and practice from around the world, from the early 1960s up to the present.

ARH 557. Contemporary Art: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
Topics are unified by their emphasis on the historical, socio-cultural, political, and theoretical conditions associated with art since 1945. Offerings vary from year to year and reflect the interests of faculty members. Repeatable twice for a maximum of 12 credits.
Repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes

ARH 562. Modern Architecture. 4 Credits.
Examines modern architecture from 1885 to 1965, and the discourse surrounding it. Emphasis on the meanings and manifestations of modernity as these evolved in Europe, the US, and around the world.

ARH 565. American Architecture II. 4 Credits.
Major developments in American architecture, 1800–1900. Includes the rediscovery of national symbols, the impact of industry, and the national focus on the single-family residence.

ARH 566. American Architecture III. 4 Credits.
Major developments in American architecture, 1885 to the present. Emphasizes academicism, the impact of international modernism, and the rediscovery of eclectic symbolism.

ARH 571. Latin American Art History: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
Topics related to arts of Latin America from the Pre-Columbian period to the present. Offerings vary from year to year and reflect the interests of faculty members. Repeatable twice for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes.
Repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes

ARH 581. Chinese Art: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
Topics are unified by their emphasis on the historical, socio-cultural, political, and theoretical conditions associated with Chinese art. Offerings vary from year to year and reflect the interests of faculty members. Repeatable twice for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes.
Repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes

ARH 585. Japanese Art: [Topic]. 4 Credits.
Explores the issues surrounding material cultures of Japan from prehistoric to contemporary periods. Repeatable twice for a maximum of 12 credits when the topic changes.
Repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 12 credits when topic changes

ARH 588. Japanese Prints. 4 Credits.
The woodblock print in Japan as part of the cultural, social, and political conditions.

ARH 601. Research: [Topic]. 1-9 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

ARH 603. Dissertation. 1-9 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

ARH 604. Internship: [Topic]. 1-9 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

ARH 605. Special Problems: [Topic]. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

ARH 606. Practicum: [Topic]. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

ARH 607. Seminar: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Departmental offerings vary from year to year and reflect the specialized interests of faculty members. Repeatable when topic changes.
Repeatable 99 times when topic changes

ARH 608. Workshop: [Topic]. 1-16 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

ARH 609. Capstone. 1-12 Credits.
Repeatable 99 times

ARH 610. Experimental Course: [Topic]. 1-5 Credits.
Repeatable when topic changes.
Repeatable 99 times when topic changes

ARH 611. Graduate Studies in Art History. 4 Credits.
Introduction to bibliographic resources research methodology, and critical issues in art history.
Requisites: Prereq: major standing.

ARH 614. Terminal Project. 1-12 Credits.
Student-directed research and writing intended to culminate in the production of a master's level project under the supervision of a faculty member.
Repeatable 99 times