Global Health Minor

Students in the Global Health program are exposed to diverse disciplinary approaches to research and practice in Global Health through core and elective coursework in the social and natural sciences and humanities. Students also complete a required global health field experience, internship, or practicum. More info on our website.


Core Courses
GLBL 340Global Health and Development4
400-level course providing field experience (preferably from the student’s home department)4
Two approved natural science courses from list below8
Two approved social science or humanities courses from list below8
Total Credits24


Natural Science Courses
ANTH 175Evolutionary Medicine4
ANTH 220Introduction to Nutritional Anthropology4
ANTH 362Human Biological Variation4
ANTH 369Human Growth and Development4
ANTH 376Decoding Your Genome4
ANTH 459Advanced Evolutionary Medicine4
BI 121Introduction to Human Physiology4
BI 1224
BI 123Biology of Cancer4
BI 140Science, Policy, and Biology4
BI 3094
BI 353Sensory Physiology4
BI 358Investigations in Medical Physiology4
BI 360Neurobiology4
BI 423Human Molecular Genetics4
BI 426Genetics of Cancer4
BI 461Systems Neuroscience4
BI 472Community Ecology4
ENVS 202Introduction to Environmental Studies: Natural Sciences4
HPHY 105Principles of Nutrition4
HPHY 211Medical Terminology3
HPHY 212Scientific Investigation in Physiology4
HPHY 375Metabolism and Nutrition4
HPHY 422Physiology of Obesity4
PSY 301Scientific Thinking in Psychology4
PSY 302Statistical Methods in Psychology4
PSY 303Research Methods in Psychology: [Topic]4
PSY 309Psychopathology4
PSY 459Cultural Psychology4
PSY 472Psychology of Trauma4
Social Science or Humanities Courses
ANTH 4134
ANTH 420Culture, Illness, and Healing4
EC 443Health Economics4
EC 490Economic Growth and Development4
ENG 240Introduction to Disability Studies4
ENVS 410Experimental Course: [Topic]1-5
GLBL 230Global Wellbeing4
GLBL 415The Global Story of Race4
GLBL 435Global Perspectives on Disability2
GEOG 142The Human Planet4
GEOG 181Our Digital Earth4
GEOG 341Population and Environment4
GEOG 481GIScience I4
GEOG 490GIScience: [Topic]4
HC 431HHonors College Social Science Colloquium: [Topic]4
HUM 240Medical Humanities4
GLBL 230Global Wellbeing4
GLBL 425Global Food Security4
GLBL 463Population Displacement and Global Health4
GLBL 465Global Reproductive Health4
GLBL 467Global Mental Health4
PHIL 220Food Ethics4
PHIL 307Social and Political Philosophy I4
PHIL 309Global Justice4
PHIL 335Medical Ethics4
PPPM 202Healthy Communities4
PPPM 370Global Sustainable Development and Policy4
PPPM 460Health Policy4
PSY 407Seminar: [Topic]1-5
PSY 366Culture and Mental Health4
SOC 311Research Methods4
SOC 312Statistical Analysis in Sociology4
SOC 385Medical Sociology4
WGS 221Bodies and Power4
WGS 331Science, Technology, and Gender4

Deviations from the requirements listed must be approved by a global health advisor.


  • 24 Credits are required for the minor, with a minimum of 12 upper division credits
  • A maximum of 12 credits in a single department (including major department) will count towards the Global Health minor. No more than 3 courses with the same subject heading.
  • Twenty credits for the minor must be taken in residence
  • All courses taken for the minor must be taken for a letter grade, with the exception of the Field Work Experience requirement
  • Courses applying to the minor must be passed with a C- or above

No more than three courses (12 credits) from a single department (courses with the same subject code) may count toward the minor.