Cybersecurity (BS)

Computer Science majors and Computer Science minors cannot major in Cybersecurity major.

Students may be admitted to the major after consultation with an adviser in the Department of Computer Science or with an advisor in Tykeson Hall.  Students should seek admission to this major early in their career at the university as the requirements have a number of course dependencies.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Learn essential knowledge and up-to-date techniques in cybersecurity, including those in the main areas of fundamental security concepts and principles, applied cryptography, program security, and system and network security.
  • Hone hands-on skills in cybersecurity via computer and network security lab courses and field studies.
  • Be able to draw on a broad knowledge and hands-on skills of cybersecurity to design, implement, and test solutions to cybersecurity tasks.
  • Understand the wide-ranging effects and interdisciplinary aspects of cybersecurity while attaining proficiency in one or multiple subdomains within the field of cybersecurity.
  • Apply and expand foundational knowledge and skills to new problem domains and emerging technologies.
  • Possess effective communication and collaboration abilities and express ideas clearly and concisely both orally and in written form.
  • Adhere to ethical principles and make well-informed decisions in the field of cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity Major Requirements

Stage 1 All courses must be taken graded with a grade of B- or better.
CS 102Fundamentals of Computer and Information Security4
CS 210Computer Science I4
CS 211Computer Science II4
CS 212Computer Science III4
MATH 231Elements of Discrete Mathematics I4
MATH 232Elements of Discrete Mathematics II4
Stage 2 All courses must be taken graded.
CS 313Intermediate Data Structures4
CS 314Computer Organization4
CS 315Intermediate Algorithms4
CS 330C/C++ and Unix4
CS 332System and Security Administration Lab4
CS 333Applied Cryptography4
Stage 3 All courses must be taken graded.
CS 415Operating Systems4
CS 422Software Methodology I4
CS 425Principles of Programming Languages4
CS 432Introduction to Networks4
CS 433Computer and Network Security4
CS 437Computer and Network Security Practicum (Computer and Network Security Practicum ) to be submitted for approval soon4
Stage-3 depth courses8
Computer and Network Security II
Secure Software Development
Breadth Courses A maximum of 8 credits may be taken Pass/No Pass.16
Any 400-level CS courses and CS 322
A maximum number of 8 credits from courses CS 399, CS 400M, and CS 410 may be counted toward the degree
A maximum number of 8 credits from CS 403 may be counted toward the degree
A maximum number of 4 credits from courses CS 405 and CS 407 may be counted toward the degree
CS 405, CS 407, CS 399, CS 410 repeatable only with different subtitles
Writing Requirement: one of the three The course may be taken Pass/No Pass or Graded.4
Scientific and Technical Writing
Business Communications
Research and Writing: [Topic]
Field Study Over one or multiple terms with a total four (4) credits. The course may be taken Pass/No Pass or Graded.4
Research: [Topic]
Internship: [Topic]
Practicum: [Topic]
Total Credits104

Additional Requirements

  • 24 CS credits must be earned in residence at the University of Oregon.
  • Satisfactory progress: Apart from Stage 1, all other courses must be completed with a grade of C- or better if graded.  Students who receive three grades below C- in all courses will be removed from the major.  Below C- grades are cumulative.  Retaking and passing a course does not change the total number of below C- grades.