Psychology (BA/BS)

Sara D. Hodges, Department Head
Straub Hall
1227 University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon 97403-1227

From cognitive and developmental psychology to practices in clinical psychology and psychopathology, the UO’s Department of Psychology immerses you in the study of the human mind and behavior. All students collaborate on research as part of their academic sequence and many gain additional research experience in department labs. You will learn strong critical thinking skills and how to evaluate and convey evidence. Develop your skills in real-world settings with student-run peer programs, internships at local clinics, shelters, hospitals, and justice centers.

We are a community of scientists including faculty and postdoctoral scholars engaged in cutting-edge research. The psychology major will expose you to basic concepts, theories, findings, and ethical issues in multiple areas: social, personality and psychopathology, developmental, cognitive and experimental, and biological and physiological psychology.

Upon completing their training, UO psychology majors should have a broad knowledge of psychology, including basic statistical techniques and ethical issues, and be skilled at reading, evaluating, and communicating about the primary scientific literature in psychology.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Identify major theories, research findings, and methodological approaches in a variety of key content areas including, for example, cognition, neuroscience, development, social behavior, personality, and psychopathology and mental health; and apply research findings to human behavior in everyday life.
  • Find relevant articles in the primary psychological literature on a given topic, identify key research questions and hypotheses in scientific articles, and critically evaluate the research design and the quality of evidence presented.
  • Choose appropriate basic statistical analysis techniques for a specific research question and set of data, complete basic data analyses, and summarize the results in an APA-style report.
  • Communicate clearly and effectively about psychological topics, including methodological and ethical issues in psychology, based on an understanding of both the strengths and limitations of empirical evidence.

 To satisfy major requirements students take a total of 68 credits. Of those credits, 56 credits in psychology courses are required, 48 of which must be upper-division, and 16 of which must be taken in residence at the University of Oregon. Introduction to Psychology I (PSY 201Z) and Introduction to Psychology II (PSY 202Z) must be taken for letter grades and passed with grades of mid-C or better, although AP and IB coursework with appropriate grades is acceptable with a grade of P*, and elective upper-division psychology courses may be taken pass/no pass. A minimum grade point average of 2.00 in psychology coursework is required.

Psychology Major Requirements

Introductory Prerequisite Courses
WR 121ZComposition I4
WR 122ZComposition II (WR 123 recommended)4
or WR 123 College Composition III
PSY 201ZIntroduction to Psychology I4
PSY 202ZIntroduction to Psychology II4
STAT 243ZElementary Statistics I4
Methods Foundations Courses
PSY 301Scientific Thinking in Psychology4
PSY 302Statistical Methods in Psychology4
PSY 303Research Methods in Psychology: [Topic]4
300-Level Core Courses12
Select three of the following, one of which must be PSY 304 or PSY 305:
Social Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Psychopathology 1
400-Level Specialty Courses12
Select three of the following:
Psychology and Law
Forensic Psychology
Learning and Memory
Human Performance
Psychology and Evolution
Brain Mechanisms of Behavior
Cognitive Neuroscience
Hormones and Behavior
Group Dynamics
Cultural Psychology
Stereotyping and Prejudice
Motivation and Emotion
Psychology of Trauma
Intimate Relationships
Cognitive Development
Social Development
Development and Psychopathology
Upper-Division Elective Courses 212
Total Credits68

or OXEU 388: PSY: Psychopathology


Students must take 12 upper-division psychology elective credits, 8 of which must be actual content courses. A maximum of 4 credits in Research: [Topic] (PSY 401) or Practicum: [Topic] (PSY 406) may be applied to the upper-division credits. Practicum credits must be earned at a practicum site approved by the head undergraduate faculty advisor.

Honors Curriculum

Students with excellent records who plan to pursue a career in psychology may consider applying to the departmental honors program. The honors program centers on an independent research project, which the student develops and carries out under the supervision of a departmental committee. Information about admission criteria and how to apply is available online.

Four-Year Degree Plan

The degree plan shown is only a sample of how students may complete their degrees in four years. There are alternative ways. Students should consult psychology advisors to determine the best path for them.

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Degree Map
First Year
First-Year Interest Group or elective course 4
First-Year Interest Group or arts and letters area-satisfying curse 4
PSY 202Z Introduction to Psychology II 4
First term of first-year second-language sequence 4
Begin taking your second language in your first or second year  
 Credits 16
PSY 201Z Introduction to Psychology I 4
WR 121Z Composition I 4
Arts and letters area-satisfying course 4
Second term of first-year second-language sequence 4
Meet with a psychology advisor to discuss your academic goals  
 Credits 16
Social science area-satisfying course (or PSY 202Z/201Z) 4
WR 123 College Composition III 4
Science area-satisfying course 4
Third term of first-year second-language sequence 4
Complete both PSY 201Z and PSY 202Z in your first or second year  
Plan your summer experience with a psychology advisor  
 Credits 16
 Total Credits 48
Degree Map
Second Year
PSY 305 or choose from PSY 304-309 4
Social science area-satisfying course 4
Arts and letters area-satisfying course 4
First term of second-year second-language sequence 4
Consider studying abroad  
 Credits 16
Choose from PSY 304-309 4
Social science area-satisfying course 4
Second term of second-year second-language sequence 4
Choose 300-level core courses in your area of interest 4
Consider doing an internship for the major  
 Credits 16
PSY 301 Scientific Thinking in Psychology 4
STAT 243Z Elementary Statistics I 4
Social science area-satisfying course 4
Third term of second-year second-language sequence 4
Take PSY 301 and STAT 243Z in your second year  
 Credits 16
 Total Credits 48
Degree Map
Third Year
PSY 302 Statistical Methods in Psychology 4
Choose from PSY 306-309 4
PSY 401
Research: [Topic]
or Practicum: [Topic]
Elective course or remaining area of inquiry course 4
Consider psychology honors  
 Credits 13-16
PSY 303 Research Methods in Psychology: [Topic] 4
Elective course or remaining area of inquiry course 4
Choose from PSY 304-309 4
PSY 401
Research: [Topic]
or Practicum: [Topic]
Consider study abroad  
 Credits 13-16
PSY 400-level specialty course 4
PSY 300-400 level elective 4
Elective courses or remaining area of inquiry course 4-8
Apply for psychology honors  
 Credits 12-16
 Total Credits 38-48
Degree Map
Fourth Year
PSY 400-level specialty course 4
PSY 300-400 level elective 4
Elective courses or remaining requirements 8
Meet with an advisor early to make a graduation plan  
Apply to graduate schools or look for work after graduation  
 Credits 16
PSY 400-level specialty course 4
PSY 300-400 level elective 4
Elective courses 8
 Credits 16
Remaining PSY requirements 4-8
Remaining requirements for Core Ed/Cultural literacy 4-8
Elective courses or remaning degree requirements 4-8
Apply to graduate on DuckWeb the term you complete all requirements  
If you are considering graduate school, consider taking additional psychology courses/seminars  
 Credits 12-24
 Total Credits 44-56

Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Degree Map
First Year
First-Year Interest Group or elective course 4
First-Year Interest Group or arts and letters area-satisfying course 4
PSY 202Z Introduction to Psychology II 4
Elective course 4
 Credits 16
PSY 201Z Introduction to Psychology I 4
WR 121Z Composition I 4
Arts and letters area-satisfying course 4
Elective course 4
Meet with a psychology advisor to discuss your academic goals.  
 Credits 16
Social science area-satisfying course (or PSY 202Z/PSY 201Z) 4
WR 123 College Composition III 4
Science group-satisfying course 4
Elective course 4
Complete both PSY 201Z and PSY 202Z in your first or second year  
Plan your summer experience  
 Credits 16
 Total Credits 48
Degree Map
Second Year
PSY 305 or choose from PSY 304-309 4
Mathematics course 4
Arts and letters area-satisfying course 4
Elective course 4
Consider studying abroad  
If you are considering graduate school, take 300-level CORE courses in your intended field of study  
 Credits 16
Choose from PSY 306-309 4
Arts and letters area-satisfying course 4
Social science area-satisfying course 4
Mathematics course 4
Choose 300-level core course in your area of interest  
Consider doing an internship for the major  
 Credits 16
PSY 301 Scientific Thinking in Psychology 4
STAT 243Z Elementary Statistics I 4
Science area-satisfying course 4
Elective course 4
Take PSY 301 and STAT 243Z in your second year  
 Credits 16
 Total Credits 48
Degree Map
Third Year
Choose from PSY 306-309 4
PSY 302 Statistical Methods in Psychology 4
PSY 401
Research: [Topic]
or Terminal Project
Elective course or remaining area of inquiry 4
Begin working in a research lab or doing an internship  
Consider PSY honors  
 Credits 13-16
PSY 303 Research Methods in Psychology: [Topic] 4
Elective course or remaining area of inquiry course 4
Choose from PSY 304-309 4
PSY 401
Research: [Topic]
or Practicum: [Topic]
 Credits 13-14
PSY 400-level specialty course 4
PSY 300-400 level elective 4
Elective courses or remaining area of inquiry 4-8
Apply for PSY honors  
 Credits 12-16
 Total Credits 38-46
Degree Map
Fourth Year
PSY 400-level core course 4
PSY 300-400 level elective 4
Elective courses 8
Meet with an advisor early to make a graduation plan  
Apply to graduate schools or look for work after graduation  
 Credits 16
PSY 400-level specialty course 4
PSY 300-400 level elective 4
Elective courses 4-8
PSY 401
Research: [Topic]
or Thesis
If you are considering graduate school, consider taking additional psychology courses/seminars  
 Credits 13-20
Remaining PSY requirements 4-8
Remaining requirements for Core Ed/Cultural literacy 4-8
Elective courses or remaining degree requirements 4-8
Apply to graduate on DuckWeb the term you complete all requirements  
 Credits 12-24
 Total Credits 41-60