Law Graduate Specializations

The Conflict and Dispute Resolution Program partners with several other academic departments to offer four graduate specializations:

  • Environmental Conflict: Climate Change
  • Environmental Conflict: Land Use
  • Environmental Conflict: Water
  • Regional and International Conflict

Full information may be found on the program website. For specific questions: Email:, Phone: 541-346-1604.


  • You must be accepted to and enrolled in a master's or doctoral program at the University of Oregon

Environmental Conflicts: Climate Change

The graduate specializations in environmental conflicts are intended to provide you with an understanding of the participatory processes, decision-making constraints, and tools to address environmental disputes. This specialization provides further context on resource disputes related to climate change.

Environmental Conflicts: Land Use

The graduate specializations in environmental conflicts are intended to provide you with an understanding of the participatory processes, decision-making constraints, and tools to address environmental disputes. This specialization provides further context on land use disputes.

Environmental Conflicts: Water

The graduate specializations in environmental conflicts are intended to provide you with an understanding of the participatory processes, decision-making constraints, and tools to address environmental disputes. This specialization provides further context on water-related disputes.

Regional and International Conflict

This specialization is intended to provide you with a foundation of knowledge and skills for working in developing or post-conflict countries in the field of international development, aid relief work, conflict management, and community building.