Planning, Public Policy and Management

Benjamin Clark, PhD, School Director
147B Hendricks Hall
1209 University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon 97403-1209

The School of Planning, Public Policy and Management is nationally known for academic rigor, intellectual leadership, innovative and applied instruction, and its inclusive and equitable climate. In PPPM you will:

  • Learn by doing: Experience hands-on learning through practical activities.
  • Study core subjects and specialized courses designed to tackle inequality.
  • Benefit from a diverse community of faculty, students, and professionals.
  • Feel welcomed and included in an environment that is open, welcoming, and inclusive to all, and in particular to those traditionally marginalized in society.
  • Use theory, empirical evidence, and hands-on learning.
  • Get involved in community projects --public, private, and nonprofit -- that tackle big issues including economic, environmental, and social issues
  • Explore new ideas from different parts of the world and see if they can work in other places.
  • Focus on making sure our actions are good for the environment, society, and the economy.


Lisa Abia-Smith, senior instructor (art and special populations, art and museum education, arts in health care); director, educational outreach, Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art. BA, 1989, St. Mary’s College of California; MA, 1992, John F. Kennedy. (1997)

Anne Brown, assistant professor (transportation planning, mobility). BA, 2010, Macalester; MURP, 2014, California, Los Angeles. (2018)

Robert J. Choquette, senior instructor (strategic planning, project management); graduate programs coordinator. BS, 1982, MUP, 1991, Oregon. (1991)

Ben Clark, associate professor (public management, crowdsourcing, local government management). BA, 1999, Indiana, Bloomington; MPA, 2000, Syracuse; PhD, 2009, Georgia. (2016)

Patrick Hunnicutt, Assistant Professor (environmental management and policy).  BA Duke University; MA UC Santa Barbara; PhD UC Santa Barbara.

Renee A. Irvin, associate professor (nonprofit and philanthropic sector economics, wealth policy). BA, 1984, Oregon; MA, 1991, PhD, 1998, Washington (Seattle). (2001)

Patricia Lambert, professor (performing arts, cultural policy). BM, 1990, Indiana; MA, 1997, Webster; MAS, 1998, International Center for Culture and Management; PhD, 2004, Ohio State. (2003)

Laura Leete, associate professor (poverty and social policy, work-force policy, nonprofit economics). BA, 1982, California, Berkeley; MA, 1988, PhD, 1992, Harvard. (2007)

Rebecca C. Lewis, associate professor (land-use policy, sustainable development, state and local finance). BA, 2006, Kentucky; MPP, 2008, PhD, 2011, Maryland, College Park. (2013)

Richard D. Margerum, professor (environmental planning and management, planning processes, conflict management). BA, 1987, Wittenberg; MCP, 1989, Cincinnati; MS, 1992, PhD, 1995, Wisconsin, Madison. (2001)

Dyana Mason, associate professor (nonprofit management, charitable giving, public management). BA, 1993, Southern California; MBA, 2010, William and Mary; PhD, 2014, Southern California. (2014)

Jessica Matthiesen, senior instructor (nonprofit management, program development, public service); director, undergraduate program and internship. BS, 1997, MPA, 2009, Oregon. (2012)

José Meléndez, assistant professor (civic engagement, designing participatory processes, Latino immigrants). BA, 2001, Oberlin; MEd, 2009; PhD, 2016, Illinois, Chicago. (2018)

Nicole S. Ngo, associate professor (health economics, environmental policy, urban sustainability). BA, BS, 2006, California, Irvine; MA, 2010, PhD, 2013, Columbia. (2013)

Eleonora Redaelli, associate professor. Laurea, 1997, Università degli Studi di Milano; DMA, 2000, Conservatorio di Musica Giuseppi Verdi; PhD, 2008, Ohio State. (2014)

Gerard Sandoval, professor (economic and community development, urban revitalization, immigrant neighborhoods). BS, 2000, California, Davis; MCP, 2002, PhD, 2007, California, Berkeley. (2010)

Marc Schlossberg, professor (geographic information systems, social planning, transportation planning). BBA, 1987, Texas, Austin; MUP, 1995, San Jose State; PhD, 2001, Michigan. (2001)

Julie Voelker-Morris, senior instructor.  BA, 1996, Augustana College; MS, 2002, Oregon. (2014)

Yizhao Yang, associate professor (environmental planning, sustainable living design and analysis, geographic information systems). BArch, 1995, Tianjin; MS, 1998, Tsinghua; MRP, 2001, PhD, 2007, Cornell. (2006)


Donald G. Holtgrieve, adjunct assistant professor (local government planning). See Geography.

Yekang Ko, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture. 


Doug Blandy, professor emeritus (art and community service, art and special populations). BS, 1974, Ohio; MA, 1979, PhD, 1983, Ohio State. (1987)

Gaylene Carpenter, associate professor emerita. BA, 1965, MS, 1973, California State, Long Beach; EdD, 1980, Temple. (1983)

Rogena M. Degge, professor emerita. BA, 1964, Fresno State; MS, 1972, PhD, 1975, Oregon. (1979)

Bryan T. Downes, professor emeritus. BS, 1962, MS, 1963, Oregon; PhD, 1966, Washington (St. Louis). (1976)

Linda F. Ettinger, associate professor emerita. BFA, Southwest Missouri State; MS, 1973, Illinois State; PhD, 1983, Oregon. (1982)

Maradel K. Gale, associate professor emerita. BA, 1961, Washington State; MA, 1967, Michigan State; JD, 1974, Oregon. (1974)

Judith H. Hibbard, professor emerita. BS, 1974, California State, Northridge; MPH, 1975, California, Los Angeles; DrPH, 1982, California, Berkeley. (1982)

Michael Hibbard, professor emeritus. BS, 1968, California Polytechnic; MSW, 1971, San Diego State; PhD, 1980, California, Los Angeles. (1980)

Carl J. Hosticka, associate professor emeritus. BA, 1965, Brown; PhD, 1976, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (1977)

Beverly J. Jones, associate professor emerita. BS, 1967, Oregon College of Education; MS, 1976, PhD, 1977, Oregon. (1977)

David C. Povey, professor emeritus. BS, 1963, Lewis and Clark; MUP, 1969, PhD, 1972, Cornell. (1973)

Jean Stockard, professor emerita. BA, 1969, MA, 1972, PhD, 1974, Oregon. (1974)

Kenneth C. Tollenaar, director emeritus. BA, 1950, Reed; MA, 1953, Minnesota. (1966)

Edward C. Weeks, associate professor emeritus. BA, 1973, PhD, 1978, California, Irvine. (1978)

The date in parentheses at the end of each entry is the first year on the University of Oregon faculty.


Nico Larco, architecture

Robert G. Ribe, landscape architecture

Anita M. Weiss, international studies

Major - Bachelor's Degree


Undergraduate Studies

The undergraduate program provides an interdisciplinary liberal arts education that prepares students for work in the fields of planning, policy, and public and nonprofit administration. Through coursework that integrates theory and practice, the curriculum focuses on the ways governments, nonprofit organizations, and other institutions solve public problems. Students explore the economic, social, and environmental characteristics of communities and systems of governance to determine effective ways to advance the public’s goals. The practical, solutions-based curriculum helps students develop knowledge and skills pertaining to core issues related to planning, public policy, public administration, and nonprofit administration, as well as more in-depth knowledge in a chosen field of interest. Academic coursework and learning opportunities such as internships and applied courses create a hands-on educational climate that is both exciting and challenging.