Preview Workflow

Viewing: GEOG 461/561

Last approved: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 14:16:54 GMT

Last edit: Tue, 19 Mar 2024 19:31:09 GMT

General Information

Leslie McLees
Reactivate Course
Please enter the subject and course number below. Ex. ARH 111 or ENG 455/555
Please enter the new department name below.
Please enter the new subject name below.
Please enter the name of Program or Degree below.
Please enter the new CIP code below.
GEOG 461/561

Reactivate Course Request

We can ONLY reinstate the course if the course was dropped within the last three years. If the course was dropped more than three years ago, you will need to submit a new course proposal via CIM website:
Winter 2025
Nick Kohler

New Department Request

Office of the Registrar will assign a new department code.

New Subject Code Request

Office of the Registrar will assign a new subject code.

New Program or Degree Type Request

Program type = major, minor, certificate, specialization.
Degree type = bachelor of arts, master of arts, doctor of philosophy


Rename Department Request


Rename Subject Request


Change CIP Code Request

Please specify levels (Undergraduate, Graduate, Law) and program types (major, minor, certificate, specialization, etc.) along with program name(s).

Change Degree Requirements Request

Key: 4