Physical Education: Martial Arts Courses


Course usage information

PEMA 115. Self-Defense. 1 Credit.

Fundamental concepts of self defense. Mental and physical strategies, awareness and reaction training. Class theme is prevention, covering the "Three As": Awareness, Assessment, Action.

Course usage information

PEMA 116. Women's Self Defense. 2 Credits.

Supportive, empowering class focusing on verbal and physical skills for avoiding and resisting assault. Includes boundary-setting, de-escalation, assertiveness, healthy relationship skills, and effective fighting techniques. Repeatable once for a maximum of 4 credits.

Course usage information

PEMA 199. Special Studies: [Topic]. 1-2 Credits.


Course usage information

PEMA 255. Kickboxing. 1 Credit.

Repeatable. This dynamic martial art includes punching and kicking skills, techniques and the rules of competitive kickboxing. Develops balance, flexibility and strength. All PE courses are repeatable once for credit.

Course usage information

PEMA 311. Jeet Kune Do I. 1 Credit.

Repeatable. Basic concepts of Jeet Kune Do and the Filipino Martial Arts. Basic movements, including strikes, kicks, grapping, and defensive weaponry. Develop individualized training methods. Repeatable once for a maximum of 2 credits.

Course usage information

PEMA 312. Jeet Kune Do II. 1 Credit.

Repeatable. Intermediate concepts of Jeet Kune Do and the Filipino Martial Arts. Demonstrate movements, immobilization techniques, and practical self defense skills. Repeatable once for a maximum of 2 credits.
Prereq: PEMA 311 or equivalent.

Course usage information

PEMA 321. Jiu-Jitsu I. 1 Credit.

Repeatable. Introduction to concepts of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Combative activity incorporating throwing, falling, grappline, holds, and safe positioning. Development of practical self-defense knowledge and skills. Repeatable once for a maximum of 2 credits.

Course usage information

PEMA 322. Jiu-Jitsu II. 1 Credit.

Repeatable. Basic and intermediate motions of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. History, rules and scoring system for sport, escape movements, submission holds. Repeatable once for a maximum of 2 credits.
Prereq: PEMA 321 or equivalent.

Course usage information

PEMA 331. Mixed Martial Arts I. 1 Credit.

Introductory techniques from boxing, wrestling, jiu-jitsu and muay thai. Rules and scoring system of competitive mixed martial arts. Sequence with PEMA 332. PE activity courses are repeatable once for credit.

Course usage information

PEMA 332. Mixed Martial Arts II. 1 Credit.

Intermediate techniques; building on skills learned in PEMA 331. Develops strategy, game-plan skills, training methods; increases physical strength and skills. Sequence with PEMA 331. PE activity courses are repeatable once for credit.

Course usage information

PEMA 399. Special Studies: [Topic]. 1-2 Credits.
